Fire Lane Standards EDM 2018-1.pdf°V EDN
Updated: Jan 2018
NOTE: Detailed plans must be submitted, and approved, prior to painting any new fire lane or
modifying any existing fire lane.
Fire Lanes must:
1) Be a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet and minimum unobstructed vertical clearance of 13
feet, 6 inches. *Fire lanes shall be a minimum of 26 feet wide in the immediate vicinity of any
building over 30 feet in height above grade. Such fire lanes shall be located a minimum of 15 feet
and a maximum of 25 feet from the building.
2) Provide Fire Department access to within 150 feet of any portion of an un-sprinkled building. In
buildings that provided with an automatic sprinkler, access may be increased, at the discretion of
the Fire Marshal.
3) Provide Fire Department access to all on -site fire hydrants and fire department connections (FDC)
for sprinkler and standpipe. A hydrant must be located to within 25' of a fire department
4) Have adequate turning radius to allow maneuvering of fire apparatus: inside radius 25 feet,
outside radius 45 feet.
5) Be circulating or have an approved turn -around if over 150 feet long. Have grades of no more
than 12%.
6) Be paved with asphalt or approved equivalent and be capable of supporting the imposed loads of
fire apparatus.
7) Be marked with words "FIRE LANE — NO PARKING." Words to be painted on the pavement
inside the lane. Letters to be a minimum of 12" high, 2" stroke, yellow in color, and alternately
spaced every 50 feet.
8) Have perimeter striping/curbing to delineate the boundaries of the Fire Lane. Striping to be a
minimum of 4 inches wide and striping/curbing to be yellow in color.
9) When required by the Fire Marshal, signs shall be used in addition to or in lieu of striping.
Signs, when approved, shall meet the following requirements:
a) Size: 18" high x 12" wide (min.)
b) Mounting: Bottom of sign 48" to 60" above grade.
c) Style: Industry standard (Vulcan %7-6-9, Rainbow 01-527, EMED TC 18816 or approved
d) Color: Red lettering on white background
e) Spacing: 50' between signs or as required by Fire Marshal.
10) Fire lanes shall be established by these requirements to provide access to buildings during
construction, alteration or demolition.
Fire Code Supplemental Rules and Regulations are designated interpretations of the adopted International Fire Code, Edmonds Community
Development Code and national standards allowed by IFC 102.7,102.8 and 102.9 and ECDC 19.25 which provide specifics and details to aid in
conformance with the intent of the governing laws, statutes, ordinances and fire- and life safety -related requirements.