Graphite II-Cover Letter.pdfPelletier + Schaar, LLC 26911 98" Drive NW, Suite B Stanwood, Washington 98292 www.pelletierschaar.com P 36o-629-5375 PELLETIER (+) SCHAAR 3/19/2019 Architectural Design Board City of Edmonds 121 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 DESIGN REVIEW PROPOSAL FOR CITY OF EDMONDS Dear Kernen Lien, The proposal is for a 17,000 square foot two story wood frame 8 unit apartment building with parking and commercial space underneath referred to here as "Graphite II Arts Studios." The overall articulation of the building facades creates distinct ground level connections that are in accordance with the zoning ordinance, the design objects of the comprehensive plan, and the design standards of ECDC 22.43• The proposed building massing has base and top articulation, orientation towards the main street, entrance distinction through recessed entry, higher bays, and entrance plazas. In addition, the proposal has ground level details including ornamental brackets, plinths for columns, tile work, and planter boxes. Structural awnings are provided along Second Ave to emphasize the entrance. The transparency at street level meets the requirements outlined in section ECDC 22.43.050. Torten" steel, slate tile, and lighting fixtures have been chosen to add interest along blank parts of the walls. The mechanical equipment shall be screened to mitigate impact to street level or set back behind higher bays to obscure views. An updated traffic impact analysis has been provided for this building and the adjacent "Graphite I Arts Studios". Si el , David Pelletier Principal dpelletier@pelletierschaar.com