Geotech letter dated 8-11-06.pdfL I U & ASSOCIATES 4Y;61 r4ftr I- ..a i LIU ASSOCI[' TES.) INC• '--- - _...-•(3ea4e�i1aiC81E�11e6��9 Ei�g'HieStitgC,aOlOgy--�-----u......_.---.---}��_•S�B�iflO.._.�. August 11, 2006 Mr. Michael Kerr Chateau Construction & Development 2006 —196' Sheet SW, Suite 105 Lynnwood, WA 98036 Dear Mr. Kerr: Subject; Soil Classification Proposed Single-Fwdly Residence 82xx — 19& Street SW Edmonds, WasWaston 1..&A Job No. 6A 112 RECEIVED AUGI 12006 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CTR. CITY OF EDMONDS Accor&g to the Ceoloalc �+iap of the Eastern W eod Part of ft Western Half VVas ' j&jp, by James p_ Minwd, published by U. S. Geological Survey in 1983, the surficial soil unit at and in the vicinity of the site of proposed residence is mapped as Vashon Till (Qv#). The Vashon till sell unit a very dense mixture of unsorted clay, silt, sand, gravel, and scattered cobbles and boulders, often referred to as "hard pan". The Vashon till soils over the top two to four feet are wetadwred to a mediwn-dense state, and is moderately pemeable and compressible, The underlying fresh till soils are ve<y dense and of extremely low permeability. Based on the soil conditions described above, the till soils uuWexlying the site at strallow depth "uld be classified as SM (silty samd with a trace to some gravel and occasional cobble). Pleasc will if you haYe any questions. _ niid S.., . Yaws very truly, ASSOCIATES, INC. V AA G r I. S. {Dalian} Liu, Ph.D., P.E. Consulting CeotechWcal Engineer 18213 Kerslake Placa NE • Kenmore, Washington 90028 Phone (425) 483-0434 - Fax (425) 4W2746