Exhibit 3 - Email from Jan and Anneli Avatare.pdfMachuga, Jen From: J. Avatare <mailfromyou04@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:19 PM To: aavatare@yahoo.com; Machuga, Jen Subject: Building Permit Public Response - 196th St. SW, Edmonds Hi Jen, We are residents located in Copperfield on 7823 196th St. SW in Edmonds, WA. We would like to provide feedback regarding proposed permit changes to business next door. Because of the high traffic on 196th street, it would be hard to enter and exit business complex without causing traffic jam in the middle lane, thus making it harder for residents of Copperfield townhouses. Right now we have to wait for some time to turn to 196th due to high traffic. If there would be more cars coming in and out from the business complex, that would delay our turns plus other cars waiting behind us slowing down 196th street. Our driveway entrance is narrow, so if someone wants to turn in from 196th street and another car waits to get to 196th at the same time, Copperfield car has to back up to let a car into our complex to avoid back up of cars on 196th. Another concern we have is noise if permit is allowed. If the operating hours are extended and customers will show up, we have to deal with constant car noise, extra pollution and loudness of people. We already deal with 196th St. high traffic noise every day. Please consider voting down this request. Thank you, Jan and Anneli Avatare EXHIBIT 3