Hazard Tree Removal - 811 9th Ave S.pdf'ire, 1'69v June 30, 2014 Ann Davis Turner P.O. Box 458 Edmonds, WA 98020 .. W j O. .. 121 5"' Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.022.1 - Wei wwww e,dniondsxa, ON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - PLANNING DIVISION Edmonds Tree Service Steve Schlecht 7427 — 201" Pl. SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Subject: Hazard Tree Removal at 8119"' Ave. S Dear Ms. Turner and Mr. Schlecht, As explained in my letter dated June 10, 2014, a tree cutting permit is required for cutting trees on properties that are subdividable into more than one additional lot, such as the subject property at 811 9r'' Ave. S, pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 18.45.020. However, ECDC allows for an exemption from the tee cutting permit requirement for "emergency situations on private property involving clanger to life or property or substantial fire hazards. " Thank you for submitting a letter by Robert Williams, Consulting Arborist (Certification ID #PN -0176A), dated May 22, 2014 addressing the trees on the subject site. For your reference, I am enclosing the letter prepared by Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams identified six trees on the western side of the site as being hazardous due to several factors including fungal disease and damage. It is staff's understanding that these are the six trees that were cut on June 9, 2014 consistent with Mr. Williams' recommendation that these trees be removed within a year. Since the six subject trees were identified as being hazardous by a licensed arborist (Certification #PN -0176A) and certified tee risk assessor (Certification #362), the removal of these trees would have fallen under the permit exemption of ECDC 18.45.030.F. Thus, the Code Enforcement case regarding these six tees has been closed. Please keep in mind that all tree cutting activities are subject to the applicable regulations of ECDC Chapter 18.45. Ira order to avoid any future Code Enforcement issues and/or fines, please discuss your proposal with the planning Division prior to conducting any tree cutting activities even if you believe the work falls under a permit exemption. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, O ..w "00 Jen Machuga Associate Planner Enc]: Letter dated May 22, 2014 by Robert Williams, Consulting Arborist Cc: Mince Thies, Code Enforcement Steen File for 8119"' Ave. S Robert IN. WHillabus, awl Associlates Cobisulting Aiborrists IC749 ChIllierg Avenue, La Conneq VVA 98257 (360) 399-:1.1,96 (206) 522-7262 Ann Turner. 811 9" Avenue South Edmonds, WA 98020 5/2 /14 Introduction RUIRSIVED AM 11 2wif The paxmss of evWuadng bee health and condition KoWas gaMoring informatic)n in the fleW, determining the significanc.e, 0" th,-it in-lorruation a�,Ind pvdudng as report of'the fieldwork findings. As aiany reports are the prodt,ict of periodic ongoing inmAtoring of a de vector situation, ovor fare, sorno re potition in emplanatory information is ineviL:ible. In puducing and expl8ining they: findings, each roj:)Ort is intorlded to be readily understood and able to stand abne, wRh no further ref(-�.wence being rcquirc.,d by the roador. Emh rel)ort cc)lkiins the following Sections; 01M Overview Describes the evenin that precipitated tho NAW4 evaluntion and identifies the 1'.,albjcct' ownew arld location. 0 Tree hispectlovi and an ouMne of rneUiods ml instrumanN used in andysis. 0 Obsear' vaUcins Gbes We and hue specific ARmation and cx`wnvnerltary. 0 Co"m"oelticleans An interpretation of thea hold work ol:�Sc�lvafiovvs' testing '-Ind anaNsh, with for twatmant. Overview A baseline Tree Inspection was carried out in 2004. Following the Inspection a series of recommendations were generated for work to be done within a five year span. Much of the recommended work was carried out. Additional trees were removed and of the forty-one trees evaluated in 2004 twenty trees remain. Several of the remaining trees are showing signs of severe decline and in response to a request a proposal was made to follow up on the original Inspection and determine the possible cause of die -back. The proposal was made on the following basis: ® To re-evaluate the remaining trees located on the Turner property at the address listed above ® To assess the health and structural condition of the trees in respect of decay or defects and to assess the element of risk the trees may pose to the home at street side and to determine what may have caused the decline in some of the trees ® To test the trees as needed using the Resistograph to determine the extent and nature of suspected internal decay relative to sudden decline in health ® To provide a written report with recommendations for treatment; i.e. selective tree removal or pruning to reduce risk of failure Tree Inspection To develop an accurate picture of tree health and condition, information must be gathered about the multiple, changeable, factors which influence tree vitality and stability. Vital, healthy tree growth is the result of a complex association of internal and external influences and to consider each tree as an isolated entity is to fall short in understanding the whole picture. As a practical matter, information must be gathered and structured in the best way to communicate the results of the observations and to impart any recommendations for treatment. P Individual tree inspection begins at ground level; tree genus an(.] species is cletermim-A and soil quality, rooting conditions, soil Icavcal, irrigation and drainage. characteristics are observed. Soil is as living micro-systema that relies on an working relationsl"6p betWOC)rl StrUGtUral an(.1 living organiC GOrriporients. In al'i Urban setting the structural condition of the soil is ITIOSt G01"(Wrionly adversely aft.ted. Alterations to I)hySiGal Soil StrUdurc, will have an effect on the functions of the living soil ('Orflporlents, The cetuaality of tile Soil Iriay bo assessed in its ability to contain arid disperse available rnoisturo and the level ofsoil compaction irnay ho tested to evaluate the aeration capacity of the, soil. 13mric, soil typos arc) easily compaGtOd anci although 0 ioy are high in I Mtrierit quantity, HWO I 1L.1trient is avaikible to 4u., growing tree. Corripact soils also CaLlSo, problems by restricting tlac, trex.s ability to discharge that: gass(,'�,s produced as part of the growth cycle. 'The, visible parts of the, tree, the trunk, bran(Tios and le,:`Ives live irl balk'111GO, with the unseen roots. Darnage to the soil leads to inhibit.ed root growth and (.ausw; as la(,IK of vitality and (.]()(,.line within thc.� tree, as a whole. Soil compaction rnay be thio, result of short tert'n heavy or long terrn-frequc,,,nt traffic, in ti'm root ZOM)� ThO (AedS, Of,",,',Oil Corrpiction may not become, apparc'.rrt in thea tn"lle for decades following the 111itial (:oj'j'jpa(,tiojrj (_'Vent If signs of stremsare prosent, a soil test may he rmlde to ass(,'.ss the : fertility Of ttheSoil. TW.Ainq establisl-xh :ls the, presomce and dogree of vital nutrionts ,:Mcl rriic.�ro-flora. Vital soil is (,.=ential to vital troc growth, tho of nutrients and orgarfl�,,,,rl"IS Wifllit'l thE) Soil 11'1(mn th,,�It grcAAAh (�;an conflnu(,, An irribalatice of can cause poor vitality; offi"n exhibited by lo'eff discol(")I's)flon, distortion or lack of ,'J c rowfl"r. FIc"Or mArition will slow growth I can dirninish the ftu(-s natural defense rnechendsms and expos o the tree to disease In nature, few tree species grow alone; the forest is their natural an(] protected setting, Whether native or introduced, regmA[ess of a treed origin, hues in a landscape setUng demand special attention. Althotigh [mund by Te genetic code of Its predecessors each tree is also pro(Jud: of its local environment in terms of health and structuralf'orm. Lookingat the overall Moore the health and condition of the soil, turf and other plants and tre(-,,s can reveal the cause of disease, or indicate potential problerns. The presence of certain spades of fungus can indicate decay. Decay fungi ulay deStrOy support tiSSUeS and Wave condmANe tiSSUOS unharmed. The tre(-., may appear healthy and continue to grow until the in-ft-onal decay outpaces the new outer growth whole tree collapse (,an result. A root crown examination may be necessary if root decay is SUSr)0Gt("(1. By removing the soll at he base of the truedhe kmatiml health and condition of be absorbing and suppmt roots can bo. doterinined. In prin'tary examinatkni of Se root crown and hunk a rndkd is used to, twat for loos eo bark. Bark lifting car i ii idicaAe dead or Irlollow areas and tJivo sigivs, of the prosenco of dec,iy in the root crosm zone and at the base (A thrc,) trunk. The mallet may be used to "sound" for decay End has limited MOW. If chcay is su,;pected the treo will be tested using tho� Ise ,sistognaph. More Re sistograpl'i tests w(aro made a rnore deta`arled explanation ',-md -in ink,-n-pretation with ill is is given later in the' toxt. 4 The type, of decay arid its offect on the stability of the wood dopei ids on the Specie S Of fUngLIS involved. Soil and root tissue samples n'uiy he taken to determine thoe cause of dis(,.'mse by laboratory testing. 1"I'le inspection continues with an evaluation of Ore tree crown, first by oye m with the use of binoculars theri, if necessary, by climbing into tho canopy o-fthe; tree. The c.olor, size and condition of thea leaves, trunk, branches and twigs are assessed. The shape and formation of all the trees components give information about health, vitality an(.] Structural strength, The Grown density, the number of loaves oil each stern, and past and (airromt growth extension, indicate, ciri-rerit health sena reveal pi-ovious problerns. Ghango�s in growth raft'-, in past growth may indicaft,, prior diseaso or injt..iry. An evaluation of the: general growth habit will revoal any problorris related to vigor, or thea genetic compommit of trees:; growth, F­)r(,-,vioi,rs troatmontS SUGh ,,,is pruning or cabling aro observod, the quality of the work, arid its effect on the tree is assessed. Any gr-owth abnormalities are noted: weak limbs, discolored or missing bark, cracks ear- cavities in branches or trunks. Indications of dise aso, aro observed within thea canopy of the tree, discase nray Ix,) indicated by leaf blight, leaf loss, pom vitality, stern canker, fungal qi'owth or ins( -.,(;t and bird activity. Tree,s produco adaptivo growth to cornponsato for thea strom related to growth arid injury. Tho, shape arid foWmation of lirnbs and trUr')k,-; can roweal thea ability of th(,, trop to compensate -for maknoss or may inolicato intorrial probl('mis that I : :% could lead to limb or- tri.rnk bre"� kafjo,'I"ho irite'l-Pret"'Ition Of changes in forri-I is part of as (4rowing [)ody of knowledgepionoorod in and g:idoj�)ted acxom,,; the glo[,.)o, "I"I"lo knom/lodge is riot new bI it tho apl�.)Iio;atiorr of Rmt knowledgo in risk eissessrno,nt is in the forolfroril. of pro,gress Ir'r mil]erst",inding I Observations 01'prinlary conc.ern are; trees located to the west of the hotne. A number of these trees are showing signs of decline as indicated bystunted growth, thinnin(, browning and sorne shedding of needle leaves. Some of these trees are dead and othors show only 10% live growth.'rhe tree specks that are in decline are DOLA&S fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). As the photograph at left illustrates, the troos of com,,rn have extensive die -back and are located in a group. Wh(,,n syrriptorns of this kind occur; browning of the leaves at thea extrei,nity of, (,;.-mopy, root relat(:,d iSSUO'S are commonly 1:110 C c: USO. Ph I I Yt0Phth0I-a, z root decay organism (,all cause the, kind of rapid die - back (-�widont in the firs howem-,,r oxcavatiori at the root crown of saryiple troes revealed no symptorns of the; disease, and soil conditions do not favor Phytophttiona. Howover, root crown excavation did discover the, symptornatic rhizorr iorphs of Al-ITIfflaria a corrurnon root disease; which (,,air caus(-., decline in Susceptible trees. Structural (Jar nage to the root Systeal Gal I also lead to dio-back of the kind in evidence. Changes in Soil ICIVOIS GEM i1It(NTU[)tgW3 exchange as caro soil corripaction. Alter�itions in irrigation patterns and the appliccation r)f S(,dective he'l-I'li6dos I'llay problerns, 6 'The photograph above shows the base of tr(m,") 39, 40 arid 41; since the 1�.Ist inspection the area at the base of fliesetrees (And several others has been Subject to landscape construction; the work includes builo]ii qj a retaining wall and back -filling the. area at the base of thetrees with soil. Sorn(,-., roots were, romoved during the, oweavation arid grading. Surfac.G, rooting is visible in several locatioms arid where the surface., roots are in the lawn th(,y have severely darnaged during lawn mainteriance activity. The function of these(; roots I ias been impaired arid several roots may be, considered as norr-, fUnGtioning or cR(I. "I"he lawn area has ,,,flso received an appli(-.ation of herbici(R) to control wemds within the lawn. "I"he roots of the, ti-e(,,,s, specifically ffie fibrous absorbirig roots are in direct corn [xtition with the: roots of the lawn. 1 -here is a high likelihood that herbicide accumulated over time [ia,,::; been taken tip by tree roots. Darnage to the trees can also result through irim,;u irate ar.)plication tinning and or rates of application. Further, the overall (;ondition of the lawn and rooting area is cornpactoo.] as indicated by testinq. Surnauary of COUICIusions The trees to the east of the, resile nce� show moderate to good overall Irealth an(] vitality and no work recmnrrionde�d at this time. "I'he niain concern is the trees to the went of the residerice. Over thc, la -A U-ireo years the ii-mms luiw, [XIOV)of th SUb gom,"the, events JOGI.Od to the irripacts doscribed above. Taken sirl(ly n or iinpmts describeld would 1"m Suffick,-mit to cause the de("AinG, now in evidence, Hom,wor the corribirration of several n(:,( ative en (.,wt"be , Would enouglo to ca"';ou, ,J the symplorns Of (Jecline, In Hie ca,,,;(-., of sewen,'-fl tr(-,►es ffw curo,(,.nt state ofdo(.1ine appears irreversible arv-1 death is most likely k) 0 In respect of the risk associated with the trees; the speed at which the declil le has oectirre(I indicates darnage, and/ or disease affecting the, absorbing root structures of the trees.'These are tho� fine roots that take tip nutrients and process fluids; they are riot pritriarily involved in support. For as tree to represent as high risk it must present symptoms of imminent failUre, in all or part of the, tree,; an(.] as high prol,,)ability that failure would cause significant dary'rage Or injUry. In Short the decline in ovidonce, currently does riot have as SOIJOLIS effmt on tile stability of the trew.�-, as a whole. However over the woody rOOtS that flInGtiOrl in SUpport will decay arid their support function will be lost. At that firne, the structural stability ol" the trees will be in doubi. an(I thc-.,� risk offailure will ii wrease drastically. This is particularly the (,.as(-,, because offire prosonu,of Ai-millaria. Given the tares enc ., of fungal disease, (Jarnage an(,] diffie.ult site (,,onditions tree romoval is rocon"imended. ['fiernoval of trees 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 4.1 within a year is recommended. FUrther te� sting of the integrity of the soil may be reqiiire(I before any replacement trees are installed, Given th(, siz(,,,, age and proximity to the horne and ri(,,igh bori rig resklem"c"s, tile renrairling tre(-,,�s should bc,, monitoroxi every two y(-,�mrs to review health and struchiral condition. F'Wbort W. Williams, Coi i,,;uIting Arhorist C'ertified Arborist HOI 766 I ortified "'Free ["tisk Assessor #362 I 'ev��z!' r it l 7Zei) X40. t g9,J June 10, 2014 1215 th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web: www.edmondswa.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ® PLANNING DIVISION Ann Davis Turner P.O. Box 458 Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds Tree Service Steve Schlecht 7427 — 201St PL SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Edmondstreesvc@comcast.net Subject: bequest for Information Regarding Tree Cutting at 811 91" Ave. S Ms. Turner and Mr. Schlecht: It was brought to the City's attention yesterday that six trees were cut on the property located at 811 9th Ave. S. Since the site of the tree cutting activity is subdividable into more than one additional lot, a tree cutting permit would have been required pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 18.45.020. No such review was requested from the City of Edmonds in conjunction with the subject tree cutting. The only possibility for an exemption from the permit requirements of ECDC 18.45.020 would have been "Emergency situations on private property involving danger to life or property or substantial fire hazards " as allowed under ECDC 18.45.030. Mr. Schlect, when you visited the Development , Services Department office yesterday afternoon, you stated that the trees were dead and indicated that you would email me photographs taken of the trees after they were cut, but I have not yet received your email with the photographs. Regardless, an emergency situation allowed under ECDC 18.45.030 would need to be documented by a licensed arborist. In order to document whether the subject trees would have been exempt under the above code provisions, the trees will need to be assessed by an ISA or RSCA certified arborist using the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Form. If it is safe to do so, it is suggested that you leave any remaining debris on site in order to assist the arborist in making an assessment of the trees. All of the trees that were cut must be assessed using the above form. Please also provide a site plan labeling each tree with a letter/number that corresponds to the letter/number identified by the arborist on the assessment forms. Any trees that fall under the risk rating on the assessment forms of high or extreme would be exempt from tree cutting permit requirements under the above code parameters. Any trees, however, that do not fall under the risk rating of high or extreme would have required a permit to be cut and will be subject to potential code enforcement action. Therefore, please have an ISA or ASCA certified arborist complete an assessment form for each of the trees that were cut so that we can conclusively determine whether the trees would have been exempt from permit requirements. Page 1 of 2 This letter is addressed to the parties believed to be responsible for the tree cutting activity: Ms. Turner as the property owner and Edmonds Tree Service as the company carrying out the action. Please coordinate your response to the above requested items and designate a lead contact for moving towards resolution of this matter. Please submit the requested information to the City of Edmonds by June 17, 2014. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220 or Jen.Machuga@edmondswa.gov. Sincerely, Jen Machuga Associate Planner Cc: Mike Thies, Code Enforcement Page 2 of 2