City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: January 7, 2008
TO: Charles Greenberg
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Permit Application #2007-1130
Project: Greenberg Mixed Use -- Mechanical
Project Address: 155 3 Ave South
During re-review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and
where changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit 2 sets of revised plans/documents to
Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1.Previous item 1: the mechanical ventilation for the elevator equipment room is still not shown
on the basement floor plan. Also, per our conversation at the counter, please note on the
basement mechanical plan that the boiler and water heater (shown on the original approved
plans) is now omitted due to a change in heating system design.
2.Previous item 3 is still not addressed on the plans for the basement and 1 floors. This is a VA
(1-hour) building. Provide construction details showing how exhaust fans and ductwork will be
run so that 1-hour fire rated assemblies are maintained (i.e. with shafts, lined joist bays,
fire/smoke dampers, soffits below the 1-hour assembly, etc.). This is a common problem in the
field and needs to be addressed on the plans.
3.Gas fireplaces are still shown on the floor plans. Show the location of the venting to the exterior
of the building. This is critical along the north wall since a parapet exception was used during
design of the building by the engineer which does not permit openings within 5 feet of the inside
face of the exterior wall. If the gas fireplaces will be omitted, cross them out and note that on
the plans.
4.There are now two Sheet #3s for the 2 floor mechanical. One received from Smith Heating on
12/18/07 for furnace location and duct layout for the dwelling units and one received 12/27/07
stamped by John Greenlaw, P.E. for the 2 floor exhaust fan locations and with ducts run
through the roof.
a.Smith Heating 2 floor plan:
i.Plans still show ducts penetrating the 1-hour stair enclosure (IBC 1019)
which is not permitted (previous item 4).
ii.Clarify duct layout and grill locations for both dwelling units. It appears
when changes were made to the plans, not all information was added/deleted
so there is conflicting information shown. Highlighting the work on the plans
for this permit would also help (mechanical equipment, duct layout,
fireplaces, etc.).
b.Greenlaw 2 floor plan: In the north unit, the exhaust fan and dryer duct for the
laundry room and the exhaust fan for the north bathroom are not permitted to
penetrate the roof within 5 feet of the inside face of the exterior wall (see #3 above
regarding parapet exception).
5.Clarify duct layout and grill locations/sizes for the office suites. It appears when changes were
made to the plans, not all information was added/deleted so there is conflicting information
shown. It is difficult to tell which lines are the ducts versus other lines on the plans.
6.Previous item 5 not completely addressed: Natural or mechanical ventilation is now shown for
the lobby area (south stair enclosure), but is still required for the hallway and corridor areas on
the upper floors. Show how this will be provided. IMC 401.2 and WSEC Table 3-4
7.Previous item 6 not addressed: Show location of heat pumps on the plans manufacture
information was provided for RPNE-036JZ heat pumps, but the plans still do not show where
they are located. If they will be located on the roof or in the yard areas at the exterior of the
building, provide elevation views and screening for Planning Division review.
8.Please show all mechanical equipment and duct terminations on the new roof plan.
9.Previous item 7 not addressed: The plumbing permit (2006-1242) for this project did not
include gas piping or gas fireplaces. Provide gas piping plan and manufacturers information for
the gas fireplaces.
10.Previous item 12: Minimum 7-0 headroom is required below the duct/soffit. Note on plans.
11.Show return air grills serving each room/area in the office suites (IMC 403.1)
12.Previous item 14 still not provided: Complete the enclosed detailed scope of work form to
include ALL work to be done under this permit.
13.As a reminder, revised architectural floor plans are required for the areas and uses of space that
have changed from what was shown on the original approved plans.
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