Highway 99-23832_BRT stations_Develop Agree.pdfDEVE L(WAIENT AC REPAI EXF
71116 09MwnmV is enlewd Alto by dw Wy of Ednrojxj� Washington, st municipal
o"011ri-)ratim) (frcicinaner "Uty") tun! Snolmmish County Public Benefil.
Area dba (Wnnmmhy Darush ("(,oj,lljjljnrity Transit"), a municipal corporat:ioaj purstlant
to the withwhyof RCV 3630BA70 aml I (SHINdw HI"n (I dw nnH"! bmwhh D
Car„ dcOved
TY171131WAS, INCV 36,7013A er seq, autholizc's aly
to Me (My and Pennis having ownership or conhyl of wal propet, in Wer to
establish developmem sAnduds u) govern and vest the deveMpinem, use and rWiigmWn
a.)freal prop(aries;
TVIiHIZEAS, Conummity Tandt is in the proc�ess of c"St"fl-dishing mandard S(alion
desQns A)r fits ncw Swift BRT pn)pani in and along lfi�g
,Ijw,,iy 99 within the: Cly;
W11HREAS, Uninlundy Tr"InSil fUls, PrOPOSed that dre C'i(y agues;, to apply
MW�;islent stanluds arid as Unifunn revic", qucess in order to assuic that all Hure
SWHI s(Was ahmp; the en0v tmn,sporbidion Waidor art! Vismily ColactV and ca sHy
idenfifiable to t general Pubhc regardless of the judmkdon in which a facajjjjy Inay I)e
TY 11AAEAS, the cksi,n aam[ards set 10h on On: Wtadrud HNS B came, R) &.,
CAtY CouncH widi die concurrence. furan the Architec(urr] j3oaj-(j for
adop(ion pul'siKelf R) this Deve0prueni Agivernent;
WIUMEAS, a pubhc headirg was hekl on the (i'!' daIy ret"aldilq', this
Development Agrcculent "I"; required by Statnio;
WFUdila S, to Ny Wmicif finds that dic pinp(med Development Agreement is
conskient with I; development IC;.Lllations as aolopncd,
C. TIds agreement is cnwrcd Kno purmwnt w the
Worization of RC Ml 3630MIN) and is irdoWed and desigrred to vest Cornrrluniry
nansit for as period of hve (5) ymus commencing on the datc W appcavae under the
dnckVmem standards set Will in dais agNalwnt, VeWng is Hmimd 1, 0, ,dnc,
topics ""unj zwhjects red'ercueed in this Agrcc�irtent. %ny devejol)rTIC40 OfOIC
City not spedWally "Inemcd shall aj)l)ly hase(I mi be datc, of vmdng as doundired in
accordance widi (Ay ordinances wid staw law,
2. h1higob!", mqiisure , - Nbligadon measures, development Conditions and other
requir-cinents levied pursuant M ChNnu 4121(C,') .CW are a I)roj-rer sulsject of
development a,,g,reeanctnfs' pursuars to RCAV 36.70B. 170(3)(c), 'T'he �;jjlajl of
individual SW sutions does not cxcccd (Ity surface water thresholds, As
consideration for this Development Aj.�,iccmeili, Conirritinily Transit offc-xs, and the City
agrees (o acc'elm. STS 12.31 as as voluntary payrnew to he apold up Adwr an exissy
stornmynter nit i gal ion site withila drejurinhedon or a regional in Mgatkxi prijec, soccled
at AC Cly's diumimi and at a date (W is ek(Won I IOU of owsite Wiprmernews For
any rdeinified impacts t"ider this Devehipment Agreennew
RCVV 3&70WI8N3Xd) auUMTKeS the esmNshment
WdeMgn mandanis by a developincni agreement, Dud"19 die lici-iod of veming
established by (his Agreement, (Ile City agrccs that The Swift RRT mathm sues M 111c
locations shown on die, attaclWd FAKE At dall be consurtued to inunponue the spedfic
deign features sAwn on the attached QWbk B, whkh an,, hereby filly incoq.)orared into
Us Agrecinerm by His ivfcrmcc,.
3.1 These da .,ign slandards have been adol:)ted and aj�)ptovcei [).y I 'hy i
I I C C, 11
this tkgrecinent in order to onstwe [he ConWricy of bark San stalm design In orki to
facilitate tlu"' [ArIbli(."s awarcness of and intiNzation ol' the Swift station proprani. This
approval Shall he in beu (',)f' 'any required desi"-„n review set forth under curre'ra (ity
ordinance as authoized 11 RCTV 3630BA7()(4XhY Ile staridwd desip bawres shown
on 13XIIjbit 13 ("'onle I(,) the City, widi the agiveninit froin, the Cky',s , i
, ADB. Such dus g1)
slaiWar,ds are in hou of any and all other recludenrum of die tksipi mwWaMs of me (y),
iuWdhg hindwann, YMness pukkg and sinjilm re"immems HY %"y of
bill: not firnitation, the iconic markers iden6lied in the NNW ;we claWhal as a
"Goven)"Ient Sign" am! sedmck requixenneras rdWhng to dght or wary swbukq if any,
am mmWed.
32 In PlAbdon Lo dic stawhvd deign WW"; aMvovcd by the (Nty as shown
in IN= B, die (Aly Wuncil Ims Cerwin Pemonalizatkm chokes for corunme artwml
and other ammmik, as Wnibed in ExWhk Q The is (4undt vil the wArcumawt,
frorn Ific, ADB and thce Arts Commission, will work to ge'thcr with Cornaninity'I'tallsit to
hwoTowte the chthcos as provided in RGIR (A whi0i is odso incorpimaLed imo this
Agwernm by Nds wkywwe,
13 Ile Swift BRT Stations yvHI utdize easemwn, f,,, p6wc pameny
owners. h is agwed timt, dic area used fin did Swift Jfl'J' Statiol, .;ites, wyijl Ile Classified
as landscaped mea when site wtbocks, lot and landscaping
mWArerneriN An Me eWing and hiture site develornirm or We adjacent pirvate property,
4. f3us suTs at the IOCatiolls shown on F,flibil A ire,
cotiAnning uses. They shall rsuairt conlInning for duo pe6od (I vesting establishal by,
this agreenicni and as mahm Led by RC NV 3630111 W)(3yo,
5. 14CVV 3&70KI'7D(3)Q) auth(wizes as development
agremn=1 to include other approlmlate developinnh ie"irernenu or paxelam, By
execution of this kgreerne nt, the NOW agree to work together to the numitnimi extent
wasonably and leg,
,ally aq.)propriate to identify curb Cut's 1hat to ay impact now station
Kca6ons ant Whms"n ponible mul subject to negothoWns beMsm Corrinninhy"Fransh,
me (IV and afftxted pic.q)(n-ty owyncis, toelose or consolidate eXistillp", drive'Ways at the
new Swint station locations. Nothing herein -hail] be dcomcd to oblig,.€(e the Cit}- to
contribute toward the cost of Purchase, to comfemnWiort or to Pay any other" necessary
cost Or claim to condemn or otherwise aa(xlt.tire access rights from the aIdjaacc w properties,
and Community "1'rarasit agrcus k) hold hamdess and in&nmil, lie Cp , its t�€'ficers,
agen€s, and employees WIM any cost, Win or liability whatsoever, including but not
limited to allegations of inverse condemi-in ion or taking;, which may, arise frown e>r, out of
such Process or ncf,otiartions %vi€h adiac.ent property owners.
fi"Rcs�r�a€_tem o1�_ Autlac�rit�' to- T€tlpos� Nein_ l ;al torts. The. C:`ily specifically
reservesauthority,—pursuant to RCC 36"700.180(4), to impose riew or different
regulations to the e^.acnt required by as serious threat to Public heaahh and safety -
7. Duration. 'Phis Agreerrims shall vest C:'orrt€jztanity 'Iiar�,sit ";ill) tfle audionly €.o
develop the Swift HRT mations described oil Exhibits A and B for <a period of five. (5)
years from the: date of execution of this A .reerrrent" These ri-ghts may he exercised t)y
filingfully complete building herruit applic.ai.ions within suc}a five -vera period in
accordance with staaw law and City ordinanco If and when Community Transit, in its
sale; discVeticna, LICCIVIs A aapprop6me to mmuna c, the Swift BBT" progratrm, the Provisions
of this Agreemmit 5haafl a arrtorrtatically lapse, if' said five-yuar I."cricrd Im", no€ run.
g. Delay in Effectiv, _ !;)atL iia_ Even( crf ,� r renal. ThiS Development Agreement
I-claates to prc�jeca Permit applications and appamals, such as baail ling permits, right-of-
way construction, and encroachment pamum In the event of an appeal, if ale
Dcvclopnwnt AgreT.mem is taphdd, the five-year period Previously cstarblished shall
auaoaraatieaally tr<: cxtcrrcicd for the dura€bona of the appcaaf. Thc five-year vesting period
established 113, this DcVcloj1ln n( A ;recmmit shall cmumcme Capon the; bate of entry of as
Citral order upholding the Dc-velopntm Agmenamn and extond For a period of five, years
9. l rats€:e_.1grc t € ,�c.nt;f nlencirlle_rTt. This is (fie entire agrc,eraiea:t be(weell Mac: Parties.
:'tray prior understanding, ti'€Ken or oral(, shed] be. decrared rtacr-ged With its provisions.
TV Agmem nt -hal1 not be aaaaeracled except in writing with the express written consent
of the parties hercto-
10-� ff0,ctiY�_l:)at_e_ ]Zccordin�. This Agreement shall be effective when filed with the
Snohomish County Auditor in aaceorddanec with the provisions of RC AV :i(i.i0I3.191 All
casts of recording Shall be borne by Coaruaa€tnity '1"1.ansit.
1) ATI 17 oris
day (.-Yf, 20
/I j lail-ke'lls011
. ... . ......
SanGra 5. Cll�lso,� ( .,ily Clerk
W. swt� 1) l(CV, {.,Ity
joyvOls(7.[1 1. "Icallor
Chief fx6(,,-mjvc OfTiccx
I'crso �alixatt, lvOera4
As part of the local lilrl sdiction's person aIi7ation of e ad'i S'L=J[3t Statin .'Jltll n the CRy a f i"dmonW,
Community TrUrlsit offers the following, nle#ill of ChOiCQ'S. Fa%h Swift Station loc<I ed Within the local
jurisdiction may be personalized by:
6 Swift Station Name Name of BeSKR Station determined by the local jurisdiction.
0 Concrete Trflratrnent Theme Select[on of cancreh:2 tre atmen', therne for each Swift Station, as
per the attacried Niel u of therwle.S by Coma',unity I rinsit.
Swift Station !rientiW -- An area has been set We at each Swift Station location for a unique
concrete treatment therne. Cornmunly Wnsit will install a rendering of the local jurisdiction's
logo in this space as a Pfal,Ilt, However, the Wal jilt€sIction may de ign a ililNue do -sign for
this space. if the local ;rlrisdiction foocts to create a (,-ni ue design, CC:r im,,irlli.y Transit will
Imovide a not-twe coed bWga of $1000 to defray costy Any COSTS above and beyond said
$7,000 budget shall be borne by the IOU11 jrlris>diCtinn iBelf.
Community Transit reserves the final approval rWhts for the at: me offemd menu of choices.
Exhibit C
Exhibit C
Exhibit C
m -q
Exhibit C
Exhibit C