Graphite 2.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS - PLANNING DIVISION STAFF COMMENT FORM ❑ PW-Engineering ❑ Fire ❑ PW - Maintenance 8 Building Project Number: PLN20190009 Applicant's Name: GRAPHITE ARTS STUDIO 1 & 2 Property Location: 202 MAIN ST Date Application Received: 03.21.19 Date Application Routed: 03.21.19 Zoning: BD2 Project Description: 1) CONSTRUCT 11,000 SQ. FT. ONE-STORY WOOD FRAME ART STUDIO WITH A GALLERY & CAFE 2) CONSTRUCT 17,000 SQ. FT. TWO-STORY 8-UNIT APT. WITH PARKING & COMMERCIAL SPACE If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: KERNEN LIEN Name of Individual Submitting Comments: LEIF BJORBACK Title: BUILDING OFFICIAL 8 I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and I do not have any comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. Ext. 1223 Date: 4/10/19 ❑ I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have the following comments or conditions: