MEMO-Pinneo-Grider-Pump 6-30-06.doc
Date:June 28, 2006
To: File
From:Damon Roth, Stormwater Engineer
Subject:Grinder Pump for Pinneo Residence – 9710 Lindsay Pl.
The March 23, 2006 letter from Dunlap Construction clarifies that the actual sewer ejector pump
for the Pinneo Residence is a Myers pump #SRM4. A review of the specifications for this pump
model found that it does not meet the City’s regulations for private residential sewage pumps as set
forth in Engineering Handout #E62.
Specifically, the discrepancies noted were:
The SRM4 has only a 4/10 horsepower motor. Mechanical Requirement 4 in handout #E62
specifies the minimum acceptable motor size is 2 horsepower.
It appears the SRM4 has only a single mechanical seal. Mechanical Requirement 2 in handout
#E62 specifies that a double mechanical seal is required.
There may be other areas where the SRM4 does not meet the City’s requirements, but review of
the pump was stopped after noting the deficiencies above.
City of Edmonds