Independent Traffic Analysis.pdfGibson Traffic Consultants 2802 Wetmore Avenue Suite 220 Everett, WA 98201 425.339.8266 jkPj,IU [: ( S 1'101'17 Bloom Early Learning Center Trips Generation & Mitigation Prepared for: Karen Nickle Submitted to: City of Edmonds September 2015 GTC #15-205 Bloom Early Learning Center Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION.................................................................................... 1 2. TRIP GENERATION ................................... .................... .................. ......... .................. 2 3. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES ........................... ......... .......... ......... ........ ....... 3 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Trip Generation Summary ........... ......... ............... ........... ...................... ............... 2 Table 2: Traffic Mitigation Fee Calculation--- - ........ ........................... -- .................. 3 ATTACHMENTS Trip Generation Calculations ..... ..................................................... .......................... A SitePlan .................—..... ---- ............................... .,............................. .,.. ...,.,... ..................B Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. September 2015 zrl a q,)gibsontraf11u.c0 qi GTC #15-205 Bloom Early Learning Center Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum 1. DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. (GTC) has been retained to analyze the traffic impacts of the proposed tenant improvement of the Bloom Early Learning Center. The school runs a literacy based curriculum that includes classes for children until 1:15 PM and classes for parents/adults starting at 3:00 PM. GTC is a professional traffic engineering consulting firm registered and licensed in the State of Washington. This study has been organized in the manner of the SEPA Traffic Impact Requirements for the City of Edmonds for developments generating less than 25 PM peak -hour trips. GTC is located at: 2802 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 220 Everett, WA 98201 Phone: 425-339-8266 Fax: 425-258-2922 Email: info@gibsontraffic.com Matthew Palmer, responsible for this report and traffic analysis, is a licensed professional engineer (Civil) in the State of Washington and member of the Washington State section of ITE. The proposed Bloom Early Learning Center tenant improvement will consist of replacing 3,800 Square Feet (SF) of office space with a 3,800 SF of Learning Center/learning center. The site address is: 1233 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, WA 98020 The proposed tenant improvement is anticipated to be operational at the end of 2015/early 2016. The property currently is served by the existing accesses on to SR -524 (Puget Drive) a principal arterial. No change in access is proposed; therefore, no sight distance or access analysis was performed. Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. September 2015 ii .:f'o(fi)g bsoi tiaflic coo GTC #15-205 Bloom Early Learning Center Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum 2. TRIP GENERATION Trip generation rater were obtained from the Institute of Transportation Engineers on) Trip Generation, 9th Edition (2012). The average trip generatioia rates for ITE E Land Use Code (LUC) 710, office, have been used for the trip generation credit for the existing use. For the Bloom Early Learning Center, testimony from the client and a schedule of uses for the site were used to determine the trip generation. Based on information provided by the client, during the PM peak -hour the only activity occurring Monday thru Friday at the school from 4:00 to 6:30 PM is language adult students arriving and departing. Sessions are 1 hour long with 2 sessions each weekday and 4 students in each session. This will lead to a total of 8 PM peak -hour trips (4 students arriving and 4 students leaving) during the peak -hour. Also, one weekday per month they have an adult class with 1 teacher and a maximum of 10 students. The class runs from 5:30 until 8:00 PM, the teacher and the students would all arrive during the PM peak -hour. As this class only occurs one weekday a month and there is an average of 21.67 weekdays/month; there would be 0.51 inbound PM peak -hour trips associated with this class per weekday. The daily trips for the learning center were estimated based on the ratio of ADT to PM peak -hour typically being a factor of 10. The tenant improvement is anticipated to generate 43.19 net new ADT, with 2.85 net new PM peak -hour trips (4 inbound/ -1 outbound). The trip generation is summarized in Table 1. Table 1: Trip Generation Summary Average PM Peak -Hour Trips Land Use Size Daily �— Trips Inbound Outbound Total Learning Center 3,800 SF 85.10 4.51 4.00 1 8.51 Office -3,800 SF -41.91 I -0.96 l -4.70 I -5.66 (Removed) l Total Net New Trips G 43.19 1 3.55 1I -0.70 1 2.85 The trip generation calculations are included in the attachments, Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. September 2015 „ot„CtauL��ati1)t cwI GTC #15-205 2 Bloom Early Learning Center Trip Generation & Mitigation Memorandum 3. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES Traffic impact mitigation payments to the City of Edmonds are based on Edmonds Road Impact Fee Rate Study Table 4, Impact Fee Rates. The 2009 Impact Fee Rate Table was used to determine the new fees and the 2004 Impact Fee Rate Table was used for the credit for the removed 3,800 SF of office. There is no land use for a Learning Center on the City Impact Fee Rate Table; however, through discussions with City staff it was determined to use the following variables: % New Trips = 100% as all trips were associated with adults Trip Length Factor = 1.00 GTC calculated a PM peak -hour trip rate of 2.24/1,000 SF based on information provided by the client, the % New Trips of 100%, the Trip Length Factor of 1.00 and the $1,049.41 per Trip fee to calculate a fee per square foot. The traffic mitigation fee calculation for the Bloom Early Learning Center tenant improvement is summarized in Table 2. The total traffic mitigation fee calculations results in an independent fee calculation of $2,052.00. Table 2: Traffic Mitigation Fee Calculation Trip Net New Trips Land Use Number of Trip New Length per Unit of Impact Fee Units Rate per Unit "1"rias Factor Measure Learning I 3,800 SF 2.24 1 100% 1.00 Center Office -3,800 SF 1.49 100% 1.59 (Credit) Total I --- I ___ Total 2.24 per 1,000 SF 1 $2.35 per SF I1 $8,930.00 2.37 per 1,000 SF 1 $1.81 per SF Y -$6,878.00 $2,052.00 Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. September 2015 laafwc gibsonir•a ffic.coin GTC #15-205 3 Trip Generation Calculations n a� W 0) Lr) c o LO r J i �+ U `m ~ W U E 0 0 M 7 r 3 ° z w LU z z C7 � �, W w Q w z ° Q > J O � _. H } � r G 0 O Fm a c '',,,, J Q ' WW F- U) W z O 'M O '' c O m O v 7 .. + 0 O O O w O H Y W Z .O.° ~ C F- C O ` LLI C° N Z LU LU or o e °O 00 0 - ui oo C')F v v F- >-O 7 O O O O O M m y C v 0 0 0 CL ° 4. . o C 0 e w o o H Q �m O '® rn O _ N 7 C O O O .O.° ~ C F- C O ` C° N 0 0 O o e °O 00 c F- ui oo C')F v v O N M e O �� L e ? C 0 Lo LO •`� H H M Nr eaU d: �- o Y — J c 0 CD CD w af V JC w C m Y Y W > W M M L C Y O to M d C ami d N N IE U E a C, T U N A-1 a� c N U rn� c o 04L (06 J *k �C) %u Ur w E O m 1= I,olizliiz 3 v q W w 2 e ,n �° rn '� z v Q 'ri Q OLLI o 0 0 Z Q J C O O O — 0 o 0 0 LU W m W p IL c o 0 0 m W LLI O Lo ao ~ z C H W ,DC7 N J Q is O o c� 0 0 0 G' w W N K F -Y z .� W O W J wvp °xaa o z w o w 0 0 K H O « ®o 0 0 m c coo c z w IL �w 40 0 c m Q O 2 a; 0 q LOR " C H `'+D N _ �N 7 EL0o000 a> Eo~+� c y N O C wN N O N 6 ®\ V 4.1 O « 4n CC) CO G1 V C 0 — o6 LO N N 2- o Ov co 4% N 21 CO Lo O 3 O ad v N N os : O 3 = a w» o ~ J v (D G IL a w O J m O m is m Q Y O Y O Y AC 0 M 0 M ' \ GI Gi , V W ci r kL O to r L. Cami O C7 N w v E atm ~ g �o A-2 Average Daily Parking Lot Activity at 1233 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, WA 98020 Monday thru Friday 7:15am-7:30am 1 Manager arrives 7:30am-7:45am 2 Teachers arrive 7:50am-8:OOam Parents arrive and drop off children Average would be 10; maximum 15 8:00am-11:45am Administrative activity trips, about 4 11:45am-12:OOpm Parents arrive and pick up children, about 5 Some kids will stay for other activities. 1:OOpm-1:15pm Parents will pick up some kids from the "Lunch Bunch" program About 8 2:OOpm 2 Teachers depart 1 Manager arrives 3:OOpm- 3:30pm Language Teachers arrive, up to 2 4:OOpm-6:30pm Language students arrive and depart Sessions are 1 hour, 2 sessions each day 4 students in each session 6:30pm 2 Language teachers depart 1 Manager departs 7:OOpm-7:30pm Adults arrive for Support Groups and Parent Education Workshops Average 6, maximum 10 1 Teacher arrives 8:OOpm- 8:30pm Sessions end 1 Teacher and 1 Manage depart A-3 Saturday and Sunday One Weekend a Month 7:30am-7:45am 1Teachers arrives 7:50am-8:OOam Adult students arrive Average would be 14; maximum 20 3:OOpm-3:15pm Students Depart 3:30pm 1 Teacher departs Two Weekends a Month 9:30am 1Teachers arrives 9:45am-10:OOam Adult students arrive Average would be 7; maximum 10 12:00pm-12:15pm Students Depart 1:45pm-2:OOpm Adult students arrive Average 7; maximum 10 4:OOpm Students and Teacher depart 5:30pm-6:OOpm 1Teachers arrives Adult students arrive Average would be 7; maximum 10 8:OOpm Students and Teacher depart A-4 Site Plan ........... �= wz F" .......... < s)— Sj B-1 ........... ........... .. ......... ........... �= wz F" .......... < s)— Sj B-1 es I 04 7, rcol D*.M