jonesgeo2.pdf-7I1 ales L14 ' --1.,,WK-�, i& A S S 0 C I ATE Xg, ®� (;EOTECH`IC'.\€.-C-,NGINEI;'RIXG • ENVIRONMENT-\1. CONSTRt:C'TION TESTING; i\ INSPECTION ,lane 1.3. 2006 John Jothes/Rick Jones 21460 - 67'r' Avenue West. Suite 8 Edmonds, Washington 98036 RE: Wetland Reconnaissance Proposed Single Family Residence Parcel No. 00434209002900 71 X Alder Street Edmonds. Washington Dear fir. Jones: KA Project No. 094-060IS _..:; u b 2006 EECE At your request, Krazan S Associates conducted a limited wetland reconnaissance at the above referenced property on June 6. 2006. This letter summarizes Krazan's observations fronn the site visit. The property is located in suburban Edmonds, on Alder Street approximately midway between 7`i' Avenue South. and 8"' Avenue South, The subject property is currently undeveloped but shows the classic marks of development in the past-, hedges, fh-uit trees, a pair of small timbered wails with stairs to the north end of the walls. The liedges mark the north and south property lines. The walls extend frothh (hear the northeast property carrier to a point in the center of the property about two thirds of the way from the north property line to the south property Line. The walls are approximately four feet tall. and appear to be made by a previous owner. A portion of the property front the base of the western wall to the southern property boundary is covered with a ground cedar bark landscaping product. The property generally slopes 10 to 30 percent toward the west-southwest. Near the north property line, at the foot of thelower timber wall, water is seeping from the slope. This seep creates a trickle in a small channel that traverses the site to the west from the steps/wall to the north property line. Typical species of plants found in wet areas are found in and adjaceiht to the channel: Eelidsetion atvenve (Horsetail. FAC). Lonna na. minor (Duckweed, 013-U Epilobhon cilictrum (Watsoth Willowherb, FACW-). Junrus species (unknown, Ruslh)..Dark organic soils are present in the area where the wetland plants are growing. These soils have an approximate Munsell hue of 7.5, chroma 2.511. This area is on, the order- of one hundred to 200 square feet (0.002 to 0.004 acres) in size. These soils appear to be derived from decomposed landscaping bark and site soils that has bow subjected to suet conditions in an aerobic environment, there was no. evidence of an anaerobic, reducing environment. One small test pit was dug in the saturated.organic soils. The soils inthe upper 4 inches of the pit were - observed to be the very dark grayish brown organic soil described .above. This soil was underlain by a geotectile nhenhbrane used for landscaping ptirl3ofies- On closer inspeetiou. it appears that the organic Offices Serving Tlie VVest,era United States 1950t -.1 a-t`y Avenve INE # F-3t14 • Ivuoiliiivitie. W011ittgiva 98073.• I t2? I €S -�319 • Fax t 2.i)-i#;�-GS a7 KA Project No. 094-0601 S Mine 13. 2-1006 Page \o.:? of ..soil" has been cr�atetl try the break Cloc4'n t�i- the cedar bark- faun(# acliacent to tilt. site. The geotevile is also found in other areas. and niay have been placed as a .need block when the mark had been placed. Even though this man made "wetland -area has attracted the growth of plants that are commonly found in wetland areas: because the wetland soils is Dart of a landscaping activity. the wetland -perched" aquifer conditiotis is caused by an artificial geotextile lining, and [lie size of this man made environment is insign.ifieant and could not be ranked. this seep area is considered to be a non -wetland. Even if the geofabrics were nol present. the seep area would not have constituted <t 4+etlltitl that could be delineated or ranked. Based on the highly modified surrounding area. lack of significant habitat. tion- reducing soils. and the absence of true wetland hydrology. Also, a "stream chaimel" was observed in an adjacent yard. It is surroutided by a carefully landscaped yard. with a decorative bridge: this would also not be classified as a %vetland that could be delineated or ranked. "Chant: you for choosing Krazan & Associates- If you have any questions. or you need further assistance. please contact me at your. convenience- (425) 485-5519. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Robert A. Bionngttist. G LG # 2596 Project Envtrotinierntal Geologist Krazan & Associates. talc. Offices Servins The tt'estern United States