geotech wet season plan.pdf
September 29, 2016
Mr. Derek Abbott
th Place SW
Bothell, Washington98012
Dry Season Extension Letter
Abbott Residence
Place West
16404–75 th
Edmonds, Washington
NGA File No. 9175B16
Dear Mr.Abbott:
This letter presents our opinionsand recommendations regarding wet-season earthwork construction atthe
th Place West in Edmonds, Washington.We understand that
Abbott Residenceproject located at 16404-75
grading activities on this site willtake place during the wet season(September30, 2016 through April 30,
2017), and therefore, you plan to apply for a dry seasongradingextension.Wewere provideda copy of the
site TESC plan and theproposed construction schedule during the wet season.
We have reviewed the providedTESCplan andthe proposedwet-season grading activity scheduleand
concluded that the proposed scope for dry-season extension isappropriate for this project. Based on our
review of thesite TESC planand grading activity description, we understand that all exposed cuts and soil
stockpiles will be covered with plastic, all constructionequipment will remain on site, all exposed surface
soils will be covered with strawor similar erosion control material, and that silt fences and other erosion
control materials will beinstalledand regularly maintained to minimize soiland or muddy watermovement
from the site.Tall cut excavations will also be supported with soldier pile shoringwalls where temporary
slope excavations cannot be sloped, as recommended in our previous report. Based on the grading activity
schedule provided by your contractor, we understand that grading activities will take approximately ten to
twelveweeks upon grading beginning.
Dry Season Extension Letter NGA File No. 9175B16
Abbott ResidenceSeptember 29, 2016
Edmonds, WashingtonPage 2
In our opinion, these erosion control measures should provide adequateprotection during the wet season.
NGA should be retained to observe erosion control measures and provide recommendations for additional
erosion control measures as needed during construction.Also, all recommendations provided in our
previous report should be strictly followed during construction.
In our opinion, provided the planned construction activities are completed in general accordance with the
project plans and our daily recommendations during construction, extending grading activities beyond
September 30, 2016for this project should not result in adverse impacts or environmental harm to the
surrounding vicinity.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you on this project. If you have any questions or require
further information,please contact us.
Khaled M. Shawish, PE