LL-10-20 Complete But Need Additional Info.pdf�C. lS�.)
April 27, 2010
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH m EDMONDS, WA 98020 ® 425-771-0220 o FAX 425-771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Mr. Richard McKay
22047 — 981h Place West
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Request for Additional Information for Your Lot Line Adjustment Application
Located at 22039 & 22047 — 98th Place West
File No. PLN20100020
Dear Mr. McKay:
The City of Edmonds has reviewed your application for a lot line adjustment between the
properties at 22039 and 22047 — 98th Place West for completeness pursuant to Edmonds
Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002. It has been determined that the application
meets the procedural submission requirements and is therefore complete. Please accept this letter
as the City's notice to the applicant of determination of completeness pursuant to ECDC
Although the application is procedurally complete, additional information is needed before
review of the application can continue. Please make the following corrections/updates to your
survey and resubmit two large copies and one reduced copy of the updated survey at your earliest
convenience so that review of your application can continue:
Under the "Certification" heading on Sheet 1, update the statement to reflect the fact that
more than one person is signing the documents. This statement could be updated as
follows (corrections shown in italics): "We certify that we are the legal owners of the
properties described on this survey and we certify that this lot line adjustment is made of
our free will and according to our desires."
2. On Sheet 2, correct the name of the right-of-way to 981h Place West.
3. Provide the existing and proposed areas of both lots on Sheet 2 so that staff may confirm
compliance with the minimum required lot area of 8,000 net square feet per lot.
4. Since the dimension lines between the existing structures and the property lines are
shown with the same line style as the outlines of the structures, it is very confusing which
is which. Therefore, please change the line style used for the dimensions so that it is clear
that these lines do not indicate structures, but are only dimension lines.
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5. All existing structures must be shown on the survey. This includes the uncovered deck at
22039, the entirety of the covered and uncovered portions of the deck at 22047, the shed
at 22047, the fence between the two properties, and all other existing structures on either
6. The minimum required side setback from the property line being shifted between the two
properties is 7.5 feet to both the north and the south of this property line. Setbacks are
measured as a radius from all corners of a property line. Please provide the shortest
distances from all structures on each property to the new property line (sometimes the
shortest distance is at a radius from the property line) and/or draw in the 7.5 -foot side
setback lines on both properties so that staff can confirm compliance with all setback
Please submit the above information as soon as possible, so that staff may continue processing
your application. Please keep in mind that a complete response to this information request
must be received within 90 days or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at machuga@ci.edmonds.wa.us or (425) 771-
0220, extension 1224.
Jen Machuga
Cc: File No. PLN20100020
Gary and Marilyn Dye
22039 — 98t" Place West
Edmonds, WA 98020