Lorian Woods.doc CITY OF EDMONDS CRITICAL AREAS RECONNAISSANCE REPORT rd Site Location:Tax Acct. Number: 16007 – 73 Avenue W. 00790400000200 Determination: Determination #: Study Required CRA20060147 Applicant:Owner: Brian & Cindy Isaacson Brian & Cindy Isaacson CRITICAL AREAS RECONNAISSANCE REPORT:STUDY REQUIRED During review and inspection of the subject site, it was found that the site may contain critical areas, including Areas with Potential Wetlands, Landslide Hazard Area, Erosion Hazard Areas, and Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas pursuant to Chapter 23.40 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC). GENERAL CRITICAL AREAS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Critical Areas Reports identify, classify and delineate any areas on or adjacent to the subject property that may qualify as critical areas. They also assess these areas and identify any potential impacts resulting from your specific development proposal. If a specific development proposal results in an alteration to a critical area the critical areas report will also contain a mitigation plan. You have the option of completing the portion of the study that classifies and delineates the critical areas and waiting until you have a specific development proposal to complete the study. You may also choose submit the entire study with your specific development application.  Please review the minimum report requirements for all types of Critical Areas which are listed in ECDC 23.40.090.D. There are additional report requirements for different types of critical areas (see below).  Note that it is important for the report to be prepared by a qualified professional as defined in the ordinance. There are options on how to complete a critical areas study and an approved list of consultants that you may choose from. You may contact the Planning Division for more information.  General Mitigation Requirements for all Critical Areas are discussed in ECDC 23.40.110 through 23.40.140. REPORT REQUIREMENTS – WETLANDS The site investigation has shown that the site may contain or be adjacent to a wetland. Wetlands are areas inundated or saturated by ground or surface water that support, under normal circumstances, vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil.  Wetlands are generally rated according to their size, condition, function, and vegetation types into four (4) different categories described in ECDC 23.50.010 and by use of the “City of Edmonds Wetland Field Data Form” by the critical areas consultant.  Buffer widths for wetlands vary depending on the category of the wetland as listed in ECDC 23.50.040.F.  In addition to the general requirements for Critical Areas reports referenced above, there are specific Critical Areas report requirements for wetlands that are provided in ECDC 23.50.030. 1 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ASSOCIATED WITH WETLANDS Development proposals that encroach into wetlands or their buffers or building setbacks may be allowed through the approval of certain processes.  The width of a wetland buffer may be reduced through buffer enhancement if the 23.50.040.F.3 criteria described in ECDC can be met.The maximum amount that a buffer can be reduced through buffer enhancement is 50%.  A buffer may also be modified through a process called buffer averaging. The criteria 23.50.040.F.4. applied to buffer averaging are listed in ECDC The maximum amount that the buffer width can be reduced at any single location through buffer averaging is 50%.  Development proposals that proposed encroachments into buffers beyond what is allowed through the above methods require a Critical Areas Variance, or a Reasonable Use Exception. If you think that you have a proposal that may require one of these processes, please contact a Planner for more information.  Any time a development proposal requires an alteration to a wetland, a mitigation plan is required as part of the Critical Areas report. In addition to the General Mitigation requirements referenced above, mitigation requirements specific to wetlands are provided in ECDC 23.50.050.  NOTE: There are specific performance standards for the subdivision of lands in wetlands and wetland buffers. These are listed in ECDC 23.50.060. STUDY REQUIREMENT – EROSION HAZARD AREA It appears that this property contains or is adjacent to an Erosion Hazard Area.  Erosion Hazard areas include Alderwood and Everett series soils on slopes of 15 percent or greater. among others.  Landslide Hazard Areas are further defined in ECDC 23.80.020.A.  In addition to the general requirements for Critical Areas reports referenced above, specific Critical Area report requirements for Erosion Hazard Areas (which are one of the Geologically Hazardous Areas) are provided in ECDC 23.80.050.  Note that Stable Erosion Hazard Areas may have limited report requirements at the director’s discretion. At a minimum an erosion and sediment control plan prepared in compliance with the requirements in ECDC Chapter 18.30 shall be required. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ASSOCIATED WITH EROSION HAZARD AREAS Development is restricted within an Erosion Hazard Area.  Projects that will intrude into these areas will require a report by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer or other qualified professional.  Development standards are given in ECDC 23.80.060 and 23.80.070. STUDY REQUIREMENT – LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREA It appears that this property contains or is adjacent to a Landslide Hazard Area.  A Landslide Hazard Area is any area with a slope of forty percent (40%) or steeper and with a vertical relief of ten (10) or more feet (except areas composed of consolidated bedrock).  Landslide Hazard Areas are further defined and illustrated in ECDC 23.80.020.B.  In addition to the general requirements for Critical Areas reports referenced above, specific Critical Area report requirements for Landslide Hazard Areas are provided in ECDC 23.80.050. 2 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ASSOCIATED WITH LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREAS Development is restricted within a Landslide Hazard Area and its buffer.  Projects that will intrude into these areas will require a report by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer.  The criteria that are applied depend on the amount that the buffer is reduced.  The buffer can be reduced to a minimum of ten (10) feet (with an additional 15’ building setback per ECDC 23.40.280) if a report is prepared that meets the standards listed in ECDC 23.80.050. The alteration must also meet the requirements listed ECDC 23.80.060.  In addition, proposals to reduce the buffer to less than ten (10) feet must comply with the design standards listed in ECDC 23.80.070.A.3. STUDY REQUIREMENT – FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION AREAS Since the site is within a mapped fish and wildlife habitat conservation area, the City would like to preserve as much of the native vegetation as possible. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ON A SITE WITH FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION AREAS The applicant must submit a clearing/tree cutting plan with any development permit. Tree cutting and clearing of native vegetation shall be limited to the footprint of development. ALLOWED ACTIVITIES Certain activities are allowed in or near critical area buffers as specified in ECDC 23.40.20. If you have any questions about whether your proposed development qualifies as an allowed activity, please contact a Planner for more information. EXEMPT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Certain development proposals may be exempt from Critical Areas Requirements (ECDC 23.40.230). If you think that a specific development proposal may be exempt, contact a Planner for more information. Meg Gruwell November 13, 2006 Name Signature Date NOTE: Cited sections of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) can be found on the City of Edmonds website at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us. 3