Exhibit 4 - Statement from Owner 2-8-18.pdfHearing Examiner Meeting
"Customer Oriented Offices" Conditional Use Permit
February 8, 2018
Hello. My name is Courtney Williams and my father Ken Williams and I are requesting a Conditional Use
Permit for Customer Oriented Offices for the buildings in the RM 2400 zoned portion of our property
located at 7833 and 7831 196`' St SW, Edmonds.
We agree with the City of Edmond's conclusion in their "Report and Recommendation to the Hearing
Examiner" that the proposal should be approved.
Under the Edmond's code, Customer Oriented Offices are encouraged in RM Zones:
In the Edmond's Staff report, under IX. Comprehensive Plan, page 6: "......one of the
purposes of the RM zones is "to provide for those additional uses which complement and are
compatible with multiple residential uses." This is followed by the city's conclusion "Customer -
Oriented Offices are compatible with the multi -family development in the vicinity of the subject
After leasing the two buildings for 28 years we view this permit allowing Customer Oriented Offices as
an opportunity to lease and locate businesses and organizations that will have a much greater impact
on the community than the organizations allowed currently under the original 1991 Conditional Use
Just a few examples of important organizations that the new permit will allow us to lease to and that
complement and are compatible with multiple -residential uses: therapists, artists, doctors, lawyers,
Certified Public Accountants, Real Estate Brokers, Mortgage companies, cultural based organizations and
even community based organizations such as the United Way or Volunteers of America.
The uses under Customer Oriented Offices will complement and serve the immediate and surrounding
communities including Edmonds and Lynnwood. These uses are highly beneficial because they offer
important needed services for the people living in the area. Also, the services for nearby residents will
be more convenient (especially for transportation challenged people).
It is important to note these types of organizations are NOT allowed under the existing Conditional Use
Permit. Even though we have been approached many times over the years by businesses and
organizations that would qualify under Customer Oriented Offices we have had to deny each one of
these tenancies because our original 1991 Conditional Use Permit did not include this right.
As another important point, the property provides both safe and convenient access for Customer
Oriented Offices. Referring to the Edmond's Staff report, the property is located on 196`h Street, which is
a road designed to serve such potential tenants and will provide easy access to customers. Also, as
noted by the city, the existing paved portion of the parking lot provides adequate parking for the new
We also note that we agree with Edmonds that the Conditional Use Permit for Customer Oriented
Offices be transferable and will "run with the land."
Lastly, my father and I would like to express our appreciation for all the people at the City of Edmonds
who contributed to this proposal and especially to Jennifer Machuga, Associate Planner, for her
extensive work on this matter.
Thank you for listening.
Courtney & Ken Williams