Homeview Dr - 18210_Gurnee_06-050.doc
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
Plan Check : Date:
# 06-050 March 10, 2006
Project Name/Address:
Gurnee SFR / Homeview Dr - 18210
Contact Person/Address/Fax:
Phil King / Phone 425-776-1245, Fax 425-745-2933 ___
Reviewer: Edward SibrelDivision:Engineering
During review of the subject submittal it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications will need to be addressed:
1. Unable to verify stated impervious surface area as the driveway is not adequately dimensioned /
represented at the house, and a drafting error places it at two different locations near the property line.
2.Provide a separate grading plan:
so that grading quantities can be verified;
so that proposed contours are represented through the driveway;
so that proposed contours accurately tie into existing contours without terminating.
Note: proposed grading quantity is very close to 500 CY; if recalculation yields a quantity over
500 yards, a separate SEPA determination will be required.
3.Provide bottom-of-footing elevations for each step (if any) in the foundation.
4.Public Works requirement –show drainage course running along north property line westward from
Homeview Dr.
5.Please provide a driveway profile. Please note, the Edmonds Community Development Code does not
allow for a driveway slope in excess of 14% without first obtaining approval by the City Engineer.
Requests to construct a driveway up to the maximum allowable slope of 20% must be submitted in
writing to the City Engineer with an explanation as to why the 14% slope cannot be achieved.
6.Note that the retaining wall along driveway must have a 2’ shy distance from the paved surface.
7.Review of the retaining wall in relation to the topography indicates the wall is supporting a surcharge
from the driveway. All retaining walls that support surcharges must be designed and stamped by a
licensed engineer. The design will be peer reviewed and the costs associated with such review will be
passed to the applicant.
8.Provide a detail of the oil separator located at the driveway curtain drain.
9.The proposed driveway is encroaching upon a City of Edmonds sanitary sewer easement. This driveway
must be constructed of asphalt only.
10.Provide detail on how proposed retaining walls and rockeries are to drain, and show where they drain to.
11.Drywell: Provide calculations for sizing, include a detail, and show location of drywell on plan. Note that
if the impervious surface area is found to be in excess of 5000 sf, this calculation must be done by a
licensed engineer.
12.Curb / Gutter and 5’ sidewalks are required improvements on the street frontage. Show these
improvements on the site plan.
13.Please include a sanitary sewer cleanout at the house within two feet of the bldg, and a 6” cleanout with
a 12” locking lamphole cover per City standards where the side sewer joins the city main at the easement.
14.The water meter is to be shown located in City right-of-way, with the back side of the meter at the
property line.
15.Provide construction sequence and TESC notes.
16.It appears that the stated 1” = 20’ scale is not accurate on the site plan.
Please resubmit three copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.