Executed Frozen Fund Acct Vector One LLC 7-17-18.pdfDate Posted 7 Me Expires­—� - c-1 T Account No. City of Edmonds 121 5"' Avenue North - Edmonds WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 Fax (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ednwndswa.Lov DEVIILOPMENTSERVICES DEPARTMENT St. 1 �9i) I planning - Building - F"Ilgirlecrilig MAINTENANCE FROZEN FUND, AC.C,'OUNT HArrionds Permit No. PLN20120021 Project Address: 8364 Qly111)1c- VIeW Dewloper/Owner: — c'"fir "'. WHEREAS, VW-z'-vg�w,( hereinafter ref -erred to as "the Principal", has COIStIlletedand installed certain up)rovernents in connection with a ploject known as, S�l ()It a Site located at -(±L(111V11 —CA-1---- PLL 111 1 within the (..'ity of" Edmonds, and WHEREAS, in order to provide security for the obligation ofthe principal to repair or replace any irnproverrient which proves defective within ycar(s) fi-orri acceptance ot'the improvement by the City of. Edmonds herein referred to as "the City", and to enable the City to release the performance bond/fromi I'Lind account provided in connection with said improvements, this bond has been secured and is hereby submitted to the City. NOW 7711,,"REFORE', the undersi-ned principal and u, loc, "C a Financial InStItUti011 authorized to transact financial business in the State of Washington, hereinafter reFerred to as "the InSlItUnOrt", agree and bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, unto the City in the suer of - 1072.96 ------ --- lawful money of the United States, according to [he following terns and conditions: 1) The Principal and Institution agree that In the event that any of` the improvements installed by the Principal or Institution pursuant to the above referenced plans, conditions and file fail to reniain fl-ec fi-orn defects in materials, workmanship or installation or in the case of landscaping, fail to survive f'or a period of three --(jj-ycar(s) fi-orn the date of acceptance of the installation by the City, the Institution shall, upon demand ol't:hc City and the filih.117C to cure the defect within a reasonable tine as determined and specified by the City, rennt to the City within ten (10) (lays of'receipt of'Llernand for reinitiance, the arnount Uthis bond or such I OSSCL 11110 Lint as rriay he specitied in the demand. 2) If' the Principal Bails to cure any def'ect within the tinie period requested by the City, its employees and agents are hereby aLltll(.)I-Ized to enter onto said property and perform said work. This provision shall not be construed as creating in obligation oil the part of the City or its representatives. 3) 111 the event any lawsuit IS instituted by the City ot'l-I'ditionds, the Principal or the Institution to enforce the terms of'this bond or to determine the rights ol'any party hereunder, the prevailing party in Such litigation Shall be entitled to recover frorn the losirn, party its costs, Including reasonable attorneys' fees, ILICUITC(I aAS a result Of'SLICh IaWSLI1[, 6/2018 City of Edmonds Maintenance Frozen Fund Account Page Two 4) This frozen fund account or savings account shall remain in force and effect until the obligations Secured hereby have been fully pertbrined and until released in writing by the City at the, request of the, Institution or the Principal. DATE'D this i "HI day of , —1 21 7 Financial histitUti,011 4­1 Q fri t I e Mmling Address/Phone ACCOUnt Number Z—L— Developer/Owner/Prin c , ipal �M A A 0. Address Phone Number FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ACKNOWLEDGMEN'r SI'ATEI 01" WASHJ,NGTON m CO IJ NT Y 0 f-,' before ine, the under-signed,is day of 116 a. Notary Public in and fir the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared 1tj�ll) V, f to me known to be the 70 `6 -e jJj A J� the cop:)ration that executed the f I going instrument, 'in(] acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the USCS arld J)Urposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that. was Mithorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNFISS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Ij� 0 VIE V,OS N 4my"'I UB1.JC in and for - the N, :6 Stag ofWashington, residing at Gw Z (p 4, 0, Z, 1.193 "Ild1j, Op WpSkkNI It A 111SVI-depit'sT I all n i n g\S H A I tiles\BONDMainFrozen. d oc7/1 6/2018 City of Edmonds Maintenance Frozen Fund Account Page Three DE V ELOPE R/0WNE.RAC KNOW1,EDGEMENT PaftneL,1hiL STWIT OF WASHING-l-'ON ss. COUNTY Of,",`)�,IG,VAA,, t,� ) — Oil this I 1 14"1 day of' t, -e me, the under signed, 2Z.—, ,before a Notary Public in and for the State ofWashingL,ton, (July commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be the W(T`-,V`V ("(", of the general partnership that executed the 1*01-CgOlng inSIRMIC11t, and acknowledged the said HIStrUrnent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that aUth0rjZCCl to execute said instrument. WITNIESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the clay and year first above written. I NOTARY PUBLK in and for the State of Washington, residing al: 2— L, HA R P\KcrnenVTcmp1atcs\130N 1) Ma in Frozell doc7/16/201 8 4 R-,1 t w -..r : t - � r Z_ 0 s: Y �s �y,�,j ��cf '� 6$ibt �,a �'sff�p�4�¢6 i�t ��