Letter_12-07-09.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS th 121 5 Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT • PLANNING DIVISION December 7, 2009 Ki Y. Nam, RA, AIA Arch/Tech International 29605 Military Road South Federal Way WA 98003 th RE: Greenbean Java CU @ 7601 224 Street SW, EDMONDS (PLN20090048). Greetings, Thank you for submitting an application for a Conditional Use (CU) permit to locate a new drive-through coffee th 7601 244 Street SWBC stand on the property at , which is located in the Community Business () zone. I am the Planner assigned to your project. This letter is intended to generally inform you of the CU process and to let you know that other departments have finished their preliminary review of your proposal and additional information is requested in order to continue processing your application. Please respond in writing at your earliest convenience. Please know that I cannot schedule your proposal for a public hearing until these questions are answered. 1.NEW 12/07/09 – Please provide an accurate mailing address for the owner listed on the Land Use Application: Chong S. Pac. The first letter I sent out was returned to me. 2. Please submit the proposed colors of the building and indicate any new/existing landscaping on the site plan (or on a separate landscape plan). To expedite the process, I will conduct the design review of your proposal administratively and forward my recommendation to the Hearing Examiner during the CU process. 3. One of the items not addressed in your criteria statement was whether or not the project would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Will there be any noise or odor generated by the building? Surely there will be an increase in traffic to this location – how will this be handled so as not to interfere with the State Route? Can you anticipate anything about your proposal that the neighborhood may object to? If so, what? 4. Is any signage proposed for the new building? If so, what does it look like? Please know that a building permit for new signage will be required and that A-Frames (sandwich boards) are not permitted in this zone as a form of temporary signage. 5. The location of the new structure is near a steep slope and may require a geotechnical report (later, during the building permit process) to make sure that the design is suitable and will not impact the slope. 6. Please submit an Adjacent Property Owner (APO) list in mail-label format, along with the required notarized affidavit (attached). 7. A “Notice of Land Use Action” sign is required for posting. If you would like me to help coordinate this for you, please let me know – we need to either have you find a sign company to set up a large sign on site or I can coordinate this for you (the sign company that we’ve been using charges $185 but you may be able to find a deal somewhere else). Either way, please let me know if you’d like me to coordinate this for you or if you’d like the sign specs and would like to post yourself. Page 1 of 2 8. I will contact you with instructions on posting, publishing, and mailing public notice – these are all items that the applicant is responsible for under the new Title 20. But, please know that I’m here to help you though this process. We’ll need to post, publish, and mail a “Notice of Public Hearing” at least two weeks before the public hearing. As soon as you submit the additional information requested, I will contact you to explain and coordinate these processes. 9. Hearings are conducted in the Council Chambers at the Public Safety Complex across the street from City Hall on the First and Third Thursdays of each month at 3:00 pm. A representative for your project would need to be present at the hearing. Please be aware that I cannot schedule your item for a hearing until these questions are answered. 10. TheEngineering Division had three comments for you to address. Please contact Engineering Program Manager Jeanie McConnell at 425.771.0220 if you have any questions about her comments: a. Please provide a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the proposal. Please refer to City handout #E82 for TIA requirements (attached). b. Please dimension the drive aisle on the east side of the proposed coffee stand as well as the drive aisle area provided for the fueling station. c. Please provide the radius of the drive aisle around the coffee stand. Once you respond to the above items and make changes as appropriate, staff will again review your proposal for compliance. When we have determined that we have enough information from you to move forward, I will coordinate with you and establish a public hearing date. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to . Thank you for your interest contact me at 425.771.0220, extension 1778, or via email at coccia@ci.edmonds.wa.us in development in the City of Edmonds – I look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Gina Coccia Associate Planner CC: File PLN20090048 Page 2 of 2