Height survey.pdfCoast Surveys,, Inc. Land Surveying & Mapping P.O. Box 13619 Mill Creek, WA 98o82- DarrenCa PCSurveys.net Fax 425.357.3577 - Ph. 42-5.512.7099 March 6, 2o19 Aaron Cummings Select Homes 16531 131h Ave. W. #A107 Lynnwood, WA 98037 RE: zoloS Maplewood Drive Edmonds, WA Mr. Cummings: On March o5, 2-o19 our survey crew measured the roof ridge height of the house under construction at the above address, below is the elevation based on the site benchmark: -Roof ridge height = 398.58 Please let us know if you have any questions. Sinc rely, 4 Darren Riddle, PLS