Final Review Cover Letter recd 6-29-18.pdfOMEGA
7-707 Wetmore Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
t 425.387.3820
f 47-5.259-11958
May 31, 2018 E C
Jennifer Machuga 1 ,N 9 211
Associate Plannerr
City of Edmonds
RE: Cover Letter for Ritter SP — Final Short Plat Review.
Permit Application #: PLN20120021
Dear Jennifer,
This letter is being provided to document how each condition of preliminary approval for this
project have been meet. The preliminary approval letter dated January 23, 2013 was used,
specifically Section B on pages 2 & 3 of that document. Each specific condition is provided
below along with a response (in italics) as to how the condition has been or will be met As
requested this letter is being prepared and submitted to the City to provide the basic justification
for the request to defer construction of the Short Plat improvements for this project until the time
of Lot A building permit application approval.
Follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared for the subject property
by Liu and Associates dated September 26, 2005 as well as the addendums and
supplemental letters prepared by Liu and Associates, dated April 14„ 2006, July 27„
2012, and November 26, 2012 (Attachments 7 and 1). Additionally, the
recommendations of any subsequently approved geotechnical reports must also be
The approved civil construction plans for this project were prepared following the
recommendations of the project geotechnical engineer, Julian Liu. In addition, Mr Liu
provided an additional review letter detailing his review of the construction plan set and
vegetation management plan for this project. The conclusion in this letter is that the
design plans were in compliance with the applicable ECDE and that the vegetation
management plan for the project was acceptable. All of this information was provided to
the City prior to the issuance of the engineering plan approval.
2. Any tree cutting on the site must be consistent with the requirements of ECDC 18.45 and
the 30%native vegetation requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C. A tree cutting plan shall
be submitted and approved with the civil plans for removal of trees impacted by the
subdivision improvements. Any tree cutting proposed on the site that is not a hazardous
situation and/or not necessary as part of the subdivision improvements shall be reviewed
at the time of building permit application review or through the appropriate land use
permit application and review. All trees that are to be retained during the development
process must be protected according to the performance standards found in ECDC
18.45.050.H. If during construction it is realized that certain trees that were planned to
be retained will be damaged due to the construction activities, replacement at a one-to-
one ratio will be required per ECDC 18.45.050.F.
WR so
2707 Wetmore Avenue
Everett, WA 982011
t 425.387.3820
425.259.1 958
The vegetation management plan was submitted and approved along with the civil
construction plans for this project. The harzardous tree removal and mitigation has been
completed, and a compliance letter has been submitted to the City for review. In
addition, a bond will be in place for native plantings, amount to be determined by the
City, prior to final short plat approval. Since this project has been approved to defer the
site improvements the bond will be available during the building permit phases to ensure
replanting/mitigation as required in this condition if not completed by the
3. Prior to recording, the applicant must complete the following requirements:
a) Civil plans must be approved prior to recording. In completing the civil plans, you must
address the following:
(1) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of
Subdivision" on Attachment 22.
The conditions provided in Attachment 22 have been deferred to the time of
building permit for Lot A. The approved engineering plans have been provided to
show how this project will meet the conditions contained in Attachment 22
however, most items will be completed after final short plat recording as allowed in
the deferral approval.
(2) The applicant must submit a plan that shows how the project complies with the
30% native vegetation requirement ofECDC 23.90.040.C. For further direction,
see section 11.F of this report.
As noted above a vegetation management plan was submitted, reviewed and
approved along with the civil construction plans for this project.
(3) Retaining walls located within minimum required setback areas shall not exceed
three feet in height over original grade.
The grading design for this project was submitted as part of the civil construction
plans and approved by the City Staff. The plans show all the necessary retaining
walls and any wall over 3-feet in height was designed outside the minimum
required setback areas.
b) Make the following revisions to the plat:.
(1) Indicate the locations of all new easements and provide easement descriptions
and maintenance provisions for all new easements.
The final short plat submitted for City review contains this information,.
(2) Include a statement on the face of the plat stating the following: "The site is
subject to the 30% native vegetation requirements of ECDC 23.90.040.C. All lots
2707 Wetmore Avenue
Everett, WA 982011
t 425.387.3820
f 425_259.'1958
shall retain and/or establish native vegetation as detailed in the native vegetation
plan approved by the City of Edmonds. This plan may be modified by the property
owner(s) with approval by the Planning Division."
The above required statement is included on the face of the final short plat map
submitted to the City for review.
(3) Indicate the gross and net areas of each lot on the final plat. The net areas of all
lots shall be a minimum of 12,000 square feet.
The gross and net areas for each lot are noted/shown on the final short plat map
submitted to the City for review.
(4) If setbacks are to be included on the plat, confirm that setbacks are shown
consistently with Section II.A.4 of this report and add the following statement to
the face of the plat: "Setbacks shown are for reference only and vest no right."
The final short plat map shows the necessary setbacks per Section II.A.4 and also
includes the required statement provided above.
(5) Add to the face of the plat: "Conditions of approval must be met and can be found
in the approval for the short subdivision located in File No. PLN20120021 in the
City of Edmonds Planning Division."
The conditions of approval note above has been added to the final short plat map
submitted to the City for review.
(6) Include on the plat all required information, including owner's certification, hold
harmless agreement, and Planning Division and Engineering Division staffs
approval blocks.
All of the requested information noted above along with any other information the
surveyor has deemed necessary is included on the final short plat map submitted
to the City for review.
c) Make sure all documents to be recorded meet the Snohomish County Auditor's
requirements for recording.
The final short plat map submitted to the City for review has been laid out to meet the
Snohomish County Auditor's requirements.
d) Submit an updated copy of the title report (short plat certificate) with the documents
proposed to be recorded. The title report must be prepared within 30 days of submittal
for final review.
2707 Wetmore Avenue
Everett, WA 00201
t 425.307.3020
f 425_259.1050
An updated title report is being provided along with this submittal package.
e) Submit two copies of the documents to be recorded for the Planning Division and
Engineering Division's approval. Once approved, the documents must be recorded with
the Snohomish County Auditor's office.
Two copies of all the required submittal documents are being provided for the City to
4, After recording the plat, the applicant must complete the following:
a) Provide the City Planning Division with three copies of the recorded plat, with the
recording number written on them. The City will not consider the subdivision to have
been completed until this is done.
Once the final short plat has been recorded with the Snohomish County Auditor, three
copies of the recorded plans with AFN will be provide to the City..
b) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of Building
Permit" on Attachment 22.
The necessary conditions in Attachment 22 will be completed at the time of building
permit along with the deferred items approved to be completed at that time as well.
Thank you for taking the time to review this submittal package for the final short plat review.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Joseph M. Smeby, P.E.
Principle Engineer