Mehrling letter.doc
August 9, 2010
Ms. Cheryle Mehrling
19014 Dellwood Dr.
Edmonds, WA 98020
SUBJECT: Shed in rear yard
Dear Ms. Mehrling,
As I had indicated when we meet here at City hall, I accompanied the inspector during the final inspection
of the house remodel work, which is now finaled and the building permit file is completed. The main
purpose of my visit was to view the shed and determine what, if any, violation may exist with the
structure, since it had been noted as a potential violation during the permit review in 2008.
From my visit, I was able to determine that the shed meets the required setbacks from property lines and
is not over the allowable height. The documentation that you presented from the neighbor suggests that
the shed has been there since around 1980 to 1981. This would allow it to be considered as a legally
nonconforming building under zoning code.
The building code only requires that buildings comply with the code in effect at the time they were
constructed. To be conservative I referred to the 1982 Uniform Building Code for guidance. The shed as
constructed appears to meet the code requirements of the 1982 code. In particular it is not required to
have a foundation, as the earlier codes permitted sheds (not intended for human habitation) to be built on
a wood plate.
In short, my more detailed review indicates that the shed is not in violation, but is an existing
nonconforming building. However, the shed is not permitted to have electrical installed without
inspection and approval from the State L & I electrical division. In addition, any improvements made to
the building will need to be done in conformance with the currently adopted codes and may well result in
a loss of the nonconforming status.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220.
Leonard Yarberry
Building Official