Little incomplete2.pdf'«c. 1 s9 January 5, 2012 Susan Little 2309 NE 127" St. Seattle, WA 98125 CRY OF EDMONDS 1215 1h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web: w ww.edrno����lswa DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT e PLANNING DIVISION _..__................ Subject: 806 Dayton Street Stream Day Lighting Incomplete Application Dear Ms. Little: Thank you for submitting additional materials for the day lighting of the stream on your property located at 806 Dayton Street in Edmonds in response to my December 8, 2011 letter. Only some of the items in the December 8, 2011 were addressed however and more information and materials are still required for a complete application. Please respond to the following items so that we may continue our review. New comments are in red. 1. SEPA: This 4em h,,,is been addr( 2. Adjacent Property Owners List: The Adjacent Properties Owners (APO) list is not in a format we can use and the notarized declaration for the APO list was not submitted. See the enclosed handout #P2 for instructions on how to compile an APO list and declaration form. Please submit an APO list in the form described in the attached handout #P2 and include the notarized declaration form. Wilde a not'arizedd Ck"(daRl donx h'enu]n�n MIS adnbn.n. iHedfl, an A110 hst 'M �hc lorinn described hi ffic, ,Itt,�ICIIC,dl dnan]d10W, UP2 is iH rc(a undnc& 3. Critical Area Report: Thd s pIa;m hasbeen a ddncssed. Stormwater Permit: The project will also require stormwater management permit. The application for the stormwater management is the same as the City's right-of-way permit which is enclosed with this letter. The stormwater management permit will be used to review and inspect the temporary erosion and sediment control measures, any modifications to the connection to the city storm, etc. The fee for the stormwater management permit is $260, which includes one engineering inspection. It is $60 per additional engineering inspections (if needed). Please submit for the stormwater management permit and include the $260 permit fee. Please note that a detail for any modifications to the existing storm structure will be required. Please also show where the storm line connects to the city system. 1'�do s.onw,va9er° p ernld� has been app hend 1,61% l'dr.ann,e.rdn[rn J� d01' �9�e:n to�n�nn�u�n��vsnuw^r mannnsgenien t pnermd an'nd uunolud c Hle ap',)rsalrorime d'ce. Once the above items have been submitted, we will continue our review and may have additional comments. If you have any questions regarding the stormwater management permit, please contact Jennifer Lambert at 425-771-0220, ext 1321. For questions regarding the critical area requirements or SEPA review, please contact Kernen Lien at 425-771-0220, ext 1223. Sincerely, Kernen Lien Associate Planner Cc: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician Ginger Holser, WDFW Chris Wright, RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. Encl: Handout #P2 — How to Compile an Adjacent Property Owners List Handout #EI I — Construction Contractors Best Management Practices (BMPs) Stormwater Construction Permit Application