Microsoft Word - 06-1198 Plan Review Comments1.pdf
DATE: April 20, 2007
TO: Dennis Walcker
FAX 425.341.1263
FROM: Kathleen Taylor, Associate Planner
RE: PLAN CHECK # 2006-1198
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. The
following revisions are necessary to complete review of the application:
1.. It appears that the lower level meets the requirements of
Decks/Patios to the south
ECDC 16.20.040C. For the upper portion, it appears that the covered porch meets
code requirements, but not the rest of it. Please revise the upper portion to the meet
code requirements of ECDC 16.20.040C Uncovered and unenclosed porches, steps,
patios, and decks may project into a required setback not more than one-third of the
required setback, or four feet, whichever is less. Also refer to Meg Gruwells earlier
comments. The decks can only go into the setbacks at all if they are no more than
30 inches above ground level at any point. The ground level can be manipulated
somewhat to meet this requirement, but fill over three feet is not allowed in the
setbacks. It looks as if more than 36 inches of fill in the setbacks would be
necessary to accommodate the upper patio/deck.
2. As previously requested, please state which manhole cover or other
Datum Point.
item is the designated datum point.
3. The plan submitted is the earlier plan, and not
Landaus Buffer Mitigation Plan.
the one approved by the Hearing Examiner. Please submit two copies of the plan
dated 10/5/2006.
4. I did not see a copy of the bond with the resubmittal. As
Landscaping Bond.
previously requested per ECDC 23.40.290, please submit a bond or frozen fund for
120% of the cost of the improvements, i.e. $49,608. Marie Harrison, permit
coordinator can send you a copy of the forms need for either a bond or the frozen
fund account.
5. The civil plans indicate that grading for the driveway, new water meter,
and sewer line will extend into the agreed-upon stream buffer area. The city will
allow for some flexibility, as long as the stream buffer is restored within this area as
planned for in the mitigation plan, but the disturbance should be as minimal as
possible. In order to minimize disturbance, move the new water meter closer to the
storm cleanout. Then relocate the sewer closer to the water meter. In speaking with
Jeannie McConnell, Engineering Technician, the Engineering Division will likely
approve a distance of 5 feet, as long as the sewer is lower than the water line.
6. In order to limit disturbance to the slope and stream buffer area,
Drains into Stream.
reduce the number of drains into the stream to one drain only.
Please respond in writing to the above items. For any revisions, submit two copies of all
full size plans and one reduced copy of the site plan. Make all submittals to a
Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to noon or
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220
ext 1330. I am in the office Mondays, Wednesdays, and until noon on Fridays. I look
forward to working with you on this project.