Date:January 27, 2015
To:Mike Clugston, Associate Planner
From:JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician
PLN20140075, Mione 2 lot short plat
19011 Olympic View Dr.
The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary civil plans &
documents for the subject short plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at
this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the
short plat. Please ask the applicant to provide a written response to each of the outstanding
comments below and revise and resubmit plans accordingly.
Please also note, after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division, the
applicant will be required to submit civil engineering plans to the City for review and approval
after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division.
1.Please indicate Lot A and Lot B on plan.
2.Please provide a full infiltration test report. See Stormwater Supplement Appendix C ( for
the approved methods and submittal information required, for example, the submittal for
PIT testing include the soils tests, the textural triangle, and the calculations determining
design infiltration rate.
3.With the infiltration rate determined, please using the simplified sizing tools found in the
City Handout E72-LID to size the drywells. The sizing should be calculated using the
entire impervious surface to be mitigated. The resulting sizing can be split into two
separate drywells if preferred. Show the scaled drywells on the plan to confirm that there
are no conflicts with other utilities/structures.
a.This project can be considered a Category 1 project due to a recent stormwater
policy change concerning 2-lot short plats.. As a category 1 project, treatment of
the driveway impervious surface is not required. The driveway impervious surface
City of Edmonds
may be mitigated in the same manor as all other impervious surface on the site (i.e.
directed to a drywell or similar facility.)
b.The plan submitted does not meet the requirement of mitigating the runoff on
private property. In order to use the dispersement method, the driveway must be
configured in such a way to allow all of the runoff to directly disperse through the
amended soil area and vegetative barrier before leaving private property. The
runoff from the driveway may not sheet flow into the public right of way or catch
basin without acceptable flow mitigation.
5.Show the location of existing and proposed underground dry utilities, sanitary sewer
systems, water mains and water service lines adjacent and within the proposed subdivision.
6.Call out approximate invert elevations for sewer connection at house and at property line
to confirm a 2% slope can be attained.
7.Please show any and all easements and utilities crossing the lots.
Thank you.