Engr Memo of Compliance with Conditions-AMD20180001-Leiser-Comp Plan Amend.pdfY MEMORANDUM Date: February 22, 2018 To: Brad Shipley, Associate Planner From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Bertrand Hauss, Transportation Engineer Subject: AMD20180001— Comp Plan Amendment Leiser — 24110 84' Ave W Engineering has reviewed the subject application and found the information provided is consistent with Title 18 Edmonds Community Development Code & Engineering standards. It is requested that the following be included in the staff report and recommendation to the Planning Board. The existing zoning for the subject properties is allowed under both the existing and proposed comp plan designations. For this reason, an immediate rezone of the properties would not be mandatory with any approvals to amend the comp plan. It is unknown at this time how many of the subject properties would actually apply for a rezone and therefore, it seems more appropriate to address transportation related concerns during any future rezoning of the properties. With any future rezone application, a traffic study that analyzes existing transportation conditions compared with potential transportation conditions will be required. The potential impacts should be assessed for all properties involved in the rezone, at both partial and full build out of the identified properties. The study should include analysis of nearby, effected intersections as well as road network. Please coordinate with Bertrand Hauss, City Transportation Engineer, on specific scope of the analysis. Thank you. City of Edmonds