Kim 3-25-08.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020
Location of Violation (Address and/or description of location: 7414 181" Pl. S.W., Edmonds, WA
98026 Tax Account Parcel No. 00477600002300
Case # : ZE-08-79,80 (COD20080017)
Issued To: David S. Kim
Address Of Person This Order Is Issued To: 7414 181" Pl. S.W.. Edmonds. WA. 98026
Code Section Violated:. 1) Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 17.30.000.B - fences,
2) ECDC 23.40.110 mitigation of critical area impact, 3) ECDC Demolition permit
Description of Violation: 1) Fence built in Critical Area buffer without fence permit. 2) soil, limbs,
branches and debris deposited over and on steep slope. 3) Demolition taken place without required
Corrective Action Required: 1) Make a complete application for a Fence permit. 2) Remove
dumped soil, limbs, branches and any other debris dumped on and over the steep slope. (Other
Critical Area mitigation requirements may be added to the fence permit) 3) Make a complete
application for a demolition permit. (Please note that fees will be increased due to the violations)
Correction is Required no later than: 4:00pm (time) April 7, 2008 (date)
If correction is not made by the date and time specified in the Order, a Notice of
Civil Violation shall be issued. The Notice of Civil Violation shall assess fines of
$100.00 per day, or portion of a day, during which the violation continues.
Date Posted: Date Mailed: March 25, 2008 Date Served:
Issuing Party.
Mike Thies Title Code Enforcement In
cc. Planning Manager
Building Official