Memo to street file re_07-0842.docMEMORANDUM
Date: August 30, 2007 To: Street File From: Mike Clugston, Planner Subject: Permitted Alteration to Structures Existing Within Critical Areas or Buffers
As part of the City’s review of the Toma deck replacement at 21102 Shell Valley Road (BLD20070842), it was noticed that there was a critical area (stream) adjacent to the subject parcel.
As a result, a study was required pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapters 23.40 and 23.90.
However, according to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 23.40.220.C.3 – Permitted Alteration to Structures Existing Within Critical Areas or Buffers – alteration of legally
constructed structures is permitted within critical areas or buffers as long as the action does not increase the impact to the critical area or buffer and there is no increased risk
to life or property as a result of the proposed modification or replacement. The proposed action will not result in negative impacts to the adjacent critical area or buffer; as a result,
no further critical area studies are needed in support of this building permit.