Exhibit 1 - PLN20100022 Staff Report.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 < 425-771-0220 ® FAX 425-771-0221 Website: www.d.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION REPORT & RECOMMENDATION TO THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD Project: Point Edwards Landscape Modifications File Number: PLN20100022 Date of Report:ril 28, 2010 From: a ,F Kernen Lien, Associate Planner Public Hearing: May 5, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. Edmonds Public Safety Complex: Council Chambers 2505 1h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 I. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: The Point Edwards Condominium Development is proposing landscape modifications for the development. This application is for two separate landscape modification requests. The first request is from the Point Edwards Condominium Homeowners Association ("HOA"). The HOA is proposing to remove English laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) from the landscaping without providing a replacement species (Exhibits 2 — 4). The approved landscape plans called for Schipka laurel (Prunus laurocerasus `Schipkaensis') which grows to 4 to 5 feet in height and 7 feet in width. English laurel is a more aggressive variety of laurel that can grow to 15 — 30 feet tall and wide (Exhibit 5). As a result of the substitution, more maintenance is required to keep the English laurel in check than would be required for Schipka laurel. Landscape Services has indicated that as the landscape has matured, the area is filling in and they do not feel a replacement for the English laurel is necessary (Exhibit 3). The second request is from Point Edwards LLC ("LLC") (Exhibits 6 — 8). Upon inspection of the landscaping for Buildings 6 and 7 for the release of a landscape maintenance bond, City of Edmonds staff determined that large portions of the approved landscaping appeared to be missing (Exhibits 9 and 10). Particularly on the view side of Buildings 6 and 7 where serviceberiy (Amelanchier alnifolia) or staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) were suppose to be planted according to the approved landscape plan (Exhibit 8, Exhibit 1 PLN20100022 Incorporated Au,yust :.1 1, _1890 Sister City - Hekinan, Japan Point Edwards Landscape Modification File Number: PLN20100022 highlighted plants not present). Bruce Moe of Point Edwards LLC indicated the trees on the view side were not planted in an effort to protect views and revisions to the landscape plan were approved by the landscape architect and the City of Edmonds Planning Division (Exhibit 7). The approved landscape plans on file with the City of Edmonds show the trees were to be planted (Exhibit 11). The Point Edwards LLC is proposing to replace plants along the southern property line fence, while not planting the trees on the view side of Buildings 6 and 7 (Exhibit 8). H. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner: Point Edwards Homeowners Association 2. Applicant: Zach McInelly, Landcare Services for Point Edwards HOA Bruce Moe, for Point Edwards LLC 3. Tax Parcel Number: 27032600102600 (and others) 4. Location: 31, 41, 51, 55, 65, 61, 71, 75 Pine Street (Exhibit 12) 5. Zoning: Master Plan Hillside Mixed -Use (MP 1) (Exhibit 12) 6. Existing Use: Condominium Development. 7. Proposed Use: There is no proposed change in the use of the site. 8. Request: There are two requests with this application: a. Point Edwards Homeowners Association: Remove English laurel without replacing the removed plants with another species. (Exhibits 2 — 4) b. Point Edwards LLC: The LLC is requesting not to plant the Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) or staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) on the view side of Buildings 6 and 7, while replacing the missing landscape along the southern property boundary. (Exhibits 6 — 8) III. PUBLIC CONCERNS: Since the subject proposal is not a "Major" project (i.e. it does not trigger SEPA review), public notice was not required. To date, no public comments have been received. IV. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: This application was reviewed and evaluated by the City's Public Works Department and Engineering Division. Public Works had no comments, while the Engineering Division approved of the proposal with the following condition: Consistent with ECDC 20.13.020, trees and very large shrubs should be planted at least five feet from any water/sewer lines. Landscape plantings should reflect consideration of plantings in relation to all utility lines. In addition, plantings shall not inhibit sight distance at driveways and at entry/exit points to the Loop Road off Pine Street. (Exhibit 13) V. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: 1. Topography: The Point Edwards development sits on a hill overlooking the Port of Edmonds and Puget Sound. The portion of the site where the condominiums sit Page 2 of 6 Point Edwards Landscape Modification File Number: PLN20100022 slopes gently to the northwest, then drops off sharply towards the railroad tracks and Edmonds Marsh at the base of the property. 2. Critical Areas: Critical area reviews were conducted for the subject property in 1994 and 2002. The critical area reviews determined that studies were required due to slopes and wetlands. A geotechnical report was completed in conjunction with the development of Point Edwards and a buffer reduction to 10 feet was granted for the steep slopes. 3. SEPA Review: A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance was issued for the Point Edwards development. No further SEPA review is required for this application. VI. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The subject property sits on the old Unoco site. The site is bordered by the Town of Woodway to the south, Port of Edmonds to the northwest and the Edmonds Marsh to the northeast (Exhibit 12). Apart from Woodway to the south, the property is largely surrounded by undeveloped property. The MP2 zone to the north of the subject property is undeveloped and may become the site of Edmonds Crossing ferry terminal at some point in the future. VII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designation for this site is "Master Plan Development." The site is also located within the "Downtown Waterfront Activity Center." Pages 41 through 51 of the Comprehensive Plan contain the goals and policies applicable to the "Downtown Waterfront Activity Center." The Master Plan Development area includes the waterfront area south of Olympic Beach, including the Port of Edmonds and the Point Edwards and multi modal developments. This area is governed by the master plans for the Port of Edmonds, Point Edwards, and the Edmonds Crossing project. VIII. APPLICABLE CODES: 1. Landscapinji A. ECDC 20.13 contains the City of Edmonds landscaping requirements and ECDC 20.13.020 contains the general design standards. B. The landscape plans under review were reviewed and approved under ADB -02- 226 with the following condition: • Staff shall confirm the landscape plan has not significantly changed from the current proposal or it must return to the Board for final approval (Exhibit 14). C. Since both proposals appear to be significant changes from the approved plans, the requests to modify the landscape plans are being brought back before the ADB. Page 3 of 6 Point Edwards Landscape Modification File Number: PLN20100022 IX. STAFF ANALYSIS: Point Edwards Home Owners Association — Remove English laurel A. The approved landscape plans called for Schipka laurel (Prunus laurocerasus `Schipkaensis') while English laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) was the variety that was planted at the sight (Exhibits 11 and 3). B. Schipka laurel grows to 4 to 5 feet in height and 7 feet in width, where English laurel can grow to 15 to 30 feet in height and width (Exhibit 5). C. The increased size and aggressiveness of the English laurel has resulted in higher maintenance than would have been required from the Schipka laurel variety (Exhibit 3). D. Landscape Services has indicated the landscape at Point Edwards is maturing and filling in and the replacement of the English laurel is not necessary (Exhibit 3). E. A site visit confirms, for the most part, that the landscape is filling in and removing some of the English laurels without replacing them would not detract from the attractiveness of the landscaping. Pictures 1 and 2 of Exhibit 15 show how some of the English laurels are planted under trees or in densely landscaped areas. However, there are some areas where removal of the English laurels without replacement would leave holes in the landscape such as in Pictures 3 and 4 of Exhibit 15. F. Zack McInelly indicated the Point Edwards HOA would like to remove all of the English laurels from the landscape except for two areas where the plants screen utilities (Exhibit 3). Not all of the English laurels on the landscape plans submitted by the Point Edwards HOA were highlighted on the plans. 2. Point Edwards LLC — Landscape Maintenance Bond Plantings A. Upon inspection of the landscaping for Buildings 6 and 7 for the release of a landscape maintenance bond, City of Edmonds staff determined that large portions of the approved landscaping appeared to be missing (Exhibit 8, yellow highlights). Particularly on the view side of Buildings 6 and 7 where serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) or staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) were suppose to be planted according to the approved landscape plan (Exhibits 8 and 11). B. Bruce Moe of Point Edwards LLC indicated the trees on the view side were not planted in an effort to protect views and revisions to the landscape plan were approved by the landscape architect and the City of Edmonds Planning Division (Exhibit 7). C. The ADB approval for the Point Edwards development (ADB -02-226) states that, "Staff shall confirm the landscape plan has not significantly changed from the current proposal or it must return to the Board for final approval." (Exhibit 14) The landscape plan (Exhibit 16) and landscape schematic (Exhibit 17) from ADB - 02 -226 show trees planted on the view side of Buildings 6 and 7. The landscape plans signed off by City Staff (Exhibit 11) shows trees to be planted on the view side of Buildings 6 and 7, though not to the extent of the ADB -02-226 plans. Page 4 of 6 Point Edwards Landscape Modification File Number: PLN20100022 D. No other documentation within the ADB -02-226 file or other City files were found that indicates there is another set of approved landscape plans for Buildings 6 and 7. E. The location where the serviceberry and staghorn sumac were to be planted is located on the hillside below the lawn area of Buildings 6 and 7. The planting area on the view side of Building 6 is approximately 10 feet below the lawn area. The planting area on the view side of Building 7 is located on a bench approximately 10 feet below the lawn area. F. The Western Garden Book (Sunset Publishing Corporation 2001) indicates serviceberry grows to about 20 feet in height (Exhibit 18) and staghorn sumac grows to approximately 15 feet in height and sometimes taller (Exhibit 19). G. Given the location of the trees and the height at maturity, it is not likely these trees would significantly impact views if well maintained. H. Point Edwards LLC has agreed to replant the missing vegetation along the southern property boundary. 3. Conclusions A. Staff feels that the requested landscape modifications be partially approved and still provide landscaping as generally approved under ADB -02-226 and consistent with ECDC 20.13. X. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the analysis and attachments to this report, staff recommends APPROVAL of the requested landscape modification by the Point Edwards Homeowners Association (removal of the English laurels); and DENIAL of the request for landscape modification from Point Edwards LLC (Building 6 and 7 trees). XI. EXHIBITS: 1. Staff Report to ADB 2. Point Edwards HOA Land Use Application 3. Applicant's Statement — Zack McInelly, Landcare Services 4. Point Edwards HOA Landscape Plans 5. Laurel information from Western Garden Book 6. Point Edwards LLC Land Use Application 7. Applicant's Statement — Bruce Moe, Point Edwards LLC 8. Point Edwards LLC Landscape Plan 9. Letter from Kernen Lien regarding maintenance bond inspection 10. Maintenance Bond Release Form 11. City Approved Landscape Plans for Buildings 6 and 7 12. Zoning and Vicinity Map 13. Engineering Division Comments 14. ADB -02-226 Approval Page 5 of 6 15. Pictures of English laurel in current landscaping 16. ADB -02-226 Landscape Plans for Buildings 6 and 7 17. ADB -02-226 Landscape Schematic for Buildings 6 and 7 18. Serviceberry information from Western Garden Book 19. Staghorn sumac information from Western Garden Book XII. PARTIES OF RECORD: Point Edwards Homeowners Association 85 Pine Street Edmonds, WA 98020 Bruce Moe Point Edwards LLC 2801 Alaskan Way #107 Seattle, WA 98121 Point Edwards Landscape Modification File Number: PLN20100022 Zack McInelly Landcare Services PO Box 3493 Bellevue, WA 98009 Planning Division Engineering Division Page 6 of 6