Grow With Us Issuance Letter.pdf August 17, 2010 Mr. Randy Munson Subject: Permit Approval - Grow With Us Daycare - BLD2010-0248 The building permit for the Grow With Us Daycare has been approved. Among the items noted on the plans and permit documents the following require special attention to avoid any delays as the project proceeds. 1.Special inspections for soils are a requirement for the project, and have been listed in the conditions and on the plans. We have approved the Special Inspection Agreement form that indicates Krazan will be performing the special inspections for placement of structural fill, compaction and bearing capacity testing. There is one element addressed in the HWA Geotech report that must be addressed by the original geotechnical engineer of record, HWA, and that is verification of the removal of undocumented fill. Please refer to the HWA report dated July 18, 2007 for this original requirement. 2.Verification of the height of the building shall be performed by a professional surveyor. A letter of verification will need to be provided to our department prior to framing inspection. 3.Plumbing is included in this permit; mechanical is not. 4.Even though the occupant load for the building was calculated at 85 according to square footage, the maximum occupant load for the building has been established at 49 per your request, in order to avoid the requirement of fire sprinklers. A sign containing this maximum number shall be posted within the building. 5.Please check the approved set of plans thoroughly and take note of any redline changes that have been added by city reviewers. 6.Please alert the contractor to schedule a preconstruction meeting/inspection prior to starting your project. If you have any questions, I may be reached at (425) 771-0220, extension 1380. Sincerely, Leif Bjorback Assistant Building Official Cc: Mr. Scott Anderson File