Incomplete_moreinfo_PLN20190004.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web:
"/Ic. 189lo
February 14, 2019
Scott Schrieber
810 — 9th Avenue South
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Letter of Incompleteness and Request of Additional Information
727 Bell Street Tree Cutting
Application No. PLN20190004
Mr. Schrieber,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed the application for a tree cutting
permit on the property located at 727 Bell Street completeness pursuant to Edmonds Community
Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and ECDC 18.45.045 and have determined the application is
incomplete and additional information is required for the application to be determined to be complete.
The following items are required before the application can be deemed complete:
1. Plot Plan: Please provide a plot plan as required by ECDC 18.45.045.A.6. Plot plan must include the
location of all trees on the subject property, species, and dbh. Identify which trees on the site plan
are the subject of this tree cutting permit. It may be helpful to number the trees and then provide a
written description of the proposed cutting and ongoing maintenance activity in a cover letter. If
there are other areas of vegetation maintenance besides the tree (such as clearing black berries or
other invasive species) please also identify those areas on the site plan.
2. Cover Letter/Statement Outlining Purpose: ECDC 20.02.002.E requires a cover letter and ECDC
18.45.045.A.7 requires a statement outlining the purpose of the tree cutting together with a
timetable for when the work will occur. Please provide a cover letter clearly outlining the purpose
of the tree cutting together with detail of the proposed cutting and ongoing maintenance.
In addition to the completeness issues above, during review of the application it was found that the
following information, corrections, or clarifications also need to be addressed.
3. Two arborist letters: Two undated arborist letters were submitted with the application and each
letter describes a different type of cutting activity. One letter mentions topping maple trees at a
certain location, while the second letter mentions removing 1/3 of maple sprouts. It is unclear what
exactly is being proposed. Are both the topping and removal of sprouts being proposed initially and
then just the removal of sprouts in ongoing maintenance every other year? It is critical that the
proposal clearly identifies the proposed cutting and the long term maintenance of the trees in
subsequent years to avoid potential confusion and/or enforcement actions in the future.
4. Geotechnical Recommendations: The geotechnical report estimated the diameter of the trees and
noted a more detailed site assessment should be provided by an arborist. The arborist letters did
not identify the dbh nor number of trees involved in the proposed cutting and maintenance activity.
Addressing the plot plan completeness issue number 1 above will remedy this. The geotechnical
report also includes a recommendation that the geotechnical engineer should be consulted to
provide specific recommendations if any of the cutting activity involves trees with diameters of 6
inches or greater. If any trees with a dbh of 6 inches or greater are identified and included in the
cutting plan, please submit the plan to the geotechnical engineer for review and prepare an
addendum to the geotechnical report.
According to ECDC 20.02.003.D, the above requested information must be submitted within 90 days (or
by May 15, 2019) or the application will expire.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
Sinc rely,
Kernen Lien
Environmental Programs Manager
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