Final Punch List.7.14.14.pdfZulauf, JoAnne
From: Zulauf, JoAnne
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:49 PM
Subject: Swedish Main Extension
Hi Nick,
Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you. Swedish has had me up to my neck in the reviews for the ACC.
The following items need to be corrected for the Main Extension project.
Sta 207+39.05 — old valve box not removed
Sta 207+37.56, 7.2 RT— no valve can on valve in A/V box— needs paint on piping and marker post
Sta 205+14.44, 10.0 RT— no valve can on valve in A/V box — needs paint on piping and marker post
Sta 302+89.26, 6.0 LT — asphalt in south valve box of three
Sta 302+50.00 - needs concrete pad around hydrant
Sta 302+60 — location of hydrant removal-backfill under and against sidewalk
Sta 299+65.24, 30.4 LT— needs concrete pad around hydrant
Sta 303+00 — valve lid too high, needs to be brought to grade (north valve in cluster)
Sta 300+00 — remove sock from basin
Sta 205+10 — asphalt debris, area around box not backfilled, clean up and add compost amended soils.
The asphalt temp patch on 216th that we spoke about earlier does not need a permanent patch. Our crews plan to
open it up in the next couple of months.
I have received the maintenance bond and all the corresponding inspection and materials testing reports.
Please let me know as soon as the above items have been addressed and we will reinspect.
JoAnne Zulauf I Senior Engineering Technician
Engineering Division I City of Edmonds
121 5ch Ave N I Edmonds, Wa 98020
425.771.0220 x 1324 1 FAX 425.672.5750