Legal Descriptions.pdfThe Westerly 15Ofeet ofthe following described Tract: All that portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 27 North, Range 4East, VV.&1, ` described asfollows: Beginning adopoint 4G8.62feet South ofthe Northwest corner ofsaid Southeast quarter ofthe Northwest Quarter; Thence East 488.82feet; Thence South 193.feet; Thence West 408.82feet; ThentoNorth topoint ofbeginning; Except the Westerly 30 feet thereof as condemned in Snohomish County Superior Court Cause No. O3227' . Except County Road. Situate in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington. North: 301537.418 East: 1208620.435 Line Course: 80O'35-1OVV Length: 83.00 North: 301454.422 East: 1268619.588 Line Course: N8Q-36'30VV Length: 120.00 North: 301455277 East: 1268490.589 Line Course: NOO'35-1OE Length: 83.00 North: 301538.273 East: 1288500.438 Line Course: G80-35'3OE Length: 120.00 North: 301537.418 East: 1268820.435 9,960 sq.ft. 0.23 acres Error Closure: O.0O0 Error North: O.0UOO Precision 1: 406,000,000.00 Course: G0O'0O-00E East: 0.0000 North: 301454.422 East: 1268619.588 Line Course: SO0-35-1OVV Length: 85-22 North: 301309208 East: 1268618.714 Line Course: N8Q'28-55VV Length: 120.00 North: 301370256 Eeet: 1208498.718 Line Course: NOO'35'1OE Length: 85.03 North: 301455.282 East: 1268498.588 Linn Course: G8Q-35-3O E Length: 120.00 North: 301454.426 East: 1268610.585 Area: 10'215aq.fL 0.23 acres Error Closure: 0.005 Course: N O4-3y-32VV Error North: O.OU49 East: -0.0004 Precision 1: 82,050.00