7712-D 196th St. S.W.
Edmonds, WA. 98026
January 25, 2016
Carey Tibbetts
7712196'" St SW #G
Edmonds WA 98026
Unless our records are incorrect tri �t the heating system in your condo unit
still needs to be repaired or aced. Enctosed is a py of our prior notices and the action
you need to take no later tha a ber 1, 2016.1 you have changed to an approved
heating system, please provide pr 4he and of Directors.
Heating system repairs or replacement must meet local building code.
Failure to make repairs/replacement by September 1, 2016 will result in a $500 fine. If repairs
are not completed by November 30, 2016, there will be a $1,000 fine assessed against your
unit. If your unit's heating system is not corrected by December 31, 2016, the Association will
consider court action to force correction of this problem.
Should you sell your unit, the condition of the heating system will be stated on the re -sale
certificate so that potential buyers are aware of these additional costs.
If the Association's annual insurance premiums increase due to the faulty heating pipes, the
dollar increase attributed to the structures' higher risk will be prorated against those units not in
compliance and that prorated amount added to their monthly assessments for the year.
If you have any questions about this policy change, please refer to our earlier correspondence
regarding the heating problems or ask a member of the Board of Directors.
John Jen n, President
Board of Directors
John Jensen, President (425-772-7519)
Margaret Brown, Treasurer (425-774-3402)
Patsy Moms, Vice President (425-776-8856)
Molly Jones (425-776-4701)
Nina Kravchiaskaya (425-268-9015)
Donna Ourada, Secretary (425-412-3289)