June 18, 2007
Jeffery Phillips
301 4 Avenue North
Edmonds WA 98020
Tim Stensland
PO Box 925
Kingston WA 98346
Victoria Cargile
VIC Associates, Inc.
PO Box 2215
Bothell WA 98041
Dear Applicant(s):
You have submitted an application for design review by the Architectural Design Board (ADB)
for the property at 301 4 Avenue North, which is located in the new Downtown Business zone
(BD5 – “Downtown Arts Corridor”).
Originally, you had proposed an 8-unit condo project when the zoning was Multiple Residential
(RM-1.5). Now that the zoning has changed (to BD5) and now that the ADB process has
changed, I’d like to summarize what is required. This letter is a re-cap of our recent meetings
and details what is needed in order to turn in a “complete” ADB application. Several items are
enclosed as well, including the new Downtown Business code language (ECDC 16.43), the new
design review process for the downtown district (ECDC 20.12), and the handout on the District-
Based Design Review Application Checklist.
Please provide the following items in order to have a “complete” application:
Pursuant to ECDC 20.12.020.A.2, “Prior to scheduling Phase 1 of the public hearing, the
applicant shall submit information necessary to identify the scope and context of the proposed
development, including any site plans, diagrams, and/or elevations sufficient to summarize the
character of the project, its site, and neighboring property information. At a minimum, an
applicant shall submit the following information for consideration during Phase 1 of the public
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1.Vicinity Plan – Showing all significant physical structures and environmentally critical areas
within a 200 foot radius of the site including, but not limited to, surrounding building
outlines, streets, driveways, sidewalks, bus stops, and land use. Aerial photographs may be
used to develop this information (ECDC 20.12.020.A.2.a).
2.Conceptual Site Plan(s) – Showing topography (minimum 2-foot intervals), general location
of building(s), areas devoted to parking, streets and access, existing open space and
vegetation. All concepts being considered for the property should be submitted to assist the
ADB in defining all pertinent issues applicable to the site (ECDC 20.12.020.A.2.b).
3.Conceptual Sketches or Elevations – Three-dimensional sketches, photo simulations, or
elevations that depict the volume of the proposed structure in relation to the surrounding
buildings and improvements (ECDC 20.12.020.A.2.c).
Please provide the following additional information to better support your proposal:
4.SEPA Environmental Checklist – Please revise the SEPA Checklist that was originally
submitted to reflect the details of your new proposal. If you would like a new blank
checklist, please let me know. If you would like to redline the answers on your original
checklist, please let me know. One question, #B.1.e asks the applicant to estimate the
approximate grading involved with this project. Please submit an estimate, which should
cover the underground parking proposed. If you plan to grade close to 500 cubic yards,
please let me know so I can make sure that the Environmental Checklist will cover the future
building permit as well as this land use application.
Please note the following items that have changed under the new zoning:
5.Zoning – The project is now zoned BD5 “Downtown Arts Corridor” and is subject to
Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) chapter 16.43 (enclosed).
6.Design Review – The project is now under the new “District-Based” design review process
and is subject to ECDC 20.12 (enclosed).Also, please note the new two-phase public
hearing process. A “District-Based Design Review Application Checklist” has been enclosed
for your convenience.
7.Ground Floor Commercial Height – There is now a minimum height for the ground floor,
pursuant to ECDC 16.43.030.
8.Setbacks – The setbacks were adjusted in your favor, see ECDC 16.43.030 for details.
9.Height – The maximum height is 25’ pursuant to ECDC 16.43.030.C.1 and also
10.Parking – The parking requirement has changed, and this site is subject to ECDC
11.Open Space – Now there is an open space requirement, pursuant to ECDC 16.43.030.E.
12.Density – The density has changed in your favor, see ECDC 16.43.030.G for details.
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If staff finds that additional information is needed; we will notify you in writing that additional
information is needed. While this information-request is pending, the 120-day clock for
processing the application will stop running. When the additional information is submitted, staff
will review it to insure that it responds fully to the information request. When the request for
additional information has been satisfied, the 120-day clock will start running again.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 425.771.0220, extension
1778. Thank you for your interest in development in the City of Edmonds – I look forward to
working with you on this project.
Gina Coccia
cc: File ADB-2006-138
File BLD-2007-140
enc: ECDC 16.43 “Downtown Business”
ECDC 20.12 “District-Based Design Review”
District-Based Design Review Application Checklist
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