ExtensionDecision_V-06-116.pdf PLANNING DIVISION EXTENSION REQUEST: DECISION To: File # V-2006-116 From : Gina Coccia, Planner Date: DECEMBER 28, 2007 File: V-2006-116 I.INTRODUCTION A.Application 1.Applicant: Dennis Walcker (Attachment 1). 2.Site Location: 742 Daley Street. 3.Request: An extension of an approved (Reasonable Use) Variance for stream buffer width reduction to allow the construction of one single family residence in the Single Family Residential (RS-6) zone. Review Process: Extension of Time, Planning Staff makes final decision. 4. 5.Major Issues: a.Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.85 (Variances). b.Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.95 (Application and Staff Review). B.Description of Proposal The applicant has submitted an application and a letter requesting an extension to their Variance approval for one year. Approval for the Variance was issued on December 6, 2006 and was set to expire on December 6, 2007. ExtensionDecision_V-06-116.doc / December 28, 2007 / Staff Report Walcker Variance – Extension Request File No. V-2006-116 Page 2 of 4 C.Decision APPROVE Based on statements of Fact, Conclusions and Attachments in this report, we the extension request with the following conditions: 1.The extension will be valid until December 6, 2008. Please note that this is the only extension of time that will be permitted for this project. 2.This application is subject to the applicable requirements contained in the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance with the various provisions contained in these ordinances. II.FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSTIONS A.Facts: 1.Dennis Walcker received approval of file V-2006-116 on November 28, 2006. This request was for a reasonable use variance to reduce the standard stream buffer width along the property in order to allow the construction of one single family house in the Single Family Residential (RS-6) zone. 2.A request for reconsideration was received on November 29, 2006. 3.After reviewing the request, the Hearing Examiner reaffirmed his decision (but acknowledged a typographical error) on December 6, 2006. Therefore, the variance would set to expire one year from this date, on December 6, 2007. 4.Edmonds Community Development Code section 20.85.020.C states that “The approved variance must be acted on by the owner within one year from the date of approval or the variance shall expire and be null and void, unless the owner files an application for an extension of time before the expiration and the city approves the application.” 5.No substantial changes have occurred in the neighborhood. 6.The extension request was filed on November 15, 2007, prior to the expiration date of the variance application (Attachment 1). 7.No public comments have been received. 8.The code allows for an extension of approval of variances. 9.The initial time frame for the variance permit is one-year, which is generally adequate time to file proper building permits. B.Conclusions: 1.Staff has determined that this is a timely application. 2.No substantial changes have occurred in the neighborhood that would affect the outcome of a conditional use request. 3.The extension should be granted for an additional one-year period. 4.Therefore, the extension is valid until December 6, 2008. ExtensionDecision_V-06-116.doc / December 28, 2007 / Staff Report Walcker Variance – Extension Request File No. V-2006-116 Page 3 of 4 III.PARTIES OF RECORD Dennis Walcker Planning Division PO Box 996 Lynnwood WA 98046 IV.ATTACHMENT 1.Extension request V.VICINITY / ZONING MAP Site: 742 Daley Street ExtensionDecision_V-06-116.doc / December 28, 2007 / Staff Report Walcker Variance – Extension Request File No. V-2006-116 Page 4 of 4 VI.RECONSIDERATION AND APPEALS The following is a summary of the deadlines and procedures for filing reconsideration’s and appeals. Any person wishing to file or respond to a recommendation or appeal should contact the Planning Department for further procedural information and fees. A.Request for Reconsideration Section 20.95.050.B.2 allows for the staff to reconsider their decision or recommendation if a written request is filed within ten (10) working days of the date of the initial decision. The reconsideration request should cite specific references to the findings and/or the criteria contained in the ordinances governing the type of application being reviewed. B.Appeals Section 20.105.020.A & B describe how appeals of a staff decision or recommendation shall be made. The appeal shall be made in writing, and shall include the decision being appealed along with the name of the project and the date of the decision, the name of the individual or group appealing the decision, their interest in the matter, and reasons why the appellant believes the decision to be wrong. The appeal must be filed with the Community Development Director within 14 calendar days after the date of the decision being appealed. C.Time Limits for Reconsideration and Appeals The time limits for Reconsiderations and Appeals run concurrently. If a request for a reconsideration is filed before the time limit for filing an appeal has expired, the time “clock” for filing an appeal is stopped until a decision on the reconsideration request is completed. Once the Hearing Examiner has issued his decision on the reconsideration request, the time clock for filing an appeal continued for the point it was stopped. For example, if a request is filed on day 5 of the appeal period, an individual would have 9 more days in which to file an appeal after the Hearing Examiner issues his decision on the reconsideration request. ExtensionDecision_V-06-116.doc / December 28, 2007 / Staff Report