Liu and Associates Geotechnical Report.pdfLRJ &,114K.SSOCIAO'ES, 11%.
juy. 15, 2n i
IM i0h (long
17111 TAH40 RoA
sutj# c[� I to L&A 91I 5,,2012 [4(epoll
TrAhrathm Aw ,(n�Jlc er Dir�SF70'3"�J
Nov (long Akdairid )
& /\, f.
J�I " Ir k-,]� I
iL�, C L
AA`c� prt,'viou,,-,,Jy [,,�mbnncd a gec)ltchnicai invemigmW A, the -ajar`
vJjj-j (nu Endogs of me she comlikm and our Tfl Cl) (131 i CMA
in 'k"(1"CCjt,Xh)liOd InVCSUgaaUn, IqC%V Cluing Resideneq 17134
1: albot JZoad, daRXI September 1 2012 rcf,6-red U.)
as We 9115 2012 ROPOMY 0j')6f,.ViS 1"Or (fir`fl)0'F"""'a of ?,vcrc, prcsented in
We 9,131PI2 Apom. Midi AM: 1) dkohage WMer ffirough a fighthne fie d b) lha�
jjoyjJ,,j. 11 'if
.cjghbor's "iAng mmin drain Jim, 2) kfispersc., Oft- W)ITMICt Pij)C
OpemM sytenis along dw sides of the back yard, anvi 3) spmad '".yr:: er Mugh -I
SpeMY pie dispersion Systern imitallerd 'a � C`lko-,gcwicd urea at the base nV We
-19 2 13 K en P N E
(425� Fax (4251
julv 15, 2013
Addendum No, 1. to T,&zA Geolechnical Re[ oi't
Chang Residence
1,&A Joh No. 1.2-083
Page 21
Option I above tvas ruled ow because a daention fiacility wmild be rQquired to Store
stornAwater and stored v,.' to is to be pumped jilto tjQigjjbor'-q storm. draill line offpcak.
Option 3 was m -)t chosen as gHtlncy a permit from BNSF Railroad Company fakes too
Ion ong a timcAvith no parantce it can be secured, We ande tand that ailvt fut-ther
evaluation you tnive decided to go with an improvM Option.2, with a combination of
sprtader I)ipe systcrns and a rain —p-arden to (lispose storm%yater onsite. 'Me.
ipreader pipe dispersion systems are to be installed an the sides of the. backyard tri spread
roc,f nint)ff of the house anc I tile rain.--arden is, to list constructed in the front yard to
di�pme Toorano ffof-the garage kind. the runoff'o,,vt the drivewa),. Tbis option is c1lostn
to spread storniNvatof in a diverged manricr over the entire site., rathcr concentrated in q
limited arca.
To detennim soil infiltratio rate for design. of the Pro. ose In garclen, two in-situ
n P d raii
j.;,ifiliji-axion wsys have: been conducted in the front yarcL Presented in this addenduin are
the results Of the infiltration tests and our modifilcd- re.commendations fior onsite
ystems have
stoninvater d
posal. Our recomin.c.ndations for the spreader pipo dispersion %
be�en included in our 9'-'15MI-22 ReP011.
1""vo ill-s'itu 111filtrat'on tcsts were conducted to detenmine the Soil infiltrate rate iii the
trout yard where the, iain garden is to be constructed, The�c tests wjrc perfornied on July
1.1!21013. flic locations ofthe infiltration taste. I'l'-i and 1'1--2, are shown on P14e I
July 15,?01.3
Addendun'i No. I to f 91,1 5,r'2012 Geotechnical Repoa
Chana Residence
L&A Job % 12-083
The in-situ i.nfiftration vests were conducted in accordance with the. proced.ure OUdined in
wa.shin'p-ton State Del=tment of Ecology 2005 Stomiwater Manage
Western W�ihinSton' )"or c�ich test, a. pit was excavaled to about: 2.5 to 3.O feet dee-
into. ffie soil to which tile boilom of the rain garden -�vilf be excavated, 1-?ach pit Was
measured for dimemions of its botiom area, the filled with %vater for hours mitil the
m-nount of water infiltrating Into bottom of the pit reached a steady state (ix , the volume
c ghrough bottom of" the pits was IhL� sium, as the
.)f water Infiluadna inLo che ,round t
,volume of -vatcr discharged into the pits while water level in the pits was kept at a
constant c1cvatiorl) for at lemt- an hour, Clear tat.) Nvater %vas used in the torts, The,
Ii i.tests was conducted by the constant head method -,Alitil the votunic of Neater
discharged into the ph measured, with a flow meter attached to flic, hose conveying water
from the I'aucet into d1c, pit for it period. of 30 minutes. 'f ie volume, (if water discharged
into cac h. test .pit during the 30 -minute period was measured in U - S, gallons while. water
in the pits reinained at a constint level,
Bot], test pits; mcountered a laver of dark,�brown, luosc� tir&nanic topsoil Of silty fine sand
-ies thick. Underlying lbe topsoil i's a la
,vitt- roots, about 12 incl ytr of brown to lighte.
brown, loose to rased attic -dense', gravellY f -me sand, about 1,25 feet thick. This laver is
undertain Lo the bottom of t1w test pits by a light -gray drposit of dense, fink-, to niediuln
san.d Avith Imcc to som.c aravel
.11,1N 1. 5 , 12. 0 11
Addend'urn �No. 1. to L&A 9"'°1'51!'2 G12 Ckote6niea.l Repoet
I &A Job No. 1 '2-093 )
J:' ka, C 4
"I'lic Infiftratioll test results are prQscntcd below,-. 'j'he V)Jutyjc,� ofxvater discharged into
fli.0 te-st pits over a PCI -k -A €f 30 millutes witli a constant �,,valQr level in the Pits measurt'd in
i} rra -t I
weir e cotivei-ted into eubic, feet, then divided. by the boltom ar"s of the, Pits to
derive the infiltration. rate in iliches per hour (iph) ofezic]i tost. A corrccjion factur of 4,0
is used to determine with. the design infiltration rates. of tile flne to medium sand deposit
at bottom of the pits.
* With a correction factor of 4.0.
DL,.sjg11 Infiltration Rate,
The design infiltratioij rate, of the light- gray., f s,
y Inc tc) 11jed and deposit. deteni
:ire 3.90 and 4,95 iph for
trom. tiro in-situ infiltrat..Wn tests wfth a correc:tion fauctor of 4,0,
`rests IT -1 and IT -2, respeeflvizjy, H.owever, accoraing to rujftuwu"s "ituilli"Ll"'A
B.�jp sialplifflitd Sizifig (No, FMB)� the ipfiltration rate used for rain gardej, should not
volume of Water
Elapsed 1
Discharged into Test Pit
Time E
I nfiltration
Gallons I Cubic Feet
Rate, iph
IT -1
1 93.00 12.43 i 41-311x4l-6"
148M 19,78 4' 0"116-1y,
19,7 -
* With a correction factor of 4.0.
DL,.sjg11 Infiltration Rate,
The design infiltratioij rate, of the light- gray., f s,
y Inc tc) 11jed and deposit. deteni
:ire 3.90 and 4,95 iph for
trom. tiro in-situ infiltrat..Wn tests wfth a correc:tion fauctor of 4,0,
`rests IT -1 and IT -2, respeeflvizjy, H.owever, accoraing to rujftuwu"s "ituilli"Ll"'A
B.�jp sialplifflitd Sizifig (No, FMB)� the ipfiltration rate used for rain gardej, should not
Jul v 15. 20 13
A,(d1,1dum'N,.o, I to T,&A 9/15,�201 2 Gootechnical Rep(ml
(%"l )I -kg Residence
Page, 5
be m, we recommend that a design infiltration. rate of 10 iph
orc than 2.0 iph, Therefim-t.
he uwd for Sizing the rain ow -den to bt inmalled in flic, ftont yard to dkpose roof wfloff of
the inl1rafcand the rtmoff over thepaved driveway
Rain, Garden Cqnstruction
A typical Sicelion of the rain garden is shown.. oti Platt, 2. '[he proposed :rents garden should
be approxim.ately 3 feet deep -Mtjjjt,,,, b.ottoll., crit into tile jight-gray, fine to medium: sand
df. -posit, 'I -he slope of ffic pond banks ;should be rjo steeper than .2-1/2HAV for cut banks
at,j(j no steeper than 3H:1 I V for fill embantonentsi Footprints of fill embankmenLs should
Lie clearcd and thoromghty grubbed andsurficial topsoil alld unsuitable soils in root zone
si -uld be completely stripped, Exposed soil should be conipacted to a non-vielding state
and pt= of-folied �vjth a piece of heavy ejjrtjj�vork- equipment. pricer to fill ernbankmmt
construction, Fill embanb-Anents should be constructed with soil: 1(i0% passino the No. 4
;icve and conIain o
in at least 30% f silt and c1a), passing the No� 200 sieve. Fill
ernbankments should be placed in lifts do nioTe than 10 -inch thick in loose state and
compacted to at least 95"/Of the maxi tut dry (l.e.11sity determined by ASTM D1557
(Modified Proctor rnethod).:After compIction, the stopim,;, face rat' cut banks and -fill
r,inhankments should be cornpacted to a non -yielding state with a hoe -pack, For, water
quality control, ffic P011d shOuld be lined with a layer of amended soil at least 18 inches
tbick, `lieamended soil should have 30 to 35 pereent cif c..().naposit tilled into the bank
content of 10% 17Y dq, Nveight,
July 1.5. 20173
Addendum No. 1. to L&A. 9/ 15/2012 Gemchnical Repori
Chang Residcnce
L&A:Job No, 12-083
Page 6
Vegetation Planted in the rain garden should be tolerant of ponding water and saturated
soil conditions In the winter moriths and drought h . I the "All-nmer mmths. Ingeneral., the
prudominant plams 5hould be of fticultative species adapied to stresses associated with
ivet and div conditions, Typically, the rain garden plants may comprise of red mig
do -vv -orad. rusbes, sedgm q'almonberry and iw, inberry and omarnentals 6tith as royal feMS,
big-lewved I igMaria s or various priniroses,
'I'llis report has been pr o this pr(>jtct for the exclusive
cpared lor ihe,,;pe4J17jc LIpplicatimi. t
use by Dr. Chang a acid cot-11ractors. The
md his associates-, representativcs. consultants ,
conclusions and intcrpretatkms In. this repo ll., hoxvever, should not be con,"Amed as a
warranty of the subsurface conditions, The scope of this report does not include services
related to constluction Sal-Cjy prec-tjtjtiojjs and t)ur recollimendations. are not intended to
direct the contractor's methods, te-chniques, sequences or procedures, except as
specifically described in this report for deNigo considerations,
Our reconimmdations and conclusion are based on the geologic, and soil conditions
eneounured by tho itillration test pits, our ex.perien
ce and en jud
.gineering gment., and the a
infiltration test results. The conchisions and recommendations are prollessional opinions
derived in a. manner consistent. with the level of care, and skill ordinarily exercW,-d by
other tm-mbers of the prore.'iqion currently practicing under 6mflar conditions in this area.
No warranty, expressf4d or implicd, is made.
July 1'�. 2013
Addendum o...1 to 1-&A. 91A 5/2012 Gcotechn,ical Report
Chang Residence
1.,&A Job No. 12-083
Page 7
The actual subsurffice conditions in th.e area of the propo5ed rain garden may vary firotai
those encountered by the infiltration tcst pits,. The nature and extent of'such varlaftolls
illay 11ot beconle �videw until Construction Aans� if variation� appuar then, we stiould bt
. to re-cvahiatc Clic; rcet mdations of this reportand to verify or modify them
in writing prior to procceding fiarther witli the construciion of the. proposed kvelopmetiL
A copy of this report shouldbe, provided to the contractor of infiltration tri 1cfics for
0011-1pliance with the In [fik report. Construction of spreader pipe
dispersion sysicnis and fidii gprdens should be i-kserved and nionitored bl a. geotechnical
We are pleased to be of service to you Oil this project, Please feel free to Ciantact us if you
have any questions, regarding this report or need furtlier ek tion.
Tv,ro plates attached
Yours very truly,
J—S, (Julian) Liu, MD., P.E.
Consulting Geotecimical Engincer
G��doq�� , "'alh 2�r;� w"�l
3 � F M
. ..... ...... .
1.7 134 TA L B OT R OAD
E D M 0 N G, S, WAS Hil N GTO N
A NO., �,2-083 DATE
0 CI
G��doq�� , "'alh 2�r;� w"�l
3 � F M
. ..... ...... .
1.7 134 TA L B OT R OAD
E D M 0 N G, S, WAS Hil N GTO N
A NO., �,2-083 DATE
Leri "k eric,�
12- 0 81-3 DATE 7,,'l 5/20
PP Al E4;wwn,
Kro"Sp1q; Oanky,
Am 'S
Our saban of in Lum morn uit-, oT iru� ht UH J01 Uk.,
cd, 20
1Twludcs n reduccd,
rind a 15 lAq sabackhi,�bLLfi'l,-`I'
Qrahjjg5,Qqjl is
[11C CXiStC1ICC UF St szorm drain ot, 1.1,1mrs" n.,,nuh occl,lPyJ,�,ql 1.1 -le
�, , ttlr
At and is prqwr and WWWC fumdon AM be WAd AM 4 can be Land
i-A."q. disoha,ging MUCH siornmater of IN nev�- ,
wried by this drain IM, HAVIllabic and k-, to Lwdo'citigh,
k0 1r.VIA& Awo W; Kwuvm TO ";!Y?,
in ! �50;
Dr, -') ,rh
11134 Faho[Rnad
po",/, or/w,
nopmous to Mn FICAm
(Tang %Wmm
17 134 Abut Road
RegmdQ the geowd&& commums I CAly
of Awnds 1190013 lace.
be MUM into by NO,
Ann% hanikat. NVO havc
Am 'S
Our saban of in Lum morn uit-, oT iru� ht UH J01 Uk.,
cd, 20
1Twludcs n reduccd,
rind a 15 lAq sabackhi,�bLLfi'l,-`I'
Qrahjjg5,Qqjl is
[11C CXiStC1ICC UF St szorm drain ot, 1.1,1mrs" n.,,nuh occl,lPyJ,�,ql 1.1 -le
�, , ttlr
At and is prqwr and WWWC fumdon AM be WAd AM 4 can be Land
i-A."q. disoha,ging MUCH siornmater of IN nev�- ,
wried by this drain IM, HAVIllabic and k-, to Lwdo'citigh,
k0 1r.VIA& Awo W; Kwuvm TO ";!Y?,
in ! �50;
MAS 11. 2N,013
DO. MAChang
%ge -��
an ele-vatcd di�j:€crs-,,on pip,,., h)sla{lc'd at thbase of h,bWf, I IF tfli"-'
dispersion lipt: symWni is Incand whhin the SE urcicjd'
I ould have to bft sel:l wed fron-.", uh�t milmad 4'-o-nnP:'e)!7n:"
W wdumd that the adjacent reddencc tint norih, Li si-f-rm drain finc
k�'hjdh cwTies kmd dichuges gonn"sw ono a spall s.,,plash 1 -?ad ai tht, bse
uFt�i� bhkff Wt, Aso wdnvWt1.45t tla:= CLQ" i': r� of tl"JJ3 rCs -Qa c hpsre giwn
ve-flbal consgent. to 11Clang to allovi- swnuwawr ofth, suiie-€-'! Tw'w rcsiJd.T) cc to
bc disc�lhargtd inic, their storm drain IS, if AS is die casn. Von it would be a
AMC and Sal 53111 [,-) this 'c Swunvywr collecicd ftolll Chang
13. It' neith�-r of the above opions is fhasibh thor, mzo cicvaicd dispersion pirir
symenis (Wh Q pical scoion shtwon on. F"2Litt 3 in our 9..j 1. 5,201`22 rej.ort), one atong
each of the rwa sidt� of the l'raoma�� lie used to dNpose roor runaff
o" the huusc. Thc.sif elt%,aled �;prew cr Pipe syHWITIS 5,.oakt MIOA-.7 dlspostd
Mcgwwawr to eN'aporate into th'alrbitni and he absorbcsd hY the root/ symni of
gross and plamted shwbsvr4 ininkial int1hration inTo flic grouncL
Dr.ai1 a q,7 Rem (6
,ME anU,ipme the iiiunt of vvmcr cok--c[ed into fcxiiiing drain systcwi to b� niinin-i-al,
unid )-T)a�- lie disch�u-gQd throi-Igh thV dispersion ion pifie -systero�, am&cr the rain g,.,.r6-n,
Waif�-Y in f6mind
g rains Swuld he Agh9hed separafcly from oih��r dritirl
1hes to Mchuge but may bb tied to the .surae Wnnwakr dispo�,til as long as
!htdischwac poini is at least t2 inch&GAINVibil fbi low poim Df the fh(3dng WhI
System -
if Yiecessary., a rain jprden tray be lomatd ki the fro--)j)t 37ard to Aspose rM runoW of
tht gnmgt .grid runon, of w. drk.qcvia,. Watz�r --;wi-cd ii rain gardei-if is fnoOy
vTftv�% root SY3U-- runs' V�g -iatkn) Pla n �ed in
�d nw 11- 1, anibi-�nt and ahsn�rbed � V b
in garkns, Whi KnImal infi'.jtyntin,s-, iito dic g€'oLind, 1_
h�n,,forc7 it is our
Aum 1I i 1. 2013
Dr. 1061. Mpg Clang.
j Gh f -4n, 1 2-GK3
Page 3
recovanendaHon that hic On garden of the snIket Le on a
pscudo WhIvadon rarc of 0.5 iph,
A. typiGal -,>ek:ticni &f gardcns is shown on Jim I, aimc,,hcd nm",""
over the drivcNvay shimild he routed inlo a catch bask eqApped "ith Un LAMM
separator Ishre hAng dinhaTed too they Yak garden. Thu On gaMcn shadd W
3 to 5 3r. dot�p. bamk� -dopa of An gardens should be no sleeper
'1114 surhrJal weak SOK vomin footpr€ra ol-pond fill tn-ibaid,,:iacnt-z shm-11d lit qtrippecl
down to the underlying. native-, firm. stabl� depo�ir. The c -posed soil should be
coi-npacted to a: state with a vibraioi-,, 1-nechanic-al conypxicton= 'I'I-Lc,
bwmm of fill of thgar&�rj should be ke,3`cdat It i, 12 imlics iiitca
jhQ till sail, 101 cakankrnm% shold W constracrcd wi-,,.h soil coTI�Taining at least
35% Of (gilt and combincd), no mc�rr pa�sing the
Noy 20 Sieve. and ;M panide she no lugm- than t 2 hich, Fil I cnihanknients should
he cons tnlcic d in 11ft-, no more than 10 Mai ffikk in luo-c state.- with earth fler
compacted wil.13 ZI TIon-yielding, state Nvhh an clw-phant-fbot or sheep-fbot nlechanical
Soil to lit ust:d ful fill consm—ict .51 should [lave a moisture
conten' el'its cptimun,., ninisarr� conlow OpSom MONAls come& is
dl:Q tI-Ioisvc tuCome-nt Of &I Ant Niable the so -6 to b�� compacted, to thlmiNimum dry
deji",ity for a 0OTI-1P--iCfiCF) elffbl-t. Tlac pord of thrain v
,a-rdLn should be fintd
Nvith a layerof an.widcd soil al lea; 18 Won; Mick, The �In-nmelcel soil Should have
30 to 35 psynd of compov Wd Wo thc rain gardenervibankrnmt soil to achi�vL� an
ortganic comt-al of IW-�'., by dry
Plants of the rain gar&n shotald be tolcralit of ponding water and ssaMrNwd soil
condhions in the munth,t and drmight in the- su-nimer oar it;. Tri general, 6c,
pledonlknalit phlfit,Bout d 1-5c of InAtativa spe6es ads Acd to stresses associatcd
wi3O' wet and dry condifJOns. 'Fypicallythe rain garden ph--m-fis i).a-y cumprise of" rad
Api-ii I I � 20 13
�Dr'. Liefi�. Chiru2 Cbprig
L&A, J',:)b 12-0c'33
Page 4
Twig dogwood, rushes, sedges, s�- Iu-imbenTy mid isvinburry and ornamentals such ass
lei' ai
LL':LIvyIgq - 1xv-7
if die reconnnandabom, iii our 9,15--'—m12 geov�LIinicc-d report aiid iIl thi.ii res,-,prmks'
levt--y are flty haplememcd &Y;ng there bt I.alinilvial
L)t swmmva.tQr imp, the groLmd,
plcasc fLcl fi-�e to Contact us i1 You have- qtcsttol!5-
�JJ7Q P�ttt �Jtt�Jchcd
(Jul �an) L i Li Ph, T) RE
om -
sultin,,:-! Gcotc,21mWed Eng&etr
ME to 47TWIT ATIO, jilt];
I , I � � ef � � )1 11 i, , , 1, , � ( ""1%,
0 "IT
.' 1� „`. i1 1 C,A I,I kZ,� �J I
oo ""'hi"orlr`p'r ^1rihc T
C) r "I c:
C I I I i I It ff I," 11 n, t ['I
s I c C I C ric. c i,
stplember 15 7012
Chang RoAdence
Page 2
sLil?sI1t"face cl nchtions of the AfrWmwc S3t.c and recoirlrr'lendmi0m, =r. r the
de'v0op ent of this nci�fghbor ng resi4 nc�L vv re prruenyd in Elie 1,30/1995 rel~rm titled
EI tt sa' 1 �r rttbsi . t.lrCslc�`is 1 ..;a/ :1 C y F?r1t! _ c€3tt cl 1,; d
Fngim;viog i t pr. tt,ioard
csidcrrcc,.drz7� n&� Waghington " (Ywrcirraftc;r° r°Qfi rArcd to a:''x the Reference Report) lir:
Associated Tarth Ocie€rces, Ino ilrr:reinafier referred to as AES),
or. our w c in this invemi Mico. you prop ided 4iy; wkh a yopeny boundatk r ,trrvk�y plan
sho"ing the oml hies of the e \isdrz�1 l-jrrcrt;e Lr_rr-r-erttly �)t:,;upyj ig the sho AN strnvy phn
i:.�, prow Cited on Plan '. The suklect r-esidmc e she is a =;teop Nuff prrr erl� rr~r°
Puget Sound, �Ilon;,rrted in fhe northeast to diFe.ction, We trn&r.,twnd the
existing hc.)LlSe. On the Sk is he demolished to inake way for tits construction of tfic
proposed nr�w residency:. We also undwstm d the ne v residence will be art above -grade,
'§vood- . ajjjed structure, to lie supported on pci-imem- L:oncrMi foundation Nvalls
and imerior bearing wah. beams and co[titnw T Q nmk rtsidenc:e is ti:r be tocated ovcr
A! Nrt Tint of die exiting residmev v% Soule eKp arrSicrrr csut to the from and the back
Our yCOPQ ofsk r i.c°cs An Ns stttdy cor rinses, specif call`s the follo imy,
I levy lely tilt: gGwo& and mil conditons rri. dw .sUbjeCl residmcc site basccl on a
ptr d gcologic reap.
2, Re-vicw the subsurface conditions in the ROer•ence EZepoh for (fry; Reference Si(e
and frorn whic:li c hfarrader-iz.e the subsurflic e- condi[ion of the sirbJe t rc.sicfi tlw
Stptemb r 15. 01
Chang R,�sidcrsc(�
UA Joh No,
Page 3
V PerPtnr ntcts_are;: geolechuical irrvdys;; }inn Pr-ovide geolt-ehn°iczll
[ 4 sj€�1 T1s F34 i 9i)Tl
for :_"i'3 @t3 cro €inti mitigation, ia(' 'arid
ground , aicr drainage ckmt. OL <Ind irrrrr dation desigm iind construction for the
Wepare b writ—t rotor to pmsmu our siEr iq.s and €•econir31er daiions,
'I11t sur jest residi-rrcc :pit r r l r�,T 1c.rts- r�r l`t ` overlooking p oet SoLind, Thu she i;Y
accessed via ajoirit-ur t� drkewq k:t-am Y.i-a19 of Road to its sarud writ end. It is xa n adl
r� mnglashar ed puce of land, ahoux Sit iec:t wido by wore than 237 meet deep Oxto-iding
not lig e—sterly Over a 'gentle shelf area. then steel ly dkyon. aluff To the BNS 17 Railroad
ri;_rht-oWy. Adjoining its northewt and sorrthmnsL sides ,,ire :sin lo-fallifl '
The shelf area is about 195 to 205 feet long,
An exidng house vv iih fir demeh d ;4an, Crsrr-ON�` o cr[ reg bout thc middle third offlat
sutQect residwc sht- 11t. lci a.€n-within tile. site g rw:rally slope down. gently to
moderately from its southcxst Qnd we9terly towards At Nont of Thiz cxisth' Marr: to then
gently down northwesterly with st vc!ral coricr t(t :steps t&)ng the north sidc w the rear of
thC 11 arse.. Lhen down very gently n rthivcsti�rly tovkard tht top of the bluff, bef'or'e
dropping steeply; at about 100% gr-adc) to tlrr; right-of-vvar of tht railroad below near the
Mach levc?
We randv:=wnd Me exAng irr'use is to iii; kmti-h-shcd to nr�,-.ik wa) #trr the developrnt! t
of the rc�po od new resi€lenue. A lit fton! yard is c3ov d by mature ornaErientil trees and
L11.7 &.ACA`, INC,
Stptenibtr 15, 2012,
Chang Resi6_-nc�-
L&.MobNo, 12-0&3
Page 4
covued hy%N�n Hit back yard is Ani cotmed b) lawn gpyks_,, Thc Wuff be,!()�\ the
backyard is covmvd hy shmbs and -den 'e bl`ush wial re%�' or do Safi 1) ;awri� trcos:
ffie G,-Lllogic Nlap the F',ast FA Yonds and KII-I oi, fht WeSI Edmoilds Ciumdrane"C's
gical Survc�, it_. 1983, �v��s
iii' James P, MUS puNiAN by U. S. GaM
Inthrencal r7r Che geologic and soil conditior at the she, According to this publiadon,
the Mck Wil units at and in the of tho ,tali jcct residnce shu are nl.appcd 4S a
Vashon Tiil,(Q,q) soil Linif llon6 eYI An hy Whidbey formation (Q�:a) soil Ujlit,
rhe peology of Ae Puget!Sound ImAnd has heen modNed by tfic.,Avance and retrkd'11 of
se,,,-eral glaciers in tht past alKI sUbsepilcm deposits and cro'siorl; ]-ht hilest �Iacicr
advanced to t1W NgO SOUnd Lo-vNdaa.d is rtferred Lo cis the Vashon Stade of theprascr
kilaciakcri, vvhich occurred duAg the law qtr ges of It Pleistoceno Epoch mid r(treatcd
the iQgiun sourer 14,5 00 years ago,
Ke depnis of the Vashon till sOlil unit \.vere plowed di calx undcr dacial ict during tiro
most recten( glach&n puriod as doe glacior advanced mTran eroded, irrv911kir of
older formations .Yid sodiment, This, Soil Ullit it`., t:ornpoed of j of urisorwd clay
silt, sand, gravtl. wid scauered cobbks W boulders. The Vishori [ill soil over thQ top
tIvo to three J`�et is normally v,-eathered to a medium -&1 stawt and N moderaicly
permeaable and Qonipressiblt� The tnuh:dyin. fl'QSII till 'Sofl, Conarflonly r6-;rnfd to as
"hard part", is, vary dense acid �eakly ccrncnledIN Wsh Oil soil Nssessts J
conipressive strt�iigih (,oniparahle to Tjjctt of low-gradc �:oncrm and can remain slable on.
steep natural ATts or marionake my A a long period, The fresh 1.111 dcposits at -e
eptMer 15.201-2
C,'lrtang ReMduu
t. : Job., No. 12-083
p agu 5
pracl.ically itti.t;rvicnts to sty+t't nvata r intTration. If roma rigid undisiurbed <ind ;vel -
d.rained, the flesh till soij cin provide ��-,wci cttt fd:run ahon wppoy tt3 r;tr-Mcues wuh l.ittic
Memem ta r€:.c.ted_1.
llu Whic'lbq for'mat.irrn is composed 1r.1.`=';-gl4 tial river Hood -plain deposits. It conn fists
of li yi'tt-torr:§ rr to gray, clayey,line-samly iit Ad! t? itnal gra i el. The
Ibt-naation deposks are Ejt nc;mll : tri,-:siiff to hard in thch naiivo t. ndi.,-turb d sut�'-.1"hey
art of verb, lour- PC r'ni.e'Ibihi�, und tend to perd'i groundV ai t�f sQA�Ping ir10 the �'rOtlrrd.
Sail. Condition
ubsurLice conditions c& ih Iiije wGrc explored by ALS witli three backhoe
tcst rit t.c ilepths Kni 5A to 10.0 1' r:€, ..111. l�� at crt ()fthese test pits designateis -P-
1. 1 FQ2 and FP -3, were liiwd Ftp rouOby in a ssaigi`tt. lEttc . with t closer to the top of
the htutf. Vit' -3 cluser to the to tile. acci�ss 'oint at7, 1 '-� °s� I��1���era, i r�er� 0
dill from 15 ufeet thick 6 s cncountered iu 'F ;rt Nis EP -1 and .P-2- incre,,ising in
shim' cs toward the 'top oC the bluff. 't_'ndc.rlying the till in 11j se Test pits and rear
thc surface of Test Pit 1-P-31 a brownish -gray to yo lcrw ish—brYovn depusit of nic i.uan5-
tlent e tot est; gravelly. fine to medium sand -was cticoumered, This deposit was
inter-jprQicd as of a gl daily con olidaird out. %,'ash soil teeth, I.341 erlying this
k3t<vante otrtwash was alit=int-eWYr a�w rtiifto laird sa t:ly silt �Yic untcrcd in l- —
Wt expo i the soil condition `yf. the SuI�JeCt residwct silt to be siTTI&tr W1 that of the
eferencc Sitr- The liack, yavd of the Qkrenc e Silts rkt,-s about 4 to 5 cet above the back
yard of the; sutd.jQct reOdcrct sto indkating the back yard of the Rr f:e rtnmx Sits; Iirrd bccn
raised and levcl vv-ilh fill .Nthicir a -as con d by the t 111 (:icoil F.1tr=re in tv"o of L110 111-ee
Symnler 15, 2012
Pay, 0,
fcq riv; �2,\cavatcd cm Chi. She tw*s HIL Warty. is anwpmcd wv:cr tN,, iubject
residt,nce side. I JiQrdorc, vve expeo the suljocl resWence Be �o bc. at
dcpdt htial witile' d.ctis�, grm-elly sid and s0fflo hard
Nand; Ah soN These Ws w!H hemom, if 7T �md hard 1. "'i it dcpdh.
Gumuld%vatcr -SL,,ePqg,2 Max own "3f i* ;w we jeff art
durinvour vish. OnIv km,� of thu three test pit-� iFP-2 d -w nuiddlt� v,,Qavwed
or; We Attrulce She encouramd non -ow
,!,zolmdwaTer seerwtg.e al 7,-o 4 e We
anticirnlw lim' grukuldwatcrcondiflon kduhv to be RAW to ON of
thA�, Rwfcrencu Sile. The gravAly SOW ANI Undcrlying Q silt al �,haliow &VIII i,,, of
niodemt$ high penneahHAy fin d m0d Am smuc suwmwjlt�r lu On-ough, 'File
uadvr)ying sandy MR W is of kAv pcnbwTHhY and %vould pi�,vch kvaftr ill ill mfifl-g into
O -w 'ground, 1 -his s-umnicr
muhv� and iccurnuilate and ri-ic zm� Mv "m " inter months, Flit dep,h �hc �mlowll,
i�J, ptmlicill grou.o6�:�:ttr may llummac on jprcciI.imflkwl, :aLlrfllct
runoff, 4
ground vegeuldon. u"ove'v, tiife and other Jatior-;.
l3asotl on 1111 -,,fdht� residmcesj,c dc: ribcd atm,),ve, it
is "ur opinion that Ac she in suhable lot y ffic pnopoed d�,,,-lopn-jcm oiAhc mck rcidelicc
fi,onl rlw ,`kjp€�i.n' prr.vvided thm be recumnendmions in Mis
mpint m My Aplememed and Anorved dudng cnnstruC6,m, Vfig hkch—
iiia duWn at.�
deph by gki.0,t i Jcori,Q Awed dayu movlk imd ,uidl hat -d xand,v
SePte3-nhQ,r 15, 20 12
L�&, A Job 12-0,83,
P awe 7"
z - .1 - ;itrelll�r 11. SU.Ch. C01111)eMlt SUil .1110111d Lc abic to
gilt soil" of 1110deratel ,-high to hi idj she -u .—I
rQport arc fifliv implemented and
remain 4TublQ piovided tile reconinwildat-ions lf'� th'
ob�,-,crvcd during consiruLtion,
Dmto tht, lad-lacent sieq) bluff, R.Fadh1g. and ('(JUn1h1fi011 work
of the propo-scd ncv, be ea.iTicd ow yin d Con1.P10tQd in die, dr�`er Period bt lv-cctl
April I and Octcibcv 3) 1 Thc, site should be ,,tabilizcd with. dirlainage and troslon control
mi�asures in pla.0 bcy0nd the aboN�t ch-vtx period. Iff gradhig and iOu-ndation. work is' to
procced outsi& ol'dic abovQ diicr per'o flit slop € lii ; tl r7r trosiort and
draljlazs-�c control 11-1e�tsurcs rct:ommendcd in this re
pert sloth be in pla�x and opcvxional
on a daily basis;
Landslide Hazards
LandqUes have oc, up ;11)d down 1111 ctm'st of Lcimonds and klukil(eo. Washinglon,
J'hQ surficial soil of Vashon till cDAcring, the arei of h� Talbat Road ntighborho-c)d,
shon on the ahove-i'ei'trenced veo[op-ic map- mak-es the :steep bluff ID this area more
stablc �Aith significantly less f�cqucnt kno-w-ri iandslidts. Thaw sut�jecl rcsidcacc site iS
UTI&04in at shallow clepth by dcose oravelly �and and hard Sandy
lft soi€s. Thos e competenr so't,, have modcratc-IV-1liah to high s'lleur Strength arld are of
high rcsi�tancc against -.0opt I'aitures., 1-Aere 11 1 Ore. With Propu drainage and twosion
control mcasurcs irnpienlefflVd �`LS re-COMI-Iltnded in this, repo -ft, the risk for dQcp-seated
landslides to occur m thy: subbed rcsidcmc site should he minirnal.
Sc :Me PY M2
CA ane Rehdwc�-
Joh No. 1", -0,3
Pay k';
Erosion Hazard
Joe suNchl 611 (if any). wp�,61 and Wv wcmhmTd W me of MY rwiMmwc aginsi
cwiory. ishile Q Lmdeddng. plan &Qnoo�EM id'alod dense grmOy s'und n3md salt
,,oHN. a. -e ot, moden-aely high rcsislamn allaw erowan. 1%:.iga-:1.: �:.i° y Asa€€"s' ;ods khlapin,�:!.
die steer, hjuly can he wWd "kbuI an- devoid of xygoulhon and overh
QI ercakni Car; to �,hdllk-�v� rnadflol, in 01��
,�wfikJal wcaker swim A mhipuc such haawd be ou&dc Of
vinimnikun HnAm :�boujd bt pnwewd w! maintainK oxposed gnsund,
rcwhvd kam conmrunion MOW dumdd he ivo,egewaed aA A00n aw possible,
Conccritrated sionnwawr AM not he Achmv,ed uncomroEled WhAi We she w mito the
le bluff Spoil suns and vadmame whoWd w bedumped onhi Mv swop bhWf Sturm
nmoff over imperthus surface, . ,,uc.h roolk and paved -�dwtflkl be caAire
QM wi un&rground di-ain fine system tied to nmif dwnspoum argil by calkdl ba,541s
M-sufflent in Ow Pawed Wale r MOO& in these dnzin iknc syswm,,� should be
tyMed to dW:ha1--L,,e i:rilo,i szmni wwwr tw Win a Miabiz di,�pos�fl Licihl�,
Sebimiq� Hazard
Hlt�, PIHTOt SOUnd ruoun is in an acKo Owic Yow, -1-he Site. i� Mid ar dlaH
Wrl2if] L
(tepth by glacialy-consupidmed dave amvelb! Sand and hard sandy A SORS of
inoderately-high to bight shear swgil Fht�ft: soils and Ow, general lack of
,jahv, extosig, e �-,roundwacr lahh: o shallow depth tMer flip sit� 4widd inake it rathcr
anikely Or 5W scismic hazards as SPININ&I or Soil later'.1.1 ,preading w otclil, on 111c�
Sijt�-1. rC)P1>Cd nCW VOSijWLC SWIM, �e &SignM ?o S6fll4tand w6wah:
f6rct--, indwed by strong canhWiMnev Based on the sch! cundkkmh enumnuacd by die
wi i0s, wu }",.commend that Seisnic I Q Gnmp I and SW Chfss D lheuscd in ihe,3eisniic
LIU & A.]`ES, INC',
empn of we P','�Tustd rt,4itiwm in unwdanwc nuidi die 20i-,
f ho Anim a or any i lay..;. h md %% vat. \, Mwed M comsh—) h prourEap of
a.",�- OWAV 10 wkwe aud 0m: bc iraffic,
A 1qV3` Moan. 2404 -inch parry 'PaUx Simulld by� ptaoc-d o�.'cr area; Alfeeprenk Wattle,
ihc Crimance 1D the she, ax requNd, ") proma the subgradt no& Amn d6urbanm
A .gilt f� ncc should bu instMled Mong the downhiU sides of constrouthm mas N; minimize
mrspon of Ahnent omo neiuhboring [wopenies iw the swcP MR 1 he honou (AM
hQr ckAh of we SH! 6enccs shad d ho andiorcd in a irmch MKI 10h OWN SO
rwhes or intercepyor trenci, sh�ndd he immiled around Ric consirudion RMS. is
rcquir& hi intercept and drain
%ler capured b) such Jitciws or u-kmch dmins Amid hv punged into a
mcarhy storm inlet or thrml,!", rl�-rlbrmcl PvC splv<tdc,- i)ipcN m1w well -
d ar,"ws -within the site. IN sprunder pipes should be sudteiL1k It: wid set
hori./'o-mul sm�jl that flinviiq', ow ol',ilw pilics would he m sudi a h vehxhy and.
spmad dim a Wiry uca to not mine ormion proEdern. fhe ,;�orm it' imp which
Summ"awl, i;^ tci N,- discharged. shimik! bc vomcd miuh -,i fillur fobrjf'- !�o,:k To
pmem sahment mann aid erkip shex1orns mm Thifilzcr �,hvuld h-,
Maned Squemly during cow�-mmlwn to pm"Ont 4ndsh�,-mlkl kc nmrtin:cd aftttr
Conpohmn of comnvokn
i]l I I R C7 Jj
On% job NA. 1108.3
Pagc 10
Spoil oils shmdd he haded WTV Ow mc aN mwa as
s1ructural Jill ma erial (if any! to hC mWed tm sku should ht, lkw� ,irnl in vAicnThQ
gnmii' d surfict is no swper than 209, g1 g?de. and shoLdd bv� i:o1crcd -,%J!h larps
sectandy VivigM mom 01th croquircd, for prolc�Alol-,a �1, Ijfl!ll
S 171: P R EPA R.A UO'Ni A N—D G'FNNF R A L, (.2., R.A.D.I. N
QgMml Min emique-6ori hn-li'T-i `ihOU4,i bc,,leared and gnThW lhpwH. un-'idaWc
MAI ill die rom zwe and 1001C memherod Yod 'ilei uid b,e comF00:1- skIlind within.
hudIng pzd of die nev," n��-idawc and 5) areas subjem to 11-all"i-ic andikt�trLti7t'.§1 uad,
'The exposed soik should bV =Pwal to a maoc, is n,,-quircd, �Yith. Ll
vibrawry compaum and prmbmlk�d wiffi. a piece ol'ht'avy canhwork equipriont where
14der m) cAumancz --,fiou€d excanadon Om 1,hc stc�pE»i th-an Hhilin-sitN s[wciHeJ, In
local, state and tLedtrai safes reguhnims if "Imters have T'n P-,n'fionn in,
:Ncavaaed aw gmawr th-
an 4 F m in hrQht Wdd he mr,
wper Van I I L I \1 in sur6cAl 6d] wpb,oil und wemhcmd W und no swepa thmi
31411: IN/ in w6dwing dense grwo:fly siin.d and hard sandy 01 soik with an overall depth
of Qw mm to mecd 15 =4 .r_ Prrnanom out Wks shad d be no mempm than 2-1411: 1, V in
AH (if nayl. UTSMI and wathered &L and ou sweper thian .2fiJi-V in. midurlyinn dense
gravelly waiml and hard sanQ ilk W, The mil iams iand 1he smhdj.t� cif cut slope:s
ihoukf. h(-.- ohserved and N SRI by a ynowchnical mginccr
PorMIUl, It fill tml.harjkn�s_nls i"sC1uWad it, sI:?ppon -Ai-ticturai Mad :alwuld 1?>b wi'biructe
w tela cottT<Cued stracCtna;, f011 placed over p €aook, Hed, undistui K: , dcI iNi: Sand
andr` w Dart sandy silo skis, a tier- iN inisukable sudiciaal soils me ArrypW Al
u nhwikinews phwed over a a thaw . grade shmdd be shwupunfll� e.upported
t &a `5Ad?i'ai.a�.P r :;9_#u-nd. S ��4.-1 er t bill .A hf: t ld Ni AM& widi wrtacal ::tea°:. ,10
cmu4.d g 4 Pei [A ah >a r� prM s ,4 SWIM a °+.. i3 :#.b ,.. all, and PO! to
. _ _ w.� _..a p S� Eli- �!3'se�s r....a .4 �i, € E 1
US ,A of PaTn13 tt ent Al WA.Az'3`r:.A; on
t�9 a��'s, `aiF�siG,�t i.s 4a:i4 �asi=�34e
AM be no wWep r ahzi,n 2- 1 441: 1 V. Upon a.wro .i.lon, tht-Eigptng fa:.:rs_ of p.aiii:inen;
f 11 ti r3€I'� all .k'Itt R �ht:tul h�� tho ;'aghly ws`` d u) a 11iF1.4.-" icti1img taw, �'0' a_a hot-
o -aack
1w above recut vilended �:w =9nd NH sltTes are under die f§s:su3a1joijon that arwindwaler
se 1 a e would not to encounwrcd i:1n jp :or3?#nwqom
01C €vork should he?ax:?�I�°�' �r'at "'gg �t5 1°" � Lin dh-�° .slop;
pmt ./ GpGp rp'i� q A to 3 b a 1 � and Odic- ai:i'u. s:�ults :Edketl l;3 �tabfs��?e -1�1'e
�: L..t&rt love GAF L.� �:�.4�¢ f'�:. hEF£� - - -.
iormwFite" should not 'ht ,:;.1kwd to thnv aEncowfled ow atilt mid it .Apes,
ArkT1<fE1em w Anpes or filf s1i: uld be s`we cd a€tk1: in Komi w;
pass ble 17pr oro�siori protecnI n and lonk, wrin and �,hu €lea he wvcro41 clsar
I t'stip: as requked it, prolecl thm Soni ercsion wid.1 11w vogufaflon k MQ�
ti"ucTura l 5H is A M1 supe il,s struirlur l cT r,-, iz. benttniK:t ral it! should
iii a4X ofi dean +tea"i iaC ti3., y,ui1 �,r And rt>t t d `;;a�. Via.-ai'aa L = sand -krvi 1a
padows owl laarga 1 1 aix f ret nnclws, ta"i6C,,i3S Elul, -'Y11k)1ki havc <a tiaa'ri.F.i. wc' L`tawen'
S"" pt ,,, f n I b. i j _. i E[ '-�-
p � 12-0,83
N 4gc iL _2,
"iTlel MC ii NC31T O 'U, 0[)1knum ?1 $` L'i?l'il l at fi4: ui'ii.' of placewt;m, "'IQ`
Opti.mkti'13 content i" rile" ""ala coll1cm in lisp' ;oils that etibil. h $:€t€, °�ofl:s to 1 c
c€eiilpltis:loi h) die lE:4,ghesl dry :a iv A- „given compaoWn Mul,
(, i a n
�€: �'�i"9�=��` grave1j, '+c.�Y=;n �i;iil ii��c i g lhc Oyu ;tea€{rezlimifs iii;ls= `,:' 13,-�ei as �Sfi`Ltct[.Pi`a
1R'€1pmVI m':.r1S° al 10 be med XA `i=`°.al uAl 0 Should be c?c,le.
_°a .Yi¢ii.k
'_ "•`,' 11id arnint : that', y5 iacigin
Wer Man
'N"o, 00 on
in i.[w '.yiii6, Nlo,
4 nnj-.010U'id tll,AC
i'aao 81&awri4l jp
k-irg r ili Irl t'or
he t4rotmd o es whicll ;hociuml 6H is UOe, pl iced hould % u,,c=.grin ce
in file MIT1".10 PAR PON" AND �� ��N �i.....�_���x1 'JNQ and
th Ila�Ct�hi�onb�
�{owE ;nwwd in hfis no 11ti.9re 1hom lii inchu, Oiick in its 3oosc
compaoud to i; vii'ni ium pvl'cgm agc A Ow MaNipuu.i73. Aewrniived !° -,ASTM
With in building ads imd mulet €oundalio
OWN Wl fack_M
)tom; Den,,ilk'
for top 3 fc�ut mid 90',, belwx
920 r
9 ''_. for mr 4 ftxl iii,lil
LAM job No. PAK
ssE.',�:,�5, 4 .�
a. d�:ilsily of s1rucluFal Al Amid he tested xvKh za. Sltinle'ar d;'n:7mem :"y a
"='.vo?a,chui °af Tcchnician 10m a w1dud wing agency. The jtv'2 Lwou, of dcnsit to
shk3ultl h", one p4..`i no laic r _!SO :-,qua!-d, �tul of (-111 areas .Pcr lirl.
The pognse 654 buddI`-' suback Am Thin ivg3 am t:=.c m am �,T-ee-p pa3o9on o."r, a Jope
is to a: Eah! kt Ea _:<3a bw% 'wS An .i a A, Wurc shcold mcn, mi the dope the
` tabitfly of Ole lnl,, urc Can hc 'and d Jnagcs to Ow : 11mmtli<i➢AQW,.
5�IbaA oC Ndkkq:Cte,1m rh.Q 4.ffL"4 of a<( 4cdaw stccp sIcp
ASK g.k_" i;umliail' is Imh As soil and IVi"('$Q6C—L". t ,` K
hllfayd !n'om t C'K4) 3irt; t to tide?]eu i opt'y Rn
mpact of conw-action Eniethl'Pd anti w1inklue on AM!areas. nit[Ig'mion of jn!)p,iwls im
Ei.$<ci€ z11Lck filip`cl of to alb WNi:,3t% and tna&4 av wmtti11mum m s.mic"Zic
htz'udt ls, alva . mc.. h Should he that $'hcr's ml ht 6,,k inoivcd in
devvIormcm, # g i i. 10 s%€ €' $ 5 y:€d :_4 "e to Yt€ a:s flw. teep bi.ult of , :t
pCtTd"t 3 I& risk emi he mhi gmcd m a r'_amat:a!t_ WS 10h awkqualc antiproper
c )t it int" 9 en ii cerin Ind mosumclAm rimcOces per :;o:commenolsation ii'i flim r,t pf t,
Mo gh N lyn:ot1m, idawd dam gmv cHy sand and hard :silt possess
to high shem swriQ anti are of high resisian 6: �i gahw fatfl xcs,
1ekwe, h is our opinitm 1haal The iwv, rcsi '.rn.a:c should N ibic to mabl s.` h
ftf.tndmions, me set back si k -,a -t 5 '[ sol "E III,-- fopof the hmfi:
(_ imv ni[&aa1 IiiAng b$liidabns EaIq he toed to support thit Pi°E3powd i-ww rQsi encc,
'tho Wing fours aQw Nixoul€1 be _.;ggsbt�;#�"a.t�` ed on o into tl�fe ;a;'u r4 n t�hwi Hy-
C°,,' 4!=tl 1.€&,'AAV3. i�ridlii.'� l , td, L��I�:ti.s= „'.ta.%-?. l,: '�'- ilgl�..�.,7j, i':i��r - ;.'
,ilii w4YF'i€,��� x�t�aode
w ha,' au€ "ebd To aCCUMTJ c 5 d;if , + ,,i rwing lren h,� ,� Dk,,1l3.i`h4%1 41 1,60ting
awches should -e coBiTsAmet- anu.. cd OE.'-�A w gd T'.d-i._,r'tw?`-^+ d, fivni, r-46we,
`-,"�•s.#f�4"�ni� �"taE�.�;.€�G�� ���� Isar': �$'3a �f3'°_
irthe above ria%k?nu11eP1,datE4:sns me @11ipla lnwnt€`d and dc -s4 ri
crit rixi for GooiAngy fb..lindateoii3-. ar ?i i,Al 'ws:
O W%`sable soil bearing prowure fir Of 1,600nT . foundations, Indudirj�F
dvad and H ; 5a loads, haifld he in, groact than 3100 N it "ce( swuned on ow Wo
N---,lain.,,-soi.l. Should he wa€[ied t.dadc by a taeotech—`,ic a.l Qn i3c`:': :iHcr
[G aleas arc t.xca,,`'aked wind' btt(?li 6o Aiugg�; pourc&
the rninhmuni depth w W"atunn of prmdd6i.ewr foot.ings below aldjvIcent i11"al C"\ti i"ior
gr,adc 31wsuld he no lcs5 than 1 itwhe,,. Tlit niini.nann dcl th to ht)Uoui of th
WAY WoUngs beWw top ¢."sly Moor slab sliimi be 1-io le"," gift 12 ifiches,
Aghow1ht decks or Euwche,�-
k y q
§E��'� ldr ince e_ -i'. in 0 ;cl"��"�°i rent 3�-a��agLl�,d alllvi.abl,, soil fir", urQ rn i fit
Clang RXe mdmwe
LAM job NO. 12083,
=.,€s; I
t:wisuw cd per m(orntile adsationS s<hnv . %10 0sonlyz ((int. Me
n1 3k1m(,a n t6. wl A $.'say bufldin.' should bls _s 4 !3 (Jl or lc&� and
tire° dif'I ven6 a1-seflPemem-acws hu�i.1di: ; w0h ximuld lie 1 � 2 iar;.h in lev,
yyff ,,._,l 14nv] .# s. �b`.e 1��4�3�'Y[�,`.ad rw ;.?t„��.i;' sS, 3���,- h 3a�`-3.s�ed W, (ht, T"ali.6oi ii'r} -k � ;`-�.�'�:���Ea The
�.. t�sV €.SER R.S v _ y -
#k,ti "$nt s K}STS ;iti"3.i: the € x=::;:?i.- .. $ ..< t.,5 i.3a.. a`44"n.'•.. C $ni'a ai` `_w.IYG a=.,d1?F M.on -w i�elo'o: t _.d c
PGSa :r§:1`ss ? thu Yi_3S. .idci; i{,ins, Wr W l -.;:.w `f.l�w 6wn €7,-"0 l:, i4a-Y.€si b° : P5...'gu7.E:.d 'ACK,
.gsS.i :i`b hwL
mS1$$uili ,nd that _ p equivtisl 37a I uid den sM, WR L)of .:(W F)c[2 (P"?t?t[nds per cubic, kwt} bt
the J)gs,siv : C llh pressure be used fo (»$1 ral i"t.`ifsi.anc . The :614v (9ck';ti vv a #a:imc
Eass"l.lnics At the WAR is levol x lTid::li9ies Upawnd 1"a 1-rorn [kw �.d':§i:�(?C� v�Pi�i�� for a
y [ 5' g y5 t'�}3 �j q j5 5$ y7 �] § 7 $ g k F 9 ;'$, $q $ } ] j'} �'q{� ry (9. { p'q q k q 1 jj y 3 �g {@ } [
Ilt-�Ai.�����iA ..�. 4AJ.iS�L�3:�ce at AL.f.8T4 1,5 ti Mc`,. 11�w c1c F.j�h� �Y.�.f Ific- fX`�3:,.I.I.A'UEdI{cm,E �_.1�4�8�.�5v L.°�6�, � ual pra c,
of 1riencul of ( '9 , '4 S. i' 'a oIfl i id . i n1T':€ th ' E {; 3'4 £ s.d"iik ma) be
too Ito ahwe Cecolunicinil%'d vil PattasTmrs ale 1AACLarecd
� 4(L�4 } $iiid a pri.-kper factur
.should i-� ustdin. i�aLulating the f6i,ce-s lrii,en! Wds of) the
rnoparadd t"csWence,
is l ma'a 1viade 11wro if used Ar dw mv i.usWenc, ,hould h�• }`?R<wd oo 11t°11) .sub rade
.4'oik t°cEar d as OUMA it] flw `fit jI , MMMI A..... AND j1NI-RAL.:
Vontrol tN Stdcal. the skih is-gr� -de Elkton� Innuld be plwM on i£ r"ipiflarbrvr , v�'hich i'
rV ,s
in turn piac€: on ht cul -3. ai, Zed a, f�<,arEE��.i�, }} � h capillary _ r4. , ((4Jloukf ggcfi usifit o 1.
e j$]`i zar3. of Luou-T�#�cl +,•a@f�.k l.a�tm.« lfG ,.�f, n. 5�. ���� L)rs.a�.Ez�,�g. 7' S -i, ch t.z 4�..�€'�e,d ri,.c9� C,'l4Caiie.ininj;
Yld"" 1.3 a;3t` i,. an.. 3 ptrctnt b _1wA -. �, o: 4 sic"s'c : :>\ apor h wn',,.n'. �;(ic , . as a 6
fidae 16
I&I Plastic mewhriEf"1emy l'bt` pkwi -`d 1wer ill: ,Is to k-ccl7
Perforniance of pavement is WRAy iehucd to th,o 8:{D3iditp3ms oftheun ui y'lng
t3b Ia i soil, ),k'c I u:i,`t311mand that the ibit'uw ay, w0gradc sod be its:$ cd and pwp amd xis
described in uhc
of IS:
° 'I 3a placing txra I='261'tr4 €R 3 am,� x4' :fig„t,. [,i t.G d,rwi? ., Imm
y €cgi; ing sw1s. �k I1h a m4,thztnival wumpal for art! in`r oll oll.ed tl_ di a pi ue of lacm
Mistr'uction ejp(laem. suct as a UNla Wod Wip Any 611
Wing or pumping :irmild be oven e co 6M and or replacc i \Vith
wyMpacred sT tmt ral iii ar crushed rock rwr remmm'tlAms rov!ded in W
We aib,ctsm:uend that a§ is.9yr of e2;mpak.w& ':':,S -int h ,`rushrock alis [.Cl`k.B), be piaccd
i.kwr the eompmed driveway subg'rad wil-h,;-: Cn_t:ille'd I -L) ` base sOlould be al [t iso
inches zhickTh� cro,,dwd roct: base should bu lopped ON st 4 -inch Class B usphWi
�:oncrz° to fAC') tar ic°i§ii course.
wonwater C4,Ai .czcd cv er impervicrLti: >,uriwes n gch as roof—,, r3.nsia pavcd dHvcvv.ay. sil§'full,
safcly dkiposcd "Rhona hmpaAng We yi<tl_9glhy of tae sleep bluff Oprinns of
k 7
.. ��:. :�b:=a.1�.�r"'�.;'� ��'�''�££}�l �Fa Sri `,{§v;.:say,- ;,�.�lid�a�} ;•«?�.�fi$li.�<`d%��...�� �.:��$�;i,�`�.. I iI° =t€i3?-EG,3 ;Ii2d ?i'f un
-Xi 611 `�$�.a € e 4f lisle: 3 f4- 4a 4 q> rs2a'1' s drin l 1a to e i31
1- ,01-,
Chang Humdo
if thsz`ry is one. can hu AS"! is.p
slt}Tiiir'i4. '.1' i1 9 % lit l Si k:j via Fi:f` ` slt33t,8` h1.rt i�'iii drain, 6atew` if i
Nrilrelq Per?#€ n Can bL �&�r 3.a�r��� ftt%wT l.hL..n.eip%Fl3Fir'
fh.- :.?,?.P lti 'cmv Oo tj v`'ooi(! as to i<o,pm_-. wp.:3di,.6:E'4:{.? C.b:.r?..3ugh, a �jwu.:Il.,d€r pipe.
in -5W.16 $. E7'} r 12'Wh of Q m$d'a; .lAnts, or Me back yard, I' ltd ;,prc eI"
should he ciDyv. i-ructe ti:Fj, � si`fuh-dia$t'l3ete 1 ifrKL �3�J i9.�t' a3t;�, . �� {.' f'if: '"-- sfft ;5i obow
2 to .> Sm above We ,'.Yu{.li"id s fir; ce over uenn:ge aawd arm 4§ia,`h as We yp im"c v,
back jaA Bw spreadcr p4pu,' �.i3o!uW 'h;i �c A.c.k ends cap-pud �wal 'suppurlk'd ;m and
aruNircd w 2 -inch- iaincler. 6:l.:al. 90 235-tnnh uutddc diatticter by 0,211,9 -inch
wAy QMne, stut pyc 1 RuN spucd T ao lvla;% tliall S fi.'ei on ccnme s. Ott least
'ipEe3derpipe s%'st$.s it-, disperse '�,i:YwC" asy'q:3' 3a$ga. :ir�:Is ``a%t$;1tti3i:3t m63F$CIg, cio-,ion
robleui. Watu discharged Tihrouh, dit s .r..i icier piF,: -;,ys ems �,vt11 ruost1 ' be cvapovaled
into the ambicncc 4nd abscglx.d by roo ,.ys!um ofvegetatimi �:,o, .r, i-viith a sniea11 fraction
inf1hY'adna Wo g1it' ground. 111.E €dmgih of each spreader pipe -"y. m$:€ m.dYui . he �Zul t.&.Aed,
ha- scon on'i 1tnni Sm of ph)v per tib" * 4s) miwre i,�,Qt o& inn pi".it-wi is' arca served.
The d ird a would to iri.mid! a spreader pipe symm over . n ilm� wcJI-\:ezgu a.s. ed area
at th h s< of tlw WE SAIeded stmmum wmAd be dispk)�:ed via a long sighitine
mnni g ail tile d�m' tits bluff to tic," IM.
sprtadeT' ?ipc system; The 6µ hsi1n
5houtd bu orichored to the flee of theS3W kk it pipe pilcs dcsurNA aho t idt 111c
spachiL, offlic pibi s no more tii;in 25 fbet.
Building, Footim-int Exca'vadoxi
nvu, raddam, if cmcmmiahp unumdwour
swepage. AM havc the hmom A mum Min ,,lopud imd <i dhoh maund aking the
has, of via hanks it) inucepr and Arm M&W.En,nd"aur iwwmi,,op pi! , 11i'nii
"Owl owl he ptin-'pt"', u1n, A, "'ayar V 2'mcfi cn'l�'t-'Led' ro'ck hu
T�-qio�tcd. 10 yveo the -io-dk L romn
WK Ilk cnahcd tock Kisc A 001 v� � lxldhi'-s abow
but mA less tan 6 AM th&k. 1 he i,:rodl 1-ock- bx-e should b1.20nch HS,
to it rion-yic1ding vam v% a Munw; nwohmuod compaam.
Ruildhe Pouting Brain
A scOld.ram symcm should ho nmt} mmind the TwOuncr Woungs A ho im resWence,
Vhl:. -�."ubd.rain Shouid Lonsisi 'f�,'t T vigid, dn-izn Opium
�Iid a fcv'inchcs ht1o�� o'y -Ow pCHmeter luminp of rhe Wong. lot Imnsh and
ilic dr -An tinc havk: a (45% nhnimm.O
anwim. Ile in line should fh�� ivnpp'A ip i
mupwrely enclosed i.n. clean waked grmA The ri:majnimj ucncL� may hcbacktillied
AT An wrife M Quer collcmd by 03-v paimeter fo(,-)d[qt �,mbdrain sy',',tem "hould
he HaMined. separmely I'm flie rool' �md surfAce storimmer drjin lhicv, io discharge
im a summ senvr or a stdit,,ibhc storm",vmcl' disposal facffit�u :�ich as infi:111-afion Irenches-
Surfate Draimtge
"hs uld o1c; be auanyd to .i and in int mum Q= on--g'radc-slabs. fyr
lvmnt is to 1.),c consinmed. AW mmmd. mrfhces Would N�n�,�dvd is_? dirco .w -fat%;
LA & A AT F S, 114 (1,
At t rtri t I `, 74S i.
ji N"ss
l_s a n i
r"rnGi'i' away thmr the irir .si (he figli,,hcd ground b�
#11 ,i gr dit"'Il.i of 3 Poment mrrlir-t"Im 14 11 Cfimam:L �t at least 10 la:c:t ,@�. o" , 11oul the
brriidim4s, cxcrpl iia 1' e ;ray s� to be f:§Eiv c.d..
': 1,-66c nuP—.,h,-r of a% ea.3 €s sal gr"Mcn le !t. wWs shmdd be p rgv±['cd 1'61 a!i s��rEard lrit
c kah, sus. rhe and .'gn . s &A e; shwi,.': d fie Qi atfcd and 1?mEmaKe d pe,-rcjKAY
,11C "Ith'icci site is taidularrn at shaHmv s coh by 6,� ��4��i�ti' { (?!? ;(iilC�if X4.1 dk.nsk' gr�iv ` y
,and and hard sandy Ott DoH& These lwal WIN of snodcr ttcl�- igh to high shear
streq,th -and the site �,ho tri . be quilc Proper and a equ -ti err:s;. cm iriiiigation and
surfac.; and gr€"rundwalerr ah" lge std,hyl are keys to r intaipm site dr1ving till
9rittl, �:��mpIcti<pon o constir�r.�;ir;gt . It is our §.� r.� nt trt:zrt .i. [h occo �trraer dations. Wis
3-ei"t�in are10., WrWarated Aral aib?°e1"'S'ed ds n,., g t,€ nr gf"i,€ci-Q mid US"ang t:l c'
i;a3i&pkdon ofc9:ansiY'uction, Elis: anns d?',it,itbed % H be Sid ?,,).r°cmldn siable, and �,'il] not
it€arca , th Potential for soil In € uz- opininn, the risk A chininges to the
proposed devchpment and hami lhe dcvcI.opmcm to, adjac� nt properlies From soil
immobility should be ni.i.ninio..i.
This report AN Wn popmW W €iia,` : p¢ cifi'c appHcaticm ire Cilk prkkj cl for 11h
u, e hE F)r- G "an. ,. and his a4, s '$t s.rr `:», consu tz` rlts and
ITU ck:. S, INC,
C'*md �c.� -
-i - - I -', -1
. � � - _ 0 I ,
Clang Mdow,
loge 20
re"mimend thal, dhi,',' n-,p�nv in ks Wmy We AMU. in, fl -w, prqjn .:imarac
foi- the infonnay.iia..-mi o( ihc� pruspecdw w1ramn.; fb- fliccir and hiddin,,,,,,
pwpows and A compbmw.- -:h;' in ih-,,-,durirog coil+ rucrhxl
'Fhe conclosion., sIqd intrprd'--oions in
warrmy of thc COMAmm the snTv of Ohs mudly doos mA include scrkice-�
Mawd to comoricliun pjWC01nj0r)q Ind OUr:m'- not inwndtd fil
dAw die comraubw v 1i�hri4jiw%, ow pnmodwey cxcqm
Specalcally Mcribed in I& report A ti 4. F,1.oieL:11nical
�:on,szruc6on of thc pr�jewt A= he nvwlilori�d. '-md a g�,otechnical
Our rectmauncmialions atid concludons am based on the lgeoloL�iv wd soil comdilions
Mw?xvr -k,-p -n"kp and thc w;;t pias tr'-C:valed
t on 1114� mL!d geolop'ic t'
on the Sitci and our expwknov qmt engineAng
anti rconaniendaltikms its profosdmg tjAhms its. imp n"imm �mh. Th,"
level of care and skill oi-dinmily exavAul by Mher rvembl n oflbt: rw,11'esii011 cuumtly
prachWe under whuhr mididwis hi this arvo. No warranljmposed or imphuL
. Fh� actual sub-mn'fi.wc condidons of ihc Citi niavai-y Cnrr, ihusu� in (his r�-Pnrf ,
The name and emom of iuch vca. riafic�ns nmy not ba"mie e� idem until constniction swis,
If variatioiis appw thm w shmid he roaked to ri-evaluav,, thc recommerldations. (A."
1N.5 rcpor". and to %efify o.r m�Aif-` tbom ir,t w6ling prim- it, prueQudina fit her xMi tits=.
of Wfopposed dex,h)p new
ScreMer 15, 2612
1', 61 A J4'4 -j No- i--1183
r"a gyy, .
Wt' ,, we� 7,d to he of .bi'.Iv]ti e to you oo i& project.tea,.ie fFet-1 w i`offlact uN H you
hE9tc ima quu,,,flon'i ak-,Wa a ag �� .���63n t".i`
If= Ames anached
Ti lig s�
wip°z Ij 3
i. L.:.iu I note
IL ITE . . ....... .
17134 -1 Al-Bc-lT P()Ac;
Cz D t v 10 N 171
S, VVAS � i � N ff', t N
DAVE 1oll,-,li20'V12
17134 TA[RM ROAD
From: Julian Liu <>
Seat: Friday, August 02, 2013 5:49 PM
To: Lambert, Jennifer
Subject: Fw: Chang Residence - 17134 Talbot Road, Edmonds
Hi Jennifer,
Regarding the city's comment on drainage of footing drain line of the subject project, it is my opinion
that water in footing drain line of the house may be dispersed through the spread pipe dispersion
systems or discharged into the rain garden provided that the low point of the footing drain line is at
least 6 inches higher that the invert of the spread pipes or the top of the rain garden.
Julian Liu
19213 Kenlake Place NE
Kenmore, WA 93023
(Office) 425-433-9134 (Cell) 206-354-1291