Michelle 1.pdfDATE: June 5, 2006 City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 TO: Dwight R McGrew michelbz@nwlink.com a FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exami e ` RE: Plan Check # 06-173 through 06-191 Project: Michele Construction 9 -Single Family Residences Project Address: 8022-8038 2121h St SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) for each plan review number, with a written response to each of the above items to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator. When resubmitting site plans provide Two (2) large and one (1) reduced for each plan review. Site Plan Corrections for all 9 Plan Reviews 1) This is a multi -family project so a complete soils report complying with Chapter 18 of the IBC is required. See attached handout for minimum soils report requirements. Provide three (3) copies. 2) Reduced site plan is illegible. For microfilming purposes provide reduced site plans scaled 1"=20' on no larger than 8 V2" x 14" paper. All note information (height calculations, etc.) can be placed on a separate sheet. Also, provide one reduced site plan per house. 3) Datum point is specified as a side sewer manhole in the middle of 212th. This point is not shown on the site plan and will pose safety issues for the building inspector when performing height verification. Chose alternate datum point (possible catch basin across street) and show location and elevation on the site plan: 4) Provide a site plan key or legend. It is not clear what some of the items on the site plan are intended to show (i.e. blue and red dotted lines). 5) Show all eave overhangs on the site plan especially along the access road. It is unclear on the site plan if the eaves will project into this area. 6) Site and landscape plans show an East/West section ("A") through the site and I was unable to locate this section. Please provide. 7) Landscape plan shows proposed fence in the legend and it is unclear exactly where it is located on the plan. Clarify and also show location of proposed fences on the site plan. Also, clearly note existing fences to remain. 8) Note on site plan that no remodeling (interior or exterior) will occur for the 6-plex or the duplex. 9) For the existing 6-plex specify type of construction and occupancies and show imaginary lot line between 6-plex and new residences to show that the proposed single family building location on the lot will not affect the 6-plex for exterior wall and opening protection including projections IBC 704.3, 704.5 and 704.8. If the existing 6-plex will need to be altered to comply with the exterior wall and opening protection, provide a permit application and plans for proposed changes. 10) On the site plan show dimensions between all buildings. Some of the distances and arrows overlap other numbers and the actual dimensions are not clear. 11) On the site plan show garage parking stalls for house marked 8012 B on the site plan like the other houses are marked. 12) Landscape plan has note about individual trash cans for each unit. Add this note to the site plan. 13) On the site plan show the location of the imaginary property line used to determine fire separation distance per R302 between each house. Also show that the eaves do not encroach into .the fire separation distance more than allowed by this section. Provide listed and tested 1 -hour exterior fire rated assembly with exposure from both sides for walls that are closer than 3' to the line used to determine fire separation and provide details for wall construction on each applicable plan and cross reference where they apply on the floor plans. The only exception to no openings is for crawlspace vents so foundation crawlspace accesses shown in these walls will need to be relocated. 14) It does not appear that the arbors between buildings will meet the requirements of R302 for fire separation distance and location on the lot. If the exception is used for tools and storage sheds not requiring a permit then they are still not allowed to project beyond the lot line (line used to determine fire separation). Address this when showing line used to determine fire separation distance on the site plan. 15) Plans for house marked 8026 (Plan Check 06-183) shows an arbor at the front entrance that is not shown on the site plan. Show on site plan or removed from house plans. Specific Corrections for Plans 16) For Plan Check 06-183, 06-184 and 06-185 show how island sink will be vented through the roof or with a loop vent as permitted by UPC 909.0 shown .Air admittance valves are not permitted unless first approved by the Building Official under and alternate method per UPC 301.2. 17) For all permit applications, the Energy form specifies wall heaters and the plumbing/mechanical form filled out checked furnaces. If wall heaters specify and if furnaces show location of all furnaces on the plans. 18) For all permit applications, R403.1.3 requires all vertical rebar to have a standard hook. Revise Sheet A-8 to reflect. 19) See attached structural comments from city consultant (one for each of the two house types - separate plan check numbers are noted on the coversheets of each one). Respond to each item in writing. Page 2 of 2