Jantz App & Plans.pdfCity -of Edmonds Land Use Application U AK(:mrrr:CTURAL DESIGN I0,vir:w rl COMPREHENSIVP, PLAN AMENDMENT H q E- i : ; i " n '1 ' ZONC LJ CONDrrIONAI. USE PF.RMI'I Fu.r; ;' ❑ Homr, OCCUPATION DATE t t v ° I,.� KBC'D HYi16V ❑ FORMAL SUBDIVISION ❑ SHORT SUDDIVIS ION FEE RPCEIPT# ❑ LOTLINI;ADJUSTMENT HEARING DA'fP rl PLANNED RESIDPNTIAL DEVELoPMCN'f U OFFICIAL S'rlLIJILT MAP AMENDMGN'r n HE ❑ S•rAFG ❑ 013 0 ADB 0 CC LI STREET VACATION ❑ REZONr; rl SHOR.ELINF,PI:IiMIT CI VARIANCE USE ExarrION )./REASONADLC tjTHt R; 'S pj t?- r • PLEASENOTE WA TALL 1NNORSfATIoNCONT.I ivrD wjmA'THr,4PPL/CAriONIS'A PUBLICRECCOnD • PItOPeaTV AADrtBSS Olt LOCATION glut `�. 1�. ��k eY � nb r,8, S W I'ROJrsCT NAME (fit APPLICABLE) PROPFRTY OWNUR ADDRr.•ss PHONF0 rfN Lox ACCOIrNT l •IIVP. RNU, DRIPTION OF PROJCCT OR PROPOSI D USE (ATTACH COVER LETTER AS NECESSARY) K DESCRII)G HOW THE PKOJF;C1' MEETS APPLICAn1,13 CODES (ATTACrt COV13R LPITER AS NECESSARY) APPLICANT Cam. r&—t, a:Cg n_ k_,(ota Ct.9'HONC # cA:a !21 LIL loS _,�k.g ADDRESS E-MAIL CONTACT PeRSON/ACKN'r ZQAA7V*1,C Ic PHONLr A 6MN =L w,$ 0 T ADDRESS FWAIL R� .L�c.��p� �cr �1- comx 0 The undersigned applicant, and his/her/its hairs• and nssigns, in consideration on the processing of tho npplicatlon agrees to release, indemnity, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless Rom any and oil damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or mtraction based in whole or part upon falge, misleading, inaccurate or incompictc information furnished by the applicant, hialhcr/ita agcnls ur tmpluyccs. lly my signatui* I certify that the information and exhibits herewith s{{tIbrhitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I nm outhoriwd to rile this npplicollon on tho JIchrilfol'the, owiieA as listild below G, SIGNATURE OF Al'I`LICANT%AGENT L C (% /J V DATE Pruperty Owner's Authorizadnn 1, certily under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Wwhingion that dte following is u true and correct statement: I have authorized the above AppticanUAgont to apply for the subjoct land use application, and gran( my permission 1'nr the public oftieiaTs and the calf of tho City of Gdmondo to enter the subject property for the purposes of inspection and posting nnendant io (his application. ° U'n TNckxt �2c�C, t DATr•. SIGNATIJRti OF OWNEK Quc001197 Call (425) 771-U220, Rovl4ed on 8/71/11 8 . (.mid Hm Applrmrlon hiss ) u%I . ti t` G r, r G 4 It 46 16 b City of Edmonds � Land Use Application t, ob AMCIIITI:C11. AL DFIMN III VIEW C'U�II'RY.I II!NciVM PLAN A611?NnnilNi CI)N01I t0NAl lJsl III Khfll ru. a 7.(INr. J I (fN : of ('I vxrnm DAIIt RI'.C' p 111 _ I I�URMAI SIIriolvi :')V '— y1101(7 SL IMIV,'Isr(I\ rLFRrCCil'1 P I)orLiNr-AU.I('SlNfrh7 IIr'kki-rlmyL_ _ - L:\\\'I'D RPNII)I .N ri.11 I)pvcl UI!�tLM '� rwro f wvu in{ 1 rRi'rT MAP AMI;M)Mi nT III. 5 r:(/r I'13 ADn CC° � SI al;mr VAC.A , IUN RL�C)Vi. g SIIr1RMINh PlighllT YAR1ANCIVRIbANQNAlil C l lal. k\C1'.I'TUl\ •PGL'.+J'E.t'nl'C'Pl/aI'a/.1.l.vfuR.(l.�Tl/1.('Cr>A1.1rA'F.11 n'l r/1M'Tlrk ArYGlt', nns l•C pr. NI,IC'Rf( prr) I'ROI'F:RI 1' .11fpNYS� OR I.tk .st I'll(DU'I'NAMY•(IV API'LI(Allf•k1_._ PRQCYNTIl ON Tt;N i1C......5,;._r�, PHO!CI7 a _ Y° _ IAXAt('MINTU_.._.. _ _�,.•�� ,Shc Inl' R\G. I) 'S(Rll'711)\ UI I'Ki t)ITT rIR I'ttl p'USGI) I...W (Ail'A(1I (UVI?R 10 I P.R AS \iv('I:S5AR\') I)I:Sf 'PIIIE 11)i(11W I'RIUL( I Nit i•IS.APr{ I('AM I:Ct)Irij (ATFACII r'UVIiR 1:1:Ilt:It AS Nrri.SSAItN'I ,1Ypt,ir ,aL•r.� r �„_ "fir +;1i_ : ,� � - ,- nur:r a � t . r: � �3 ADI)Rt.SR .0 °' -4 I _Mail 1:U�7,(C'I'PY.N.I'A.v/:\Gf•Nl �L(;.���.�'�'� C�I'IIUVKI/ I';A.` a\�t.�� ;;.,t.i `� �, Ammu,ss _ Me tindersigla'd iprh:.m(. mul Io.cAav/)I, heirs. ,rnd A1?igni. in cnn:idurution ml the I"Ml!"ing (Il'.l1)r applll:allnn arjees In telvii v, inil mnily. delund turd hull Utc C'ay of I dmullds harrnloi, I'fo:n any and all damupti, incitiding noaina* attomc)'s IMi, atising f1'um any at.tion or )nl(acUan baaed in "line nr pa.t umn fal.o., nunlaothnp, Imccnralc a Inuumpletc mlRnnaUon Iurlushed hp f is uppifrwn, hi0cri'.'Is tig is of cniplueecn i 'IV my )iynultlty 1 0111%' that Ilu uiGn wdl tun ,ind vxh,hn. hve Jd• cA, mtty'l me irtw and tnnr,,l li:+liv Mutt RI Po LnOe.luUpc JUJ )IWI i Jni 4ni4 I zGd lu illy 111U ali9h i11h41 iNl Int' {); hall ir( the Pi,1 0 as !1Y1 'd NIO%k L %/ SIUA%11,11l.fll 11'I'IIGUI(A(I:NI UAII: Pro �11thnrlrnlivn e.., vanity cndar 010 punalll' ❑f Nrpiry wwc' ilic facts in' Inc Slaic if x.hni,mg i\ a uin• and sorted %I'llcmvnl I nat a otwari Kd thr 1,hm a APPlICanVAAcnt to Ippt, far dip aulipel land use aunlivuuun, wail pain m) xriowmn r rook nlllctals It0i1-Ule-xihiiifl'dic Or- el' lArnmid.s in cnlvl tha whjw propmy lift the puilmso of m.pac ' J i vin utt imtiinplualinn It $ICNnI'UlllinP(1WNL4, 9 DA(K lr ldibl Prll'/'Iv.gba 1'dF,'1.✓7 t, 46 0 16 13 1 1 BARTLETT TREE E XY E RT S 6805 NE 175th Street, Kenmore, WA 98028 • Telephone 425-481-6529 • Fax 425-481-6574 September 26, 2014 City of Edmonds Permit department 121 5th Ave N Edmonds, WA 98020 To whom it may concern, I, Cory Fitzpatrick of Bartlett Tree Experts, am representing my client; (Victory Place at 242 Dayton St. Edmonds WA, 98020) for the application of removing two Blue Atlas Cedar at the South West border of the property. The main concern with both trees is their current location and the inability for these trees to reach growth potential due to space constraints. Overtime, the trees will need to be heavily reduced on both sides to clear the buildings which will create a top heavy canopy and increase failure potential. Potential for foundation or sewer line issues are also a concern of the client and are a possibility. Replacement shrubs and or trees will be installed by Edmonds Landscaping depending on the requirements by the City of Edmonds. Client was hoping the two Japanese Maples recently planted at the North and East borders would suffice for replacements, but I have recommended at least replacement shrubs where the two Atlas Cedar will be removed. Erosion control and maintaining a natural border were my top concerns. Please inform me of the next steps in the application process. Cheers and thank you, Cory E. Fitzpatrick Arborist Representative Bartlett Tree Experts ISA Certified Arborist: # PN-7049AT ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor: # 1457 THE F.A. BARTLETT TREE EXPERT COMPANY SCIENTIFIC TREE CARE SINCE 1907 CORPORATE OFFICE: P.O. BOX 3067, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06905-0067 • (203) 323-1131, FAX (203) 323-1129 www.bartlett.com 0 1 Customer- Victory Place (0515661) - 242 Dayton St • Edmonds, WA 98020 I n 3 �d Ave, S i a 0 E M E S E Is M a 0