City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: April 25, 2007
TO: Edmonds School District, Attention Matt
FAX: 206-441-0478
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check #2007-0366 & 2007-0365
Project: Remodel Buildings F & H
Project Address: 23200 100 Ave W
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be
found on the plans. Please submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
1.The school was originally built while under jurisdiction of Snohomish County, so the City has no
archived plans for reference. Therefore, the architect needs to provide all basic code information for the
buildings such as type of construction, occupancies, fire and life-safety information, fire resistive
construction, exiting, occupancy separations, fire rated corridors, year built, etc.
2.Note on the coversheet that separate permits will be required for the fire alarm system revisions
(separate permit for each building).
3.The Fire Marshal has informed me that the buildings are not currently provided with an automatic fire
sprinkler system, therefore the 1/3 diagonal spacing of exits noted on sheet G002 needs to be revised to
½ diagonal. Also on Sheet G002, show the actual dimensioned distance between exits in the following
rooms: Library (H18, H17, H22), Staff Lounge (H30, H28), and combined Computer Lab F5 & Read
4.Provide floor areas for the following rooms so that occupant load and exiting can be verified: Library
(H18, H17, H22), Staff Lounge (H30, H28), and combined Computer Lab F5 & Read F4.
5.The occupant load of the new staff lounge area exceeds 49 requiring 2 exits spaced apart ½ the overall
diagonal dimension of the room.
6.Provide occupant load for each space on G-002.
7.For the shaded areas on Sheet G-002, note the floor areas and occupant load factors. Rooms with an
occupant load of 50 or more require 2 exits.
8.Provide a detail and hardware information for the proposed egress gates.
9.Show locations of existing fire rated construction (sheet G-002 notes this in the legend but no
information is provided).
10.Justify the proposed unrated doors and openings (such as at H32) into the corridor.
11.Provide locations of all exit signage and emergency lighting locations.
12.At the student store, the point of sale counter must be accessible (ICC/ANSI A117.1 section 904).
13.Add insulated trap requirements at the accessible restroom lavs.
14.The alterations require accessibility upgrades per IBC/WAC 3409.6. On the plans clearly show that the
exterior and interior accessible route of travel complies with current code, or provide upgrades per the
previously referenced section. If you choose to use exception #1 of that section, provide a letter
stamped and signed by the architect (reference the code exception), stating what parts of the existing site
and building are not accessible, the project cost and what 20% of it equals, list the upgrades that will be
done as part of this permit as well as showing that the total cost of the upgrades is at least 20%.
15.Provide separate male and female accessible restrooms in each building (F & H).
16.A fume hood is being removed in Lab H20 will it be replaced? Clarify on mechanical plans.
17.Cross reference on site plans where 03/A-504 applies.
18.Clarify on site plans what the cross-hatched areas are vs. the areas that are not cross-hatched.
19.On Sheet A-505, detail 02/A504 is referenced which is the accessible parking sign detail. Please clarify
and coordinate.
20.Where fences are to be installed, provide information showing that exits will not be obstructed.
21.Revise structural notes on Sheet S1.0 to be applicable to the scope of this project.
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