City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: August 12, 2008
TO: Benny Kim
FAX: 866-821-9163
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 2008-0543
Project: Hwangdo Restaurant Tenant Improvement
Project Address: 23830 Highway 99, Suite 115
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be
found on the plans. Please resubmit to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
1.Revise/clarify list of separate permits on the coversheet so there is no confusion what permits are
included with the main TI permit: Mechanical/HVAC, Plumbing, Gas Piping, Type I Hood, Hood
Suppression, Fire Sprinkler Alterations, Fire Alarm Alterations, State Electrical, etc.
2.Revise occupant load calculations for Suite 115 to 81 (78 for the dining area and 3 for the kitchen) in
accordance with IBC 1004.
3.Since the occupant load exceeds 49, 2 exits are required and must be spaced apart 1/3 the overall
diagonal dimension of the tenant space (IBC 1015.2.1). Show compliance on the plans. Show a
complying exit path of travel to the exterior of the building and to the public way. This is a concern at
the hallway. Also revise exiting notes on the coversheet of the plans.
4.Show illuminated exit sign and emergency lighting locations.
5.Panic hardware is required on the exit doors since the occupant load exceeds 49 (IBC 1008.1.9). If IBC
1008.1.8.3 item 2 is used for the main entrance door, note the requirements on the plans.
6.Revise Suite 115 to an A2 occupancy instead of a B occupancy since the occupant load exceeds 49.
7.In a fully sprinklered building (NFPA-13 System), a 1-hour fire separation is required between the A2
and B/M occupancies. Show the 1-hour fire barrier and horizontal assemblies on the plans, and provide
listed and tested 1-hour assembly details cross reference where they apply. If you intend to use non-
separated uses, revise allowable area and height calculations on the plans. The building must meet all
requirements of IBC 508.3.2 for the most restrictive occupancy (which will be the A2).
8.Show the proposed locations of the Type I Hood exhaust outlet and make-up air inlet given the story
above. Location needs to be determined at this time since it could affect other tenants and require fire
rated shafts. Clearly show the exhaust outlet is 10 feet minimum from any supply air inlet or building
9.On the partition detail Sheet A2.1, note the stud spacing.
10.Customer counter areas and self-serve counter areas must be accessible per ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section
11.Provide copy of Snohomish County Health District review letter and include changes to the plans with
your resubmittal.
12.Revise acoustical ceiling seismic details and code references to comply with ASCE-7 section 13.5.6.