Geotech Peer Review Approval Letter.pdf Architectural Plans for Isaacson Residence, including Cover Sheet and Sheets A-1 through A-15,prepared by O’Brien & Associates, dated June 5, 2009, revised February 25, 2010. Structural Plans for Isaacson Residence, including Sheets S-0 through S-8, prepared by Reed & Associates, PS, dated June 3, 2009 with latest revision dated December 24, 2009. Structural Calculations for Brian & Cindy Isaacson, Isaacson Residence, Lot 2, Lorian Woods, Edmonds, prepared by Reed & Associates, PS, latest revision dated June 3, 2009. Plan Sheets (including Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Plan, Sheet 2 – Grading & TESC Plan, Sheet 3 – Grading & TESC Notes & Details, Sheet 4 – Site Drainage Plan, Sheet 5 – Residence Drainage Plan, and Sheet 6 – Drainage Details Plan, prepared for Brian & Cindy Isaacson by Western Engineers, Inc., latest revision dated February 22, 2010. rd Storm Drainage Study for Brian & Cindy Isaacson, 16007 73 Place West, Edmonds, Washington, report prepared by Western Engineers, Inc., revision date February 24, 2010. Our review of the civil, structural, and architectural plans for this permit resubmittal were limited to a cursory review to see that the geotechnical recommendations provided by the geotechnical designer and our review comments have been addressed in the design. Based on our review, it appears that our previous review comments have been addressed in the resubmitted permit package and we have no additional comments. * * * * * * This technical memorandum has been prepared for the exclusive use by the City of Edmonds in evaluating the adequacy of permit submittal documents related to the proposed Issacson single-family residence building permit for property at Lot 2 and adjacent common area of the Plat of Lorian Woods on rd 73 Place West in Edmonds, Washington. The focus of this review was the geotechnical aspects of the application. The purpose of the review was to assess the adequacy of the application documents for compliance with City requirements contained in ECDC 23.80 and ECDC 19.10 and conformance with conventionally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. This geotechnical peer review by Landau Associates does not lessen the requirements for the applicant’s geotechnical consultant and other design professionals to prepare an appropriate design for the site conditions. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the City. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we may be of further service. DRS/rgm 2 LA ANDAUSSOCIATES 4/13/10 P:\\074\\136\\FileRoom\\R\\SupplementalGeotPeerReviewBLDpermit413_tm.doc