Incomplete #3 120908.pdfIno 1So)O
December 9, 2008
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Brian & Cindy Isaacson
114 Second Ave S, Suite 103
Edmonds, WA 98020
SUBJECT: Letter of Incompleteness: 16007 73`d Place West Minor PRD Amendment (LL -08-75).
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Isaacson:
You have submitted a Minor Planned Residential Development (PRD) Amendment application for the
property at 16007 73`d Place W, which is being consolidated with two variance applications for this site;
V-08-53 (Height) and V-08-72 (Critical Area). While it appears that the two variance applications are
complete, the Minor PRD Amendment is missing a few items is considered incomplete. More information is
needed in order to evaluate your proposal and complete your application.
The following information needs to be provided in order for your application to be considered complete:
1. Loraine Woods Homeowner Association: The application for the PRD Amendment is only signed by
you. Please submit something in writing from the Loraine Woods Homeowner Association stating they
are willing to be a party of the PRD Amendment.
2. Title Report: The title report submitted with your application is only for your property, Lot 2 of the
Lorian Woods PRD. A title report for the Tract A of the Lorian Woods PRD is also required.
Additionally the title report cannot be more than 30 days old. The title report you submitted with your
application on December 5, 2008 was prepared on October 28, 2008, and is more than 30 days old. Please
submit a title report prepared within the last 30 days for both Lot 2 and Tract A of the Lorian Woods PRD.
In addition to the com leteness items above lease make the followigg chap es to the survey submitted with
your Minor PRD Amendment Application:
Survey: Please make the following changes to the survey submitted with your Minor PRD Amendment
a. Legal Descriptions: The legal description for Tract A is incorrect. A previous Minor PRD
Amendment (LL -02-176, recorded under AF# 200302200953) between Lot 3 and Tract A altered the
legal description of Tract A. The legal description of should be consistent with the new legal
description resulting from this amendment.
b. Utility Easements: The location of all ingress/egress and utility easements must be shown on the
survey. No utility easements were shown on the survey; however the title report identified three
utility easements on Lot 2 under AF #'s 1821783, 9011020361, and 8306230307. Please indicate the
location of these easements on the survey, as well as any easements on Tract A in the vicinity of this
PRD Amendment.
c. Zoning: Please add the zoning to the survey plans,
• Incorporated August 11, 1890 •
Sister City - Hekinan, Japan
d. Convey: PIease include the Before and After Conveyance area below the "Parcel A, Tract `A'
Common Area' on the survey. Also, on 73rd Place West on the survey it says "Parcel Conveyed: 171
SF." 73rd Place West is actually Tract B of the Lorain Woods PRD, and not proposed as part of this
PRD Amendment. This may be confusing and I suggest removing it.
e. Treasurer's Certificate: The parcel number for Tract A should be added to the Treasurer's Certificate
signature block
As previously discussed, the two variance applications and the Minor PRD Amendment are intricately
intertwined and will be addressed together under one hearing before the City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner.
All three applications (V-08-53, V-08-72, and LL -08-75) need to be complete before the notice of application
is published and the hearing before the hearing examiner is scheduled.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions: 425-771-0220, extension 1223 or lien a,
Thank you for your interest in development in the City of Edmonds — I look forward to working with you on
this project.
S' erely,
ernen Lien
Associate Planner
City of Edmonds Development Services
Nate: If staff f nds that additional information is needed we will notes you in writing that additional
information is needed. While this information -request is pending, the 120 -day clock -for processing the
application will stop running. When the additional information is submitted, staff will review it to insure that
it responds fully to the information request. When the request for additional information has been satisfied,
the 120 -day clock will start running again.