HearingExaminerDecision.pdf;h C. 189"1 CITY OF E D M O N D S GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • Edmonds, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771.0221 HEARING EXAMINER In the Matter of the Application of } NO. V-2007-81 Shaun Leiser ) FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND DECISION For a Variance ) SUMMARY OF DECISION The request for a variance from the fifteen -foot minimum street setback requirement of the Multiple Residential zone, in order to allow placement of structures within 10 feet of one street and to allow placement of off-street parking spaces within ten feet of two streets, on a site located at 24110 — 84!" Avenue W, in Edmonds, Washington is DENIED. SUMMARY OF RECORD Request: Shaun Leiser (Applicant) requested a variance from the fifteen -foot minimum street setback requirement of the Multiple Residential (RM -2.4) zone. The request would allow ten -foot street setbacks from 80 Avenue W and from State Route 104 (SR 104) for a project comprising five new multifamily dwelling units at 24110 — 84h Avenue W, in Edmonds, Washington. Hearing Date: The City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner held an open record hearing on the request on December 6, 2007. The Hearing Examiner conducted a site view prior to the hearing. Testimony: At the open record hearing the following individuals presented testimony under oath: 1. Gina Coccia, Planner, City of Edmonds 2. Shaun Leiser, Applicant 3. Al Rutledge Exhibits: The following exhibits were admitted into the record: 1. City of Edmonds Planning Division Staff Report, dated November 27, 2007 2. Zoning and Vicinity Map 3. Land Use Application 4. LiDAR I Aerial Photo Map Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City of Edmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page I of 9 • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister City - Hekinan, Japan 5. Quarter Section Map 6. Criteria Statement 7. Engineering Division Memo 8. SEPA Determination and Traffic Impact Analysis (2004) 9. Site Pian 10. EIevations and Floor Plans 11. Public Notices (Notice of Application and Hearing, including affidavits of Publication in the Herald, and Affidavit of Mailing and Posting) 12. Staff Report to the ADB (2004) 13. ADB Meeting Minutes — pages 1, and 10-12 (2004) 14. Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner (2004) 15. Hearing Examiner's Decision for files ADB -2004-54 / V-2004-55 / V-2004-85 (2004) 16. Conceptual Landscape Plan (2004) 17. Additional recommended condition of approval, dated December 13, 2007' Upon consideration of the testimony and exhibits submitted in the record, the Hearing Examiner enters the following findings and conclusions: FINDINGS 1. The Applicant requested a variance from the fifteen -foot minimum street setback requirement of the RM -2.4 zone! The. request would reduce the required setbacks from two public streets, providing ten. -foot street setbacks from 80 Avenue W and from State Route 104 (SR 104) to allow the development of five new multifamily dwelling units at 24110 -- 80 Avenue W, in Edmonds, Washington.3 The subject property takes access from the (dead end) cul-de-sac of 80 Avenue W and has no access from SR 104. Exhibit 3, Application, Exhibit 1, StaffReport, page 3. 2. The approximately 13,200 -square foot subject property is irregularly shaped, having five sides. Viewing the parcel on a map, it is seen to be the tip of a strip of privately owned land surrounded by public streets, abutting privately owned parcels on two sides. See Exhibit 2. Two sides of the property abut a slope of approximately 50% located within the SR 104 right-of-way. One side of the property abuts the cul-de-sac of 84th Avenue W. The site is relatively flat with slight slopes. it is developed with a single-family residence and typical single-family landscaping, including several mature evergreen trees. Exhibit 1, page 3; Exhibit 2, Exhibit 4. ' During testimony, it was discovered that the site had not been reviewed for compliance with the City's critical areas ordinance. Planning Division Staff requested to be able to address such review through a recommended condition of approval. The record was held open for the Applicant to review the proposed critical areas condition; however the Applicant did not respond to Staff s communications. Staff submitted the recommended condition timely on December 13, 2007. It is admitted as Exhibit 17. 2 Pursuant to ECDC 21.90.140, street setback means the minimum distance required by this code for a building or structure to be set back from the street lot line. 3 The subject property is also known as Tax Parcel Number 00463302400203. Exhibit 1, page 2. Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City ofEdmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 2 of 9 3. The subject property has an RM -2.4 zoning designation. Exhibit 1, page 1. The specific purpose of the RM zones includes reserving areas for a variety of housing types and a range of greater densities than are available in the single-family residential zones, while still maintaining a residential environment. Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 16.30.000. 4. Single-family and multifamily dwellings are permitted primary uses in the RM zones. ECDC 16.30.010.A.1. The RM -2.4 zone requires a minimum of 2,400 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. The minimum required setback from adjacent streets and rear lot lines is 15 feet. A minimum of two off-street parking spaces is required per unit. ECDC 16.30.030, Table A.4 No parking spaces are allowed within required street setbacks. ECDC 16.20 030. C. S. The maximum number of units that can be developed on the 13,200 -square foot property, consistent with the zone's minimum density of 2,400 square feet of lot per dwelling unit, is 5.5 units. The Applicant has proposed five units. The zoning code contains no maximum permissible lot area per dwelling unit, which means there is no minimum density required for the zone. ECDC 16.30.030, Table A; Testimony of Ms. Coccia; Exhibit 3, Application. 6. Existing surrounding uses include single-family residential, multifamily residential, and commercial development. All adjacent parcels share the site's RM -2.4 zoning designation. Exhibit 1, page 3, Exhibit 2, Vicinity Map. 7. The property abuts SR 104 near its intersection with Highway 99. Because the property's side lot lines abut two rights-of-way, "street setbacks" (rather than side setbacks) apply along both SR 104 and 80 Avenue W. Exhibit 1, page 3. For reasons that are not made clear in the record, the project was apparently reviewed as if there were no rear lot line. The site plan legend states: "Rear Yard Setback: None." The lot line opposite the site entrance has a side setback of 10 feet applied to it. Exhibit 9. The RM -2.4 zone requires a 15 -foot rear setback. ECDC 1630.030.A. 8. The proposed project consists of four structures: three single-family detached units and a duplex. The structures are arranged around a central parking court from which each unit would have vehicular and pedestrian access. As proposed, two structures (one single- family detached unit and the duplex) would be set 10 feet from the property line abutting SR 104. The site plan depicts two surface parking spaces located approximately ten feet from the property lines bordering both SR 104 and 84d' Avenue W.' The proposal would provide a total of ten off-street parking spaces. Exhibit 9, Site Plan. 4 The project requires the same number of parking spaces when reviewed under the more detailed analysis of the Off -Street Parking regulations, in ECDC 17.50, which require two off-street parking spaces per three bedrooms. ECDC 17.50.020.A.1. s The site plan depicts the two surface parking stalls as intruding slightly into the proposed ten -foot street setback from SR 104, Exhibit 9. Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City of Edmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 3 of 9 9. In 2004, the City approved the variances that are currently being requested. The Applicant originally filed for approval of a consolidated Architectural Design Board (ADB) design review and one street setback variance (for the placement of the structures adjacent to SR 104) on May 4, 2004. On July 7, 2004, the ADB reviewed the design and recommended conditional approval to the hearing examiner (ADB -2004-54). One condition recommended by the ADB required the Applicant to apply for a second variance to allow the two surface parking stalls to intrude into the street setback along 80 Avenue W (as well as into the street setback from SR 104). On August 6, 2004, the hearing examiner approved the design recommendation and both variances (V-2004-55 / V-2004-85) with conditions. Exhibit 1, page 1; Testimony of Ms Caccia. 10. City of Edmonds design review decisions are valid for 18 months and variance decisions are valid for one year. The design approval would have expired on February 6, 2006, but approval was administratively extended until February 6, 2007 upon the Applicant's request. The Applicant submitted a complete building permit application on February 6, 2007. Building permits are valid for one year, which means the current building permits will expire on February 6, 2008. The Applicant's building permits are "on hold" because the two street setback variances expired. Permission to locate structures or parking spaces within the required street setbacks, as they are depicted on the site plan, can only be approved by the hearing examiner through variance approval pursuant to the City's Community Development Code. Exhibit 1, pages 1-2; Testimony of Ms. Caccia; ECDC 20.85.020. 11. The current application for the two variances was submitted on September 21, 2007 and deemed to be complete on October 2, 2007. Exhibit 1, page 2. 12. The Planning Division Staff report notes that the City's off-street parking regulations require two off-street parking spaces per three bedrooms. Staff noted that if the variance was not approved, the Applicant would need to reduce the number of bedrooms or otherwise change the proposal to satisfy off-street parking requirements. Exhibit 1, page S. However, the development standards of the RM -2.4 require a minimum of two parking spaces per dwelling unit, so it is the number of units — in addition to the number of bedrooms — that gives rise to the need for 10 off-street parking spaces. ECDC 16.30.030, Table A. 13. According to the Edmonds environmentally critical areas regulations, slopes greater than 4011/o with a vertical height change of ten feet or more are, by definition, landslide hazard areas. ECDC 23.80.020.B.2. Within or adjacent to landslide hazard areas, only development activities that have been expressly reviewed and addressed in a professionally prepared geotechnical study are allowed. ECDC 23.80.040.A. 14. The top of the adjacent steep slope (approximately 50% grade) is at or near the edge of the subject property. Exhibit 4, LMAR mapping. The required geotechnical review for development adjacent to landslide hazard areas includes consideration of such items as: parameters for design of foundations and retaining structures; allowable load and Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City of Edrnonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 4 of 9 resistance capacities; installation (construction) considerations; estimates of settlement performance; recommendations for drainage and subdrainage improvements, earthwork recommendations; and mitigation of adverse site conditions. ECDC 20.80.050. 15. Planning Division Staff inadvertently overlooked critical areas review of the current variance requests because critical areas regulations were different when the requests were last reviewed in 2004 and the City's file for the variances is identified as having obtained a critical areas "waiver". The 2004 design approval (as reflected in the site plan at Exhibit 9) did not include any review of the steep slope bordering SR 104 immediately adjacent to the proposed residential development. Staff submitted a recommended condition of approval addressing landslide hazard area requirements.6 Exhibit 12, page 3, Section 4, Testimony of Ms. Coccia; Exhibit 17. 16. In order to be approved, an application for variance must satisfy all six criteria for approval established in ECDC 20.85.010. The sixth criterion requires that the applicant demonstrate that the variance requested is the minimum deviation from zoning standards necessary to afford the applicant the same rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. ECDD 20.85.010. F. 17. The 2004 hearing examiner approval does not include a detailed analysis of how the requested variances represent the minimum necessary to allow the owner the rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. It states; "The requested variances appear to be the minimum necessary," and refers to an ADB discussion on retention of mature trees. Exhibit 15, pages 5-6. 18. Regarding tree retention, in reviewing the Applicant's first request for (one) variance, the ADB noted that the site plan presented by the Applicant depicted the two surface parking spaces as intruding into the required 15 -foot street setback for both abutting rights-of- way. ights-ofway. The ADB meeting minutes included a "recommendation to amend the variance to create a 10 -foot setback to the parking, rather than the required 15 feet, because it is in the best interests of the comprehensive plan, the Board feels it is a better design, and it also preserves trees, which is a part of the City's plan." Exhibit 13, ADB Minutes from July 7, 2004. 19. The Planning Division staff report to the ADB addressed Comprehensive Plan policies and goals regarding multifamily development. It cited Residential Development Policy C.2.c.ii, which states: "Site and building plans should be designed to preserve the natural features (trees, streams, topography, etc) of the site rather than forcing the site to meet the needs of the imposed plan." Exhibit 12, page 3. The staff report for the ADB also cites ECDC 18.45, Land Clearing and Tree Cutting. The City's tree cutting ordinance states that trees may only be removed pursuant to an approved clearing permit and requires trees to be retained to the maximum extent feasible. ECDC 18.45.050. e Staff's recommended condition of approval states that a geotechnical report would be required to be submitted with a building permit application. Exhibit 17. However, at hearing, it appeared that Staff and Applicant assumed that the existing, approved building permit would be relied on if the variance were approved; thus it is unclear when Staff suggests geotechnical information would be reviewed. Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examinerfor City of Edmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 5 of 9 20. At hearing, the Applicant was asked to address the "minimum necessary" criterion for variance approval. He stated that three bedroom units are preferrable given the current real estate market and that without the variances, the mature. trees on-site could not be saved. Testimony of Mr. Leiser; Exhibit d. 21. Planning Division Staff recommended approval of the variances, subject to conditions. Staff based its recommendation on the fact that the variances had previously been approved and on the fact that approval would aid in mature tree retention under the current design proposed in the site plan. Testimony of Ms Coccia; Exhibit 1, page 8; Testimony of Ms. Coccia 22. Notice of application and of public hearing were published in The Herald; posted on-site, at the Public Safety Complex, the Community Development Department, and at the Library; and mailed to residents within 300 feet of the site on October 23, 2007. Exhibit 1, page 2, Exhibit 11; Testimony of Ms Coccia. Public comment at the hearing expressed the concern that if the variances are subject to current codes, the entire project should be reviewed pursuant to current codes. A member of the public also expressed concern about the building heights reflected on the site plan; however, building heights are not relevant to the reduction in street setbacks requested. Testimony of Mr. Rutledge. CONCLUSIONS Jurisdiction: The hearing examiner has jurisdiction to hear and decide variance requests pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.100.010(B). Criteria for Variance Review: Pursuant to ECDC 20.85.010, the hearing examiner may not grant a variance unless all of the following findings can be made: A. Special Circumstances. That, because of special circumstances relating to the property, the strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would deprive the owner of use rights and privileges permitted. to other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. 1. Special circumstances include the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the property, public necessity as of public structures and uses as set forth in ECDC 17.00.030 and environmental factors such as vegetation, streams, ponds and wildlife habitats. 2. Special circumstances should not be predicated upon any factor personal to the owner such as age or disability, extra expense which may be necessary to comply with the zoning ordinance, the ability to secure a scenic view, the ability to make more Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City ofEdmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 6 of 9 profitable use of the property, nor any factor resulting from the action of the owner or any past owner of the same property; B. Special Privilege. That the approval of the variance would not be a grant of special privilege to the property in comparison with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning; C. Comprehensive Plan. That the approval of the variance will be consistent with the comprehensive plan; D. Zoning Ordinance. That the approval of the variance will be consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance and the zone district in which the property is located; E. Not Detrimental. That the variance as approved or conditionally approved will not be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and same zone; F. Minimum Variance. That the approved variance is the minimum necessary to allow the owner the rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. ECDC 20.85.020: C. Time Limit. The approved variance must be acted on by the owner within one year from the date of approval or the variance shall expire and be null and void, unless the owner files an application for an extension of time before the expiration and the city approves the application. Conclusions Based on Findings: 1. The shape and location of the site could satisfy the variance criterion A requirement for special circumstances; however, the shape and location of the property do not cause the need for the variance. The Applicant's proposal to place five structures on the site appears to be the factor that necessitates variance approval. a. Variance criterion A specifically states that "special circumstances should not be predicated upon any factor personal to the owner such as ... the ability to make more profitable use of the property...". The Applicant acknowledged that his proposal for five three-bedroom units was market driven The fact that 5.5 dwelling units could be built in the area of the lot does not free the Applicant from the obligation to comply with bulk and dimensional development standards. The zoning code establishes a maximum density for the site (5.5 dwelling units) but it does not establish a minimum density.. Single-family development is a permitted primary use in the RM -2.4 zone. The Applicant has no "tight" to the maximum Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City ofEdmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 7 of 9 possible density if it requires deviation from bulk and dimensional standards. Findings Nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, and 19, ECDC 16.30. 010. b. Fifteen -foot setbacks are required from both streets and rear lot lines in the RM - 2.4 district. It is not clear from the record why no rear lot line was identified and why no fifteen -foot setback was required. The site's mature trees are not unique in the neighborhood. Although the city code and comprehensive plan place emphasis on tree retention, the site's mature trees do not constitute special circumstances inherent in the land that distinguish the site from surrounding parcels in the RM -2.4 zone. Nothing in the record supports an assertion that residential development of the site cannot comply with all bulls and dimensional standards of the. RM -2.4 zone. It is the proposed site design, not the circumstances of the property, which necessitates variance approval. Findings Nos 4, 7, 19, and I — 21. 2. Because the variances are not necessary due to special circumstances inherent in the land itself, approval would constitute a grant of special privilege. All property owners in the RM -2.4 district are subject to the bulk and dimensional standards of the district. A variance would be appropriate if no use could be made of the property without deviating from the applicable development standards. Nothing in the record supports an assertion that no project that could comply with all development standards of the underlying zone is possible on-site. Washington courts have said, ",[r]easons for a variance must be reasons pertaining to the property itself which prevent full. use of the property to the extent other properties in the vicinity and under the same zoning can be used." St Clair v. Skagit County, 43 Wn. App. 122, 126 (1986); Findings Nos. 3, 4, and 1 —21. 3. The requested variance is not the minimum necessary to allow the Applicant to enjoy the same rights as those afforded to surrounding properties. The Applicant and all neighbors in the RM -2.4 zone enjoy the options of development consistent with the bulk and dimensional development standards of the zone. The Applicant's proposal to place five dwelling units is not the minimum necessary to allow enjoyment of the same rights afforded to other parcels in the zoning district. Findings Nos 3 and 4. 4. Because the application does not satisfy all criteria established in ECDC 20.85.010, the variance must be denied. It is unfortunate that the Applicant did not act on the approval obtained in 2004 under which the current proposal could have been built. The record does not explain the extensive delays, but they appear to have been caused by the Applicant. Although the project received approval in 2004, the Applicant didn't apply for building permits until February 6, 2007 — two and. a half years later — and those building permits expire in approximately two months. The current variance application, complete as of October 2, 2007, must be decided pursuant to the land use code in effect at the time the application was complete. The record presented does not support the conclusion that the application satisfies the six criteria for variance approval and it must be denied. ECDC 24.85.010; Findings Nos. 8, 9, 10, and I — 21. Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Examiner for City of Edmonds Leiser Variance, No, V-2007-81 page 8 of 9 DECISION Based on the preceding Findings and. Conclusions, the request for a variance from the fifteen - foot minimum street setback requirement of the RM -2.4 zone to allow placement of structures within 10 feet of the SR 104 right-of-way and to allow placement of off-street parkin spaces within ten feet of both SR 104 and 84" Avenue W on property located at 24110 — 84h Avenue W, in Edmonds, Washington is DENIED. DECIDED this Lbday of December 2007. Toweill Rice Taylor LLC City of Edmonds Hearing Examiners B Sharon A. Rice Findings, Conclusions, and Decision Hearing Fxaminer for City ofEdmonds Leiser Variance, No. V-2007-81 page 9 of 9 -t,2 C. 1B9\3 CITY OF E D M O N D S GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • Edmonds, WA 98020 • (425) 771.0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION AND APPEAL The following is a summary of the deadlines and procedures for filing requests for reconsideration and appeals. Any pgson wishing to file or Mond to a Mquest for reconsideration or an ashould contact the Planning Division of the Development Services Department for further procedural information. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Section 20.100.010(G) of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) requires the Hearing Examiner to reconsider his or her decision or recommendation if a written request is filed within ten (10) working days of the date of the initial decision by any person who attends the public hearing and signs the attendance register and/or presents testimony, or by any person holding an ownership interest in a tract of land which is the subject of such decision or recommendation. The reconsideration request must cite specific references to the findings and/or the criteria contained in the ordinances governing the type of application being reviewed. APPEALS Chapter 20.105 of the ECDC contains the appeal procedures for Hearing Examiner decisions. Pursuant to Section 20.105.040(A), persons entitled to appeal include (1) the Applicant; (2) anyone who has submitted a written document to the City of Edmonds concerning the application prior to or at the hearing; or (3) anyone testifying on the application at the hearing. Sections 20.105.020(A) requires appeals to be in writing, and state (1) the decision being appealed, the name of the project applicant, and the date of the decision; (2) the name and address of the person (or group) appealing the decision, and his or her interest in the matter; and (3) the reasons why the person appealing believes the decision to be wrong. Pursuant to Section 20.105,020(B), the appeal must be filed with the Director of the Development Services Department within 14 calendar days after the date of the decision being appealed. The appeal must be accompanied by any required appeal fee. TEVIE LIMITS FOR RECONSIDERATION AND APPEAL The time limits for Reconsideration and Appeal run concurrently. 1f a request for reconsideration is filed before the time limit for filing an appeal has expired, the time clock for filing an appeal is stopped until a decision on the reconsideration request is completed. Once the Hearing Examiner has issued his or her decision on the reconsideration request, the time clock for filing an appeal continues from the point it was stopped For example, if a reconsideration request is filed on day five of the appeal period, an individual would have nine more days in which to file an appeal after the Hearing Examiner issues his decision on the reconsideration request. LAPSE OF APPROVAL Section 20.85.020(C) of the ECDC states, "jt]he approved variance must be acted on by the owner within one year from the date of approval or the variance shall expire and be null and void, unless the owner files an application for an extension of time before the expiration and the city approves the application." NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSOR The property owner may, as a result of the decision rendered by the Hearing Examiner, request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessors Office. Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - Hekinan,.Japan ncC. 189 CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - Edmonds, WA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 - FAX (425) 771-0221 HEARING EXAMINER OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON APPLICANT, ) Shaun Leiser ) ) For a Variance ) I, Sharon A. Rice, the undersigned, do hereby declare: Case No. V-2007-81 DECLARATION OF SERVICE GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR 1. That I am a partner in the firm of Toweill Rice Taylor LLC, which maintains a professional services agreement with the City of Edmonds, Washington for the provision of Hearing Examiner services, and make this declaration in that capacity; 2. That I am now and at all times herein mentioned have been a citizen of the United States, a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of eighteen (18), and competent to be a witness and make service herein; 3. That on December 17, 2007, I did serve a copy of the decision in case V-2007-81 upon the following individuals at the addresses below by first class US Mail. Shaun Leiser, Applicant PO Box 60216 Shoreline, WA 98160 Clerk of Edmonds City Council CIO City of Edmonds, Planning Division 121 Fifth Avenue North, First Floor Edmonds, WA 98020 City of Edmonds, Planning Division 121 Fifth Avenue North, First Floor Edmonds, WA 98020 Alvin Rutledge 7101 Lake Ballinger Way Edmonds, WA 98026 I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct: DATED THIS day of 2007 at-e(yX&S , Washington. Sharon A. Rice Toweill Rice Taylor LLC Serving as Hearing Examiner for Edmonds, Washington • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister City - Hekinan, Japan