Lorent 8-9-07.pdf August 9, 2007 James Lorent th 18514 79 Pl. W. Edmonds, WA. 98026 Case: # ZE-07-224 (2007-0083) th Subject Property: 18514 79 Pl. W., Edmonds, WA. 98026 Dear Mr. Lorent, The City has received a complaint regarding stagnant water in the swimming pool at the subject property. You may not have been aware of the City swimming pool regulations. The Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Building Code Section addresses pool maintenance as follows: 19.55.050 Responsibility of pool owner. The pool shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and all equipment maintained in a satisfactory operating condition when the pool is in use. \[Ord. 3215 1, 1998; Ord. 1522, 1970\]. Corrective actions required: Please contact me at your earliest convenience by August 16, 2007 regarding the compliance options and · schedules below. An Order to Correct is issued if no contact is made. Please clean and maintain the pool in a clean and sanitary condition at your earliest convenience by August · 31, 2007 or; Please drain the pool at your earliest convenience by August 31, 2007. ECDC 18.10.050 outlines the · requirements for draining swimming pools as follows: 18.10.050 Draining of swimming pools. A. No Building Permit to Issue. No building or construction permit shall issue for the construction of any facility used in or as a part of any swimming pool, hot tub, jacuzzi, bathing facility, stock watering trough, holding tank, or any other facility designed and intended for the storage of water in quantities in excess of 50 gallons where such facility is designed and intended to drain into the city sewerage system through any city owned grinder pump. B. Prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any individual to drain any swimming pool, hot tub, jacuzzi, stock water trough, or any other facility designed or intended to hold more than 50 gallons of water through any city owned grinder pump or to do so without the permit required in subsection C of this section. C. Permit Required. No person shall drain any of the facilities described in subsections A and B of this section without first having obtained a current city permit. The permit shall be posted on the building or premises where the drainage is to occur and, unless revoked, shall not be removed until such work has been finally approved by the public works director. 1. Fee. The fee for a drainage permit shall be $10.00. 2. Approval Criteria. The public works director shall only approve an application if it is in his judgment that the drainage of the facility herein described can be done through the city's sanitary and/or public sewer system directly in a manner which will not endanger the grinder pump nor shall it overload the sanitary or storm sewerage systems in such a way as to threaten the public's health, safety and welfare. 3. Term – Permits. Each permit shall be issued with respect to one drainage and shall be good for a period of 30 days from the date of issue. \[Ord. 2470, 1984\]. I have also enclosed a brochure regarding the West Nile Virus which encourages citizens of Snohomish County to reduce mosquito breeding habitat by attending to stagnant standing water. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. If you have any questions please call me at 425-771-0220 x1716. Sincerely, Mike Thies Code Enforcement Inspector thies@ci.edmonds.wa.us