Height verification field report.pdf-�Lp-�btv- 04 W
September 17, 2018
Jessie Woodson
Site Address:
Land Surveying
4610 200th St. S.W.. Suite A. Lynnwood, WA 98036
Phone: 425-776-2026 Fax: 425-776-2850
852 Sprague St.
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Elevation Verification
To Whom It May Concern
On September 13, 2018, Tri-County Land Surveying Co_ dispatched a survey crew to
852 Sprague„ Edmonds, WA.
With an average grade of 176.72 feet and an additional 25 feet to give a maximum roof
height of 201.72 feet. Based on the field observation it was determined that the asbuilt
roof height was equal to the maximum roof height of 201.40 feet.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Tri-County Land Surveying Company
425-776-2 26
To kailt�oti
Project Surveyor