Magic Toyota BLD2017-0494 M&P Approval Ltr by Rainbow (9-7-2017).pdfRainBow ConSULTing a MECHdnICdL EngIREERINg September 7, 2017 Mr. Leif Bjorback Building Official City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, Washington 98020-3145 Subject: Magic Toyota BLD2017-0494 Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Review 02 I have received and reviewed the above referenced project for conformance with the following codes, as adopted and amended by the State of Washington and the City of Edmonds: 2015 International Mechanical Code (IMC) 2015 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) 2015 Washington State Energy Code, WAC 51-11 (WSEC) The plans are approved contingent upon the following comments: 1. In accordance with IMC 502.14, "areas in which stationary motor vehicles are operated shall be provided with a source capture system that connects directly to the motor vehicle exhaust systems." This system shall be provided by the applicant as a deferred permit submittal. 2. The oil/water interceptor has not been provided with vents as required by UPC 1017.1. The separation or vapor compartment shall be independently vented to the outer air. Where two (2) or more separation or vapor compartments are used, each shall be vented to the outer air. Additionally, the interceptor shall be vented on the sewer side and shall not connect to a flammable vapor vent. All provisions of UPC 1017.0 shall be strictly adhered to. 3. Vents have been omitted from the trench drains connected to oil/water waste line connected to the oil/water interceptor. In accordance with UPC 902.1, vents are permitted to be omitted from the drains connected to the oil/water interceptor where the drains are provided with a settling tank. Trench drains to be provided with JR Smith 9935 Catch Basin or equal. Except for the above, I have found the documents submitted to be in substantial compliance with above referenced codes. If you have any questions, please telephone me directly at 206- 235-6002 or email me at steven@rainbowconsulting-me.com. Sincerely, Rainbow Consulting LLC Steven Rainbow, PE cc: Douglas Beck, Beck & Associates, PLLC, beckpllc@msn.com Rainbow Consulting Mechanical Engineering 336 NW 50"' Street, Seattle, WA 98107 www.rainbowconsulting-me.com Steven Rainbow, PE Phone 206.235.6002 steven@rainbowconsulting-me.com