GeotPeerReview Comments 1.pdf Structural Plans for Isaacson Residence, including Sheets S-0 through S-8, prepared by Reed & Associates, PS, dated June 3, 2009. Structural Calculations for Brian & Cindy Isaacson, Isaacson Residence, Lot 2, Lorian Woods, Edmonds, prepared by Reed & Associates, PS, dated June 3, 2009. Concept Landscape Plan (one sheet), prepared by R. W. Thorpe & Associates, Inc., dated August 1, 2008. Plan Sheets (including Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Plan, Sheet 2 – Grading & TESC Plan, Sheet 3 – Grading & TESC Notes & Details, Sheet 4 – Site Drainage Plan, Sheet 5 – Residence Drainage Plan, and Sheet 6 – Drainage Details Plan, prepared for Brian & Cindy Isaacson by Western Engineers, Inc., latest revision dated May 21, 2009. rd Targeted Storm Drainage Study for Brian & Cindy Isaacson, 16007 73 Place West, Edmonds, Washington, report prepared by Western Engineers, Inc., dated May 13, 2009. Applicant/Owner Liability & Landslide Acknowledgment, signed by Brian Isaacson and Cindy Isaacson, dated June 1, 2009. Isaacson Residence, Lot #2 – Lorian Woods (PRD-1981-2), Lead Design Professional Designation and Statement, letter addressed to the City of Edmonds prepared by O’Brien & Associates, dated May 26, 2009. City Review Comments, Letter of Release of Liability, Letter addressed to the City of Edmonds prepared by Western Engineers, Inc., dated May 21, 2009. R & A Job#07-789, SFR to be constructed at Lot 2, Plat of Lorian Woods, Edmonds, WA, Permit #: BLD2007-0833, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DECLARATION (City Ordinance #2661 and #3632), letter to Brian & Cindy Isaacson prepared by Reed & Associates, PS, dated June 3, 2009. The focus of the current peer review is on the house and retaining wall plans. The applicant has previously submitted permit application packages for other elements of the site development that includes tree cutting, and grading, drainage and replanting elements of the project. Each of those previous permit application submittals has undergone geotechnical peer review by Landau Associates and our previous review comments have been addressed as appropriate in the earlier submittals and subsequent permits. GR EOTECHNICAL EPORTS The geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates dated March 31, 2008 provides a reasonably comprehensive evaluation and discussion of site conditions and risks, and provides geotechnical recommendations for grading, drainage, foundation and retaining wall design, and other design elements of the project. The March 31, 2008 report, along with the June 2 and June 5, 2009 2 LA ANDAUSSOCIATES 11/16/09 P:\\074\\136\\WIP\\R\\GeotPeerReviewBLDpermit_tm.doc supplemental letters by Terra Associates appear to adequately address the City’s geotechnical report requirements for development within the ESLHA. CP IVIL LANS Sheet 1, General Note 22 references Chenowyth Land Surveying, but the Survey Notes and Datum on the same sheet reference a survey completed by Group 4, Inc. The correct reference for the survey should be noted. Sheet 5 of the civil plans show the location for a perimeter footing drain on each side of the residence. Sections on Sheets A-5 through A-7 of the architectural plans show a similar footing drain scheme in cross section view. Because the lower level of the residence is at two elevations, there is a potential for groundwater seepage to be below the elevation of the drain on the east side of the residence, but above the lower level of the residence. In this case, groundwater pressures could build up behind the interior foundation wall. Groundwater buildup behind the wall could also result in a damp wall or seepage through the wall in any cracks or joints. To address this potential issue, in our opinion it would be prudent to install a foundation drain behind the interior foundation wall. Structural details on Sheet S- 6 show footing drains behind all foundation walls, including the interior foundation wall. We recommend that the civil, architectural, and structural drawings be reviewed by the design team for consistency with respect to the location of footing drains and that a footing drain be included behind the interior foundation wall. SP TRUCTURAL LANS Our review of the structural plans and calculations were limited to a cursory review to see that the geotechnical recommendations have been addressed in the design. We note that the geotechnical report recommends an allowable foundation soil bearing pressure of 1,200 psf and provides recommendations for active pressure and passive resistance against retaining walls. Our brief review of the retaining wall design calculations indicates that some of the wall sections have apparently used an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,800 psf in the design. The geotechnical report also recommends that the upper one foot of soil be ignored for passive resistance, but it appears that the retaining wall structural calculations have not ignored the upper one foot of soil. We recommend that the structural engineer review the calculations to either confirm that these discrepancies do not affect the retaining wall foundation design or revise the design as appropriate to be consistent with the geotechnical recommendations. 3 LA ANDAUSSOCIATES 11/16/09 P:\\074\\136\\WIP\\R\\GeotPeerReviewBLDpermit_tm.doc * * * * * * This technical memorandum has been prepared for the exclusive use by the City of Edmonds in evaluating the adequacy of permit submittal documents related to the proposed Issacson single family residence building permit for property at Lot 2 and adjacent common area of the Plat of Lorian Woods on rd 73 Place West in Edmonds, Washington. The focus of this review was the geotechnical aspects of the application. The purpose of the review was to assess the adequacy of the application documents for compliance with City requirements contained in ECDC 23.80 and ECDC 19.10 and conformance with conventionally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. This geotechnical peer review by Landau Associates does not lessen the requirements for the applicant’s geotechnical consultant and other design professionals to prepare an appropriate design for the site conditions. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the City. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we may be of further service. DRS/rgm 4 LA ANDAUSSOCIATES 11/16/09 P:\\074\\136\\WIP\\R\\GeotPeerReviewBLDpermit_tm.doc