Feb 15 2013-Blueline civil response comments.pdfebruary 15, 20:13
it ariiie McC'lomnell
City of [ ' Edmcmids
121 51h Ave I',,)
11111dri um id,,,a, WA 98020
RE Subdivision File M pti-0)070018
Project. Woodway Elementary TWO 27 lot Mat
Project Address: 23708 1,04th Ave W
Response to City of Edrnonds
Bluellm,,, Job No. 06-033
Jeanie Mc(°orrnelL
This letteris, in response to your review of the Wo�o�dway Elementary Froject datedJanuary 17, 2013. The plans have
been revised per your requested revisions. Beim is a list of each cornment with oiiii, r&s'ponses in hold.
Resporisesto corriment letter dated January 1.'7, 2013
1, Please provide arra itemized engtneers cost estimate, including, Units and unit roric(-'.s, for both on- site and off-
slte (rigl"it-of-way) irnprovenrients, includkig ail utilities, traffic control, IqGPA fenelng mid
rc,-stc)v,atioi"i/eriliancG�ri-,iei,ilplantiiag,g, Flieaseuse the htiiigCoiuiit.yS'iteRich .,rrovei,iieri,tBorrdQi,.i�,iritity
Worksheet and utilize the "write-in" sections where appropriate,
* A bond is required to be placed for art erosion control measures, right-of-way and storri'mater management
iinprovenients. Posting a bond for stormwater systems applies to subdivisionsthat Involve 7,000 square
feet or more of land disturbing activity and as well as on projects In a critical area or buffer illdUdirig
ESLHA. The arnount of the bond will be based on 1-20% of the Gity approved estimate. The City will Mforrn
you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estinrate. Please obtain the appropriate
subdivision irriproverrient bond formas front the City.
* If you intend to post a bond in order to record the sut)divislon, the bond arriounif wlit be based on, the entire
scope of the project.
* Inspection fees for this project wiII be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved estirnate for all
Updated KC Bond Quantity Worksheet is attached,,
L Please add a note, to plans stating "A separate right-of-way constr=tiOn permit is required for all work within
the city right-of-way. A ROW permit application with contractor's signatUre shall be provided to the city,
Note added to Sl reet 1,.
2, Please provide a written response from the geatech that the civil plans, are consistent with the geotecl,'l report.
Geotechnical En6fineer review letter is concurrently submitted.
3. Please include a traffic control and haul route plan on a civil plan <>beef for review arid approval.
A traffic control & haul route plan is now provided on Sheet 13.
4. Provide a street lighting plan,
Street lighting locations shown on sheet 8 and Landscape plans. LighLs may frx) public (PUD) or private, final
design will be provided as a deferreW submittal.
5. Provide a dry Utility ClVit plan sheet,
PLIDjoirr utility phn'to be prowided by PUD once c(mnpleted.
6. Provide a sigii iage and striping plan °a.
ftnage and Strlpft Mail now pirovided or) Sheel 6.
B1 A 1EUNE 2�" CI "i T FUM VIVAY 1.L I (I E fl,)() K RMANt 1 YVA 9AW! 3 I i r r (i:,? 1, ,' l 6G (f I I A X, 4 2 F , 2 1 l � /l 0 , :" I ir I F Eo r N f l-" f V N E k � R 0 I'd I "i ,cP M
7. Please note, these review comments do not address the entire stormwater review. Additional comments may
be noted pursuant to our scheduled meeting on January 22nd and subsequent completion of the stormwater
review by Jerry Shuster.
Stormwater review is included below.
S. Please provide OVWSD approval of the water and sewer plans prior to final civil approval.
OVWSD approved water and sewer plans included.
Minimum Requirements ECDC 16.30.060 A. 1_ -10.
1.1 Full infiltration is proposed, see clarifications needed related to the proposed pit drains in item 4(L)1 -below.
See attached Geotechnical memo prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. dated February 14, 2013, for
additional pit drain evaluation.
12 Upstream run on is accounted for in calculations, but how it is to be routed to the street system is not in plans.
Figure DC in the Storm Drainage Report shows the off-site flows being conveyed though lot 11. The civil
drawings should include the piping and appurtenances that will capture this off-site flow and convey it to the
street system, including sizing calculations.
Piping and appurtenances for upstream run-on conveyance now included on Sheet S. Analysis of the entire
onsite conveyance system was performed including offsite upstream run-on, included in Section 3 of the
previously submitted Storm Drainage Report, The conveyance system containing the upstream run-on will
meet the minimum requirements (12" at 0.6% min. slope) described in Section 3 (p. 342) of the previously
submitted Storm Drainage Report.
1.7 Page 3-7 of the Storm Drainage Report states that the overflow route for the proposed infiltration facility is
directly tight -lined to the storm drainage system on 237th Pl SW. Provide more detailed information on the
overflow system.
The designed 100 -year elevation within the infiltration vault is 5.22' + 319.00 W elev. 324.22; the vault ceiling
is at elev 326.50. The conveyance system is designed to overflow into the existing tight -lined system in 237th
PI SW at elev. 326.42. Please see Sheets S and 12.
1.9 Describe how 0&M responsibility will be transferred to Homeowners association; City Council approved
preliminary plat with the condition of 5 -year maintenance bond -explain how this will be implemented.
Maintenance bonding conditions can be described on face of plat and HOA covenant; maintenance bonds will
be in place prior to final plat recording.
AdditionallModified uirements ppr Hearing Examiner's_DeciAjon (3/7 201.2).
® "Page 3-3 of Storm Drainage Report states the developed condition assumes 90% impervious coverage for
the ROW. A breakdown of the proposed impervious and pervious surfaces shall be presented as follows:
P blicRight-of-Way S uare Feet
1. Road (incl. curb & gutter)
2. Sidewalk
3, Pervious
Private Property
1. Driveways/Walkways/patios
2. Roofs"
Impervious areas chart now included on Sheet S, RS -01.
d Additional information is required on how the proposed pit drains will affect the design infiltration rate, see
item 4.(Q1. below.
Pit drain design information included in attached Geotechnical memo prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,
Inc. dated February 14, 2013.
Response to City of Edmonds Page 2
Proiect 0verview_Narr_ative
3 (C) The report should discuss the finished elevations of the lots compared to the adjacent properties. The intent
will be to determine if any of the developed lots on the proposed development will be running off onto adjacent
properties and possibly causing drainage problems where not exist today.
Individual lot pad elevations are included on Sheet 4. As feasible, runoff from the developed lots will be
collected and conveyed to the onsite infiltration vault. The developed lots will not contribute increased flows to
adjacent properties. Some minor rear lot drainage may continue to sheetflow runoff from the site to adjacent
properties; however the flows will be greatly reduced from the current drainage oonditions/flow-patterns.
3(K) 1, Figure DC (developed time of concentration) shows the off-site flow from the north passing though the most
northwesterly parcel in the PRD. It is unclear how this lot will accommodate this flow passing through to the
PRD storm system and have a house on it. Provide the proposed infrastructure for this lot to accommodate the
flow and the house (See item 1.2 above).
Piping for upstream run-on conveyance now included on Sheet 8, see comment response 1.2 above.
4 (C) The model assumes 80% of the future lawn area will be on Type A soils with a relatively low curve number (will
produce very little runoff). The curve number for all the lawn should reflect the proposed post -development
condition such as the type of topsoil mix placed and whether the lawns will be from sod that may be grown on
clay (Type D) soils.
The proposed project will not bring in or amend the post -developed soils with clay; the project will utilize the
onsite soils as much as possible; additional compost may be imported for post -construction soil amendment.
The use of sod or seeding will be applied to landscape areas on a case by case basis (i.e. time of year of
completion). The under laying soils will maintain a relatively high hydraulic conductivity with either the use of
sod or seeding.
4(L) 1. Provide more information on the effect of installing the pit drains and how the number and spacing will be
Additional pit drain design information included in attached Geotechnical memo prepared by Associated Earth
Sciences, Inc. dated February 14, 2013.
4(L) 3. The Storm Drainage Report should state whether the infiltration facility needs to or does not need to be
registered with the state Department of Ecology under the underground injection control (UIC) program. If not,
the reason(s) for not registering should be stated.
Pit drain and infiltration information regarding UIC DOE regulations is included in attached Geotechnical memo
prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. dated February 14, 2013.
Plan View- Drainage Conveyance
5 (B) Identify material for all pipes; pipe material not called out.
Pipe material added to Sheet 8.
Plan View & Details- Retention/ Detention UD) & Water Qualit
S (F) Show location and detail of emergency overflow
Updated drainage system includes backflow preventers (check valve) added to the individual lot drain system
that are near or below the overflow elevation, see sheet 8 and 11. Location of overflow route is via 12"
between 01311 and EXCB, shown on Sheets 8 and 9. See additional comment response 1.7 above.
Plan View: Other
7 (B) Show locations of structures on abutting properties within 25 feet of proposed project site.
Approximate offsite structure locations now depicted on plan set.
Response to City of Edmonds Page 3
l 25 CENTRAI. WAY SHff 400 KIRKLAND WA %033 i TEL 425-216 401. FAX ,25-21.6-4052 1 THEBLUE INEGPiO COM
l3lanning DiOsion cornn"iei its maie pmvided on December 21, 201.2 am.1 can also be fouri(,] attached, Please
conLacl, Kernein Il.reri dk'ectly With any quesd(MS You rnay liave. He (,!,,an be ieachecl ��.A 425. 771-0220 or by
enlad FA
Hearing ExamirwWs Condition 15:
1. Temporary fencling for tree prote(ftion and I ta(A E are shown on sheet A and la rtftape lAan
2. Fina,1 iam:lscape- plan included in plan set.
p i!e-aring Eksoniner's July 20, 2007 Conditions:
8. Fence along'Tract E included on sireet 8 and Landscape plaits. Signagc, note added to sheet 8.
11. Arborist evaluation letter included.
14. Final Landscape plat) for entry ar0a lll(Alded, RnW subd[visron entry sign to be subinftted at a later date.
Hearing Emminer's Reptiand September 1.1, 2007 OmdIMms:
Ia. Notes for solki wood fence added to sheet 4. and 8.
1c. Fin@] landscape phin with wildfife biologist evaluations provided.
S05A MONS April 19,2007 Conditions:
1. (Dertified arborist evaluation letter provided.
2. ("erti-fiedarbgrist letter provV(lesevaltiatior`iofcut bau"ikalorig'lrac,tE.
3. "Open Space" signage note added to sheet 8.
4. 4'1`yl.)(:; 11 landscape screeir with rninhimat planting sizes shown on final landscape plan,
Hearing Examinev"s Remand Decision March.1,29, 20 ,12 Conditions:
6. Applicant will provide evAmtion denionstrafing conaphance with the defirduort of "useable open space"
priorto final plat approval (finFil plat submittal).
Additiona I herrn.,
J., 'i rack numbering revisedto letteringsystern to rnatch preliminary plat approval.
2. Rookery and 4' high black chain linea face removed,
1. Note utility purveyors
Utility purveyors added to the Cover Sheet.
1- As this is the existing conditions map, please showall trees in one firte type shade.
Tree shade line types updated on Sheet 3.
1. Revise sheet title to also include demolition.
Sheet, 4 title revised to inckide demolition.
2. Show locatior-i of existing street light and note required relocation.
Street light rrotes added tri Sheets 4 avid 8.
3. Show stockpile looatlon and lndicate requirements to keep it Covered,
Stockpfle tocation and requirernents rwte added to Sheet 4
IL Show,job Shack loc.:atlon, if any
Prqposed job shack location ri rote added to ",sheet: 4
Req,,,)oinse U') (3ity of Edrrtonds Page 4
L kJ E I I N CrUr[WQ, VP011 �A,M 11)0 KIRVAANI) VM JB(Y,10 1 (HI,
5. There is an existing chain link fence surrounding the site. Will this fence remain in place during construction?
If so, please show on the plan sheet.
Note added to Sheet 4 for the existing fence to remain or be replaced.
6_ There are a few existing trees located within the right-of-way to either side of the proposed plat entrance.
Show location of trees on this plan sheet and indicate whether they are to remain or not.
One significant tree within the right -of way near the entrance to the site will be removed, and one tree within
the right -of way near the entrance to the site will remain; note added to Sheet 4.
7. Tree protection measures are to be shown on this pian. Where trees are to be maintained barrier fencing shall
be placed at the drip line of the tree in order to protect the root system.
Barrier fencing callout added to trees to remain; reference to arborist letter also added.
Sheet 8 - RSn01 m- MQ & EORM DRAINAGE PIAN
1. Add reference to road sections provided on Sheet Ria -02.
Reference added to Sheet 8.
2. Callout and reference standard details provided in plan set for curb & gutter, sidewalk, ramps, etc.
Callouts and references added to Sheet 8.
3. An asphalt sawcut is noted in 237th PI SW at the entrance to the plat. Please revise the note to state 2 -foot
minimum cut is required beyond the curb/gutter,
Note updated accordingly on Sheet S.
4. All new storm pipe shall be 12" in diameter.
Storm pipe between CB 10 and Ex- CB updated to 12". All new storm pipe is now 12".
5. The existing 8" storm pipe between Ex. CB and EX. CBMH shall be replaced with 12" pipe
Note added to Sheet 8.
6. Callout storm pipe material on this plan sheet or on the drainage profile sheets.
Storm pipe material added to Sheet 8.
7. Plans indicate the existing luminaire is to be relocated. Please indicate where the light post will be relocated
to. This relocation may be better shown on the street lighting plan.
Proposed luminaire location now shown on Sheet 8, and on Landscape plans.
8. Add a label identifying Tract 998_
Tract B (998) label added to Sheet 8, revised to match preliminary plat.
9. Impervious Areas chart: Provide a breakdown for road and each single family residence (showing house and
driveway separate)_ This information will also need to be shown on the face of the recording documents_
Impervious Areas Chart added to Sheet 8-
1. Storm drain Tract 997 profile -
a. Add reference to oil/water separator detail provided on Sheet VT -01.
b. Add reference to Aqua -Swirl detail provided on Sheet RD -02 -
References added to Sheet 9.
105th PI W profile -
a- Ex CBMH - Provide i.e. for pipe to south
b. Note changes in 8" pipe to 12" pipe
Existing pipe and change from 8" to 12" now shown on Sheet 9.
Response to City of Edmonds Page 5
BLUELINE 25 CENTRALWAY SUITE/100 KfRKLAND WA 913033 TO 425.2.0-4059- FAX 425-216 4052 1 4HEULUEt.INEGRUUP.t OM
1_ Remove standard detail E2.23 for Type 3 and Type 4 curb ramps. Use WSDOT standard detail for the curb
ramps at the new intersection.
Detail updated on Sheet 10,
2. Update standard detail E4.2 with the more current standard detail found on the City's website_
Detail updated on Sheet 10-
3. Provide a standard detail for the rolled curb catch basin frame and grate.
Detail now provided on Sheet 10.
1. Depending on the sequence of construction for the subdivision improvements and the single family homes,
some consideration should be given to the installation of an ATB road base with final lift at or near completion
of the development project.
ATB to be used; section revised on Sheet 11.
2. The WSDOT standard detail for a combination curb ramp includes a planter strip. Please revise to detail F-
40.15 -01 -
Detail updated on Sheet 11.
1. Please renumber plan sheets so they fall in line with the main civil plan set. With this, a duplicate cover sheet
would also not be necessary.
Sewer and Water plans have been approved by OVSWD with previous numbering and cannot be renumbered.
2. Please revise the 237th PI SW profile to also include the City stormwater system.
Stormwater system shown on Sheet SS -01.
1. Revise the profile of Tract 997 to also include the storm system improvements.
Profile now includes proposed storm system.
1. Clearly indicate the installation of the DCVA for the irrigation meter to be on private property.
Meter shown outside of ROW line on OVWSD approved water and sewer plans.
2. Ina couple locations water meters and service lines are shown to be inclose proximity to the storm main and
catch basins. Please ensure a minimum 5 -feet of separation is provided.
5 -ft separation verified.
3. In the City of Edmonds water utility district, water services are required to be 1" instead of 3/4" in order to meet
fire protection requirements. While this project falls within the OVWSD, the fire protection requirements remain
the same. Any homes over 3000sf will be required to install fire sprinkler systems and typically a 1" service
and meter is the minimum required to provide sufficient flow. Please verify what is necessary for your project_
1" meter shown on OVWSD approved water and sewer pians.
1. Please provide as signage and striping plan. This additional information could be included in the alignment
Signage and Striping detail now provided on Sheet 6.
Response to City of Edmonds Page 6
BLUELINE 25 OFNII RAL WAY SU17 400 KIRKI_ANU WA 58033 TEL 425-21-6-4051 FAX 425-216-4052 I IHEBLUELI NE(tROURCOM
2, The stop sign and street riemie signs shaH rioL be on dm same post. rhe street. naau,,, sign shaH spcxJficaly
3 girate 2- 7th F1 SW and 106th F I W, Flease note on the plans thatthis street narne, sign (not the pcYA) MH
be! �,H,oviclecf by the My
Note, added to Sigmage and Stdph'igdetafl proMed our Sheet 6
Note added to Sigump arid Striping detil provkled cm Stieet 6.
Ideae c2H or email rne with any clUestrons or m icerns. 1i can be reached at (425) 216-4051)Q23 oir
Rob Long, PE
Pro.ject M urage, r
Res[,mnse to City of Edmionds
BL (J �E �L � N L, C�" N I I U)" ! M HF 100 KIfrK [' Pd"D VaA , 'P"a�31 2, 1 [ L j , I W'FA
Page 7