Microsoft Word - 07-0210 Plan Review Comments1.pdf
DATE: April 13, 2007
TO: Erik Andersen
HWA Geosciences Inc.
FAX 425.774.2714
FROM: Kathleen Taylor, Associate Planner
RE: PLAN CHECK # 2007-0210
16319 75 PL W
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. The
following revisions are necessary to complete review of the application:
1. The reduced versions of the site plan are not to scale. Please
Reduced Site Plan.
2.. Since the south property line abuts the
Setback along South Property Line
undeveloped right-of-way of 164 St SW, a street setback is required. As a result, the
required setback from the south property line is 25, rather than 10. The proposal
must be revised, or you may submit for a variance. The fees are approximately
$1,320, and the processing time is a minimum of 3 to 4 months, if everything is
submitted within a timely manner. However, there is no guarantee that the variance
will be granted. The application must meet all of the criteria. Please carefully review
the criteria before considering this option. Refer to the attached handout. Additional
application materials will be needed. Please contact me, if you wish to apply.
Height Calculations. According to the submittal, the height calculations are taken
from a combination of a Group 4 survey done 1989 and an LSA survey. Please
provide copies of each survey and document how you arrived at the final numbers.
Please contact me to set up a meeting with Jenny Readwin of the Building Division
and me to discuss the information.
4. The site plan includes the average grade and maximum elevation.
Actual Elevation.
Along with that information, please include the actual elevation.
5. To calculate the lot coverage for the Planning Division, please
Lot Coverage.
include the building foot print including the bay window and 2 floor deck. Show
the calculations on both the full-size and reduced copies of the site plan.
6. Please show the bay window on the site plan.
Cantilevered Bay Window.
7. FYI only. Thank you for submitting the SEPA checklist and additional
information. I will issue a SEPA determination with the next 1 to 2 weeks and you
will receive a copy.
8. Please clearly identify the toe of the
Toe of Slope, Buffer and Building Setback.
slope the 60 buffer area and 15 building setback on every copy of the site plan.
9. Thank you for submitting the letter and photos. The stand of cedars
Land Clearing.
is shown on the civils. However, please submit a separate site plan that includes the
top of slope, buffer area, building setback area and location of the existing trees. It
does not need to have each individual tree labeled, but may show the trees in
bubbled areas. Please show on the plan what will be removed and remain. Include
an outline of the area of disturbance.
10. The clearing limits should be shown on the site plan.
Clearing Limits.
11. Please submit a landscape plan. According to the final recorded
Landscape Plan.
short plat, landscape planting shall be only those which are native to the Pacific
Northwest or which are drought resistant. An irrigation system is prohibited.
12.. Please label the front, back, sides as east, west, north, and south.
Elevation Views
13.. The critical areas study as prepared by HWA Geosciences
Critical Areas Study
must entirely respond to the requirements of the Edmonds Community Development
Code 23.80.050-070. Please respond to the following code sections.
a.ECDC 23.80.050B2 & C1a mention state that the report must include all
geologically hazardous areas within 200 feet of the proposal or the areas that
have the potential to be affected by the proposal. Please respond to this
requirement. Please specifically state what area is included in the report and
why. In reviewing the report as is, it only includes the lot itself. If that is
sufficient, please state in the document.
b.ECDC 23.80.050C1b The report must include a copy of the site plan including
fill, storage of materials, drainage, etc.
c.ECDC 23.80.050C1d Clearing Limits
d.ECDC 23.80.050E Any mitigation necessary?
e.ECDC 23.80.050F1b Location of springs, seeps, etc. on site plan, if necessary.
f.ECDC 23.80.060 Development standards general requirements. Please
specifically respond to each item, verbatim.
g.Overall, please take a look at the code sections in their entirety, just to ensure
that all of the requirements have been met.
14.. Please provide a schematic of each rockery in its entirety in relation to
the original grade established by #2 above. Rockeries within the setback areas may
not exceed 3 in height above original grade.
Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday
through Friday, 9:00 am to noon or 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me at 425.771.0220 ext 1330. I am in the office Mondays, Wednesdays,
and until noon on Fridays. I look forward to working with you on this project.