Landau Outfall Analysis.pdfFebruary 23, 2010 City of Edmonds Dept. of Public Works 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, Washington 98020 Attn: Mr. Jerry Shuster RE: 102512 T" AVENUE NORTH STORMWATER OUTFALL ANALYSIS LANDAU 14 ASSOCIATES Dear Jerry: At the request of the City of Edmonds (City), Landau Associates reviewed site conditions at 1025 12t" Avenue North and on adjacent properties to evaluate the effects of relocating a stormwater outfall pipe. The new stormwater outfall pipe is required because the existing pipe goes beneath a private residence and is starting to fail and needs to be replaced. The new location is shifted approximately ten feet uphill from its current location in order to avoid and minimize disturbance to multiple properties. Our services were provided in accordance with Task Order No. 09-20 with the City. The existing 12 -inch pipe collects stormwater from 12t1i Ave North and extends westerly subsurface approximately 124 feet before daylighting along lot lines at the end of a private cul-de-sac east of Olympic Avenue. Water from the outfall flows to the west in a defined flow pattern that forms a road side ditch along the north side of the private road before entering a storm drain. The new outfall will be shifted approximately ten feet to the north and 6.58 feet upslope of the existing outfall. The design includes a manhole and a small rock -lined spillway to dissipate energy. Surface water flow will be directed from the new outfall to the existing conveyance and roadside ditch. Landau Associates visited the site on January 8, 2010 and compared the new plans to existing conditions and evaluated anticipated flow patterns. This evaluation does not include a critical areas (wetlands, streams, steep slopes) delineation, categorization or functional assessment. A vacant lot just downstream of the existing outfall at 932 Olympic Avenue is characterized by sloping topography ascending to the north and to the south. While steeper sloping areas at the base of the slope to the north and to the south are dominated by blackberry or English Ivy, most of the lot is dominated by reed canarygrass, horsetail, and bentgrass. These plants are hydrophyfrc and may indicate wetland conditions. Surficial conditions on the lot were damp. Surface water on the lot is derived primarily from seepage at the toe of the slopes. The existing stormwater outfall does not supply hydrology to the site as this flow is channeled along a roadside conveyance along Olympic Avenue. The new outfall has been designed in order to avoid flooding conditions on adjacent properties, such that a ENVIRONMENTAL I GEOTECHNICAL I NATURAL RESOURCES 130 2nd Avenue South • Edmonds, WA 98020 • (425) 778-0907 • fax (425) 778-6409 - www.landauinc.com EDMONDS (CORPORATE) • SEATTLE • TACOMA • TRI -CITIES • SPOKANE • PORTLAND bubbler and splash guard have been incorporated into the plans in order to minimize turbulence during intense events and to direct water to where it goes now to the existing road side conveyance ditch along Olympic Avenue. Based on our cursory review of site conditions, Landau Associates does not believe that there will be any adverse affects to neighboring property as long as the water from the new outfall is diverted into the existing channel that transports water from the existing outfall. If the water is not diverted into the existing channel, there is a possibility that the hydrophytic vegetation and other physical conditions could be affected due to an increase in water flows in that area. There are two major factors to consider in this project: water quantity and water quality. Based on the site evaluation and the information on the design plans, the quantity of water discharging from the pipe will not change. If the water from the new outfall location is not diverted into the existing channel for the existing outfall, hydrologic conditions would change and there could be physical changes to the vegetation and soils on the hillside. The quality of the water could also affect the ecological and physical conditions on the project area. It is recommended that the civil engineer include a thorough description of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the activities that occur during and after the construction phase of this project. It is important that stray sediment is prevented from transporting into the hillside and/or downhill into the municipal stormwater system. Careful erosion and sediment control will protect any healthy vegetation, existing slope conditions, and unsightly conditions. Landau Associates' services have been provided for the exclusive use of the City of Edmonds for specific purposes of evaluating the relocation of a stormwater outfall at the subject property and how it may impact the hillside conditions. Use of this letter by others or for another purpose is at the user's sole risk. The conclusions and recommendations of this letter have been prepared based on one site visit. Conditions could change with time. If site conditions change or considerable time has passed, it may be required to reevaluate the conclusions and recommendations presented in this evaluation. Please let me know if you have any further questions or require further clarification. Once again, thank you for this opportunity to service the City of Edmonds. LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. tjo P -� J W. Perry Welch, P.W.S Senior Ecologist WPW/rgm 2/23/10 PA074\l63\FileRm\R\C_Edmonds Olympic View outfall LTRdoc LANDAU ASSOCIATES 2